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Thread: Chapter 246

  1. #21
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    i can see everyone else getting better (obviously) but definitely not as much as naruto or sakura. i can see losers like hinata, chouji, kiba, tenten, ino, shino, etc. getting stronger but there would be no doubt in my mind that sakura alone could take any of them on. but cool people like lee, shika, and neji would be vastly superior than those other loser genins.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  2. #22

    RE: Chapter 246

    sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time

  3. #23

    RE: Chapter 246

    I really liked this chapter. It had da funnies and when sakura displayed her strength I was like whoa(Joey Ruso style). The look on Kakashi's face was classic and the way Naruto used Kage Bushin was bad ass. I liked the way they got the bells from Kakashi to show how much Naruto uses his head now. I new Naruto was gonna get Kakashi with the "A ninja must look underneath the uhderneath."

  4. #24
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    I think I liked this chapter. It wasn't the best chapter we've seen so far, but it was as good as it could have been with its premise. Being the rabid Shikamaru fan that I am, I can't wait to see the next chapter.

    Originally posted by: dragon608608
    sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
    I'm having a litte trouble understanding you. I think you're asking in what volume one can find chapter twenty-four. If that's what you are asking I have the answer. Chapter twenty-four can be found in volume three. I believe you can find it by clicking Here.. I hope that helped. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood you.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  5. #25
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    i want to know if sasuke has become really evil yet. other than that i really want to see what shika, neji, lee and gaara can do.

  6. #26
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
    Originally posted by: dragon608608
    sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
    I'm having a litte trouble understanding you. I think you're asking in what volume one can find chapter twenty-four. If that's what you are asking I have the answer. Chapter twenty-four can be found in volume three. I believe you can find it by clicking Here.. I hope that helped. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood you.
    Actually what I think he meant was: which chapter has the extra folder that has the colourized version of the cover of 24. You know how Inane do "extra" folders that have colour versions of front pages? That's my take on it anyway.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  7. #27

    RE: Chapter 246

    i think sasuke has basically the same kind of attitude as he did before, wants the power to kill his brother, but i think he will be harsher a little more evil but i don't think he will be as evil as orochimaru, only when someone comes in the way of his goals.
    also he is needing to make his escape soon, or how ever he gets outta orochimaru's grasp.

    i really want to see the other ninja's at this point, it seems we will see at least shikamaru in 247, and hopefully some others.

  8. #28
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    Basically I can see Naruto taking the classic storyline of many older manga:

    1. Buddies grow up together
    2. One of the buddies turn bad while the main buddy remains good
    3. Bad buddy strives to defeat good buddy
    4. Good buddy hesitant to beat bad buddy
    5. New evil stronger than 2 buddies comes along
    6. Buddies become good friends again and defeats new evil
    7. Friends forever, blah blah

    Sounds familiar?
    Shulato anyone?
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #29
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    never heard of shulato, but that sounds like what could happen in naruto

  10. #30

    RE: Chapter 246

    Man I can't wait to see Gaara. Hes gonna be super badass. I can def see him fighting one of the members of Akatsuki by himself.

  11. #31

    RE: Chapter 246

    How funny would it be if we found out the Sasuke had succesfully killed his brother of the course of the time jump.

    Something tells me that were at the point where Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are about to out pace all of the other Genin in terms of skill and developement. Now there finally going to start to become legendary figures.

  12. #32

    RE: Chapter 246

    Damn they are the strongest gennins ever probably

  13. #33
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    sakura should be a chuunin by now.......
    she's been in the village for 2.5 years, which means that about 5 chuunin exams took place since the 1st one they were in. I can understand naruto still being genin since he was gone, but she has NO excuse
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #34
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    sakura should be a chuunin by now.......
    she's been in the village for 2.5 years, which means that about 5 chuunin exams took place since the 1st one they were in. I can understand naruto still being genin since he was gone, but she has NO excuse
    I wonder if there's a rule for those who wish to take the chuunin exam but no longer have a 3 man cell, since one of the rules for entry was that one's entire team needed to participate. Temporary teams?

  15. #35
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 246

    I think most of the Genins have already proven themselves worthy of being a Genin in terms of skills and powers, for eg. Neji who has been called the Genius of the Hyuga clan and Rock Lee who's able to open 5 of the 8 gates. But although their powers have surpassed those of a regular Chunin, most of them failed the Chunin exams except for Shikamaru, who although was defeated managed to get promoted due to his talent in tactics and planning.

    Thus, it is safe to assume that promotions do not come based on only skill and power factor.
    Eg. Back in the Chunin exams, if Naruto were to go against a Chunin, maybe Iruka, who do u think will win?

    Question then: Do all ninjas need to clear the exams before he can be promoted to the next rank? Or do they get automatic promotions based on powers/seniority/other attributes?

    If they have to pass the exams it would be quite redundant for any of them to take it again as Naruto and Sakura being the students of 2 Sannins should have already reached at least Chunin level by now...
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  16. #36

    RE: Chapter 246

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
    Originally posted by: dragon608608
    sorry for bother, but can anyone tell me what chapter, Inane have an chapter 24 (speed) extra? i lost the original and don't know what chapter to download it back. thank you for your time
    I'm having a litte trouble understanding you. I think you're asking in what volume one can find chapter twenty-four. If that's what you are asking I have the answer. Chapter twenty-four can be found in volume three. I believe you can find it by clicking Here.. I hope that helped. I'm sorry if I've misunderstood you.
    Actually what I think he meant was: which chapter has the extra folder that has the colourized version of the cover of 24. You know how Inane do "extra" folders that have colour versions of front pages? That's my take on it anyway.
    u are correct, that what i ask, but do u know what chapter is that?

  17. #37

    RE: Chapter 246

    I think most of the Genins have already proven themselves worthy of being a Genin in terms of skills and powers, for eg. Neji who has been called the Genius of the Hyuga clan and Rock Lee who's able to open 5 of the 8 gates. But although their powers have surpassed those of a regular Chunin, most of them failed the Chunin exams except for Shikamaru, who although was defeated managed to get promoted due to his talent in tactics and planning.

    Thus, it is safe to assume that promotions do not come based on only skill and power factor.
    Eg. Back in the Chunin exams, if Naruto were to go against a Chunin, maybe Iruka, who do u think will win?

    Question then: Do all ninjas need to clear the exams before he can be promoted to the next rank? Or do they get automatic promotions based on powers/seniority/other attributes?
    Its not about their level of power... Its all about the teamwork.

    However, I think the whole scope of the story has stepped away from the rank of them, since ranks are only determined by what missions you are chosen for, and probaby works in terms of the pay structure. However, Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto are now their own 3 man team. Kakashi is probably team leader, but the fact they're a team, and Kakashi isn't a babysitter anymore is a good sign of their acknowledgement of power.

    Though the point of the whole bell capturing exercise again was to see if Naruto and Sakura could work together as a team (original purpose of that test). I think Kakashi did that to see if they would be able to function as a team, and not just be independantly strong, if that makes any sense.

    Ultimately, they still didn't really prove teamwork, they displayed individual strength.... again... Though the tactics used to lower Kakashi's guard was effective, and pretty damn funny, how was that representative of teamwork (aside from the discussion to arrive at that solution =P). In that respect, the episode didn't really show how much they've grown, we just kind of assume alot of individual growth.

    Long story short, its all about their teamwork.

  18. #38

    RE: Chapter 246

    Since its 2 and a half years later.
    Lets take a guess which gennin would have made it to chunnin by now.

    i vote neji.

  19. #39

    RE: Chapter 246

    Shouldnt they all be chunnins right now? Maybe those who were sent after Sasuke got promoted after the mission.

  20. #40

    Chapter 246

    finally naruto gets good enough to post about again!
    as for the chuunin thing, you have to take the exam to get promoted (with naruto out of town it means hes probably still a genin while everyone else might have had a shot at the exam)
    also i dont think its a bad thing if naruto is still a genin, i mean Kabuto is a genin and look how strong he is.
    besides, naruto isnt really a leader per say - regardless of how strong you are you need to be able to set up a plan from the very beginning (i know people might say that naruto has analytical skills from how he decided to take the bells of Kakashi, but that was far into the battle)

    by the way, for some reason i cant upload my avatar? anyone know what the problem is there (yeah its 60x60 and lower then 100kb)

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