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Thread: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

  1. #81

    RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Naruto won't be as big as DBZ

  2. #82

    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Naruto could become quite bigger then DBZ all it need is the right marketing.

    Heheh there's actually a small chance that I might become an advisor for promoting naruto. I got the contact information for the guy who runs the toonami block. Sent him an e-mail but haven't gotten a response back. I'm plotting a massive campaign that will hopefully either grab his attention or impress him.

    Like I said before chances are very slim but it may work. If so you guys will probably be the first to know.

  3. #83

    RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    To answer the original question, I wouldn´t do a damn thing to make it successful.

  4. #84
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    wow probably first in quite a couple that answered the question... now that i think of it i kinda agree, i dont want naruto to be successful in US AT ALL because then again, we'll have kids throwing plastic shrukiens and running down the block going "no fair stop running i already hit you with a chidori!" the other goes "prove it? i'm still running!"

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  5. #85

    RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    I don't know about you guys but honestly I can't wait to see kids running around the block chasing each other with chidori's. Holloween will also be fricking hilarious with little kids wearing naruto, sasuke, and sakura masks. Best part is if I get any crap from any of them I'll just tell them a really good spoiler.

    "Oh so you think sasuke is a real badass hero, don't you know he gets his ass owned by Garra plus he runs away from the village like a little pussy."

    "Thats right Sakura does absolutely nothing for at least 130 episodes. Except for that one time where she gets beat up retarded."

    "Don't get to attached to the third hokage or that examiner guy either."

    Heheh so much fun shall be had.

  6. #86

    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    I dunno about that one. I know the press release stated Naruto is slated for airing on Cartoon Network in Q3 of 2005, which is sometime in the summer. The problem lies in WHERE it would be put. I watched Yu Yu Hakusho for a long time on Adult Swim, and then they moved it to Toonami (back when it was pretty much in the place Muguzi is now) and I noticed a big difference. In Toonami, they cut out a lot of scenes altogether deemed too violent from it's Adult Swim time. And I do know even then it was censored further from it's original japanese origin.

    But given Toonami's playing time (8pm to 11pm on Saturday) it stands to reason they will edit it assuming more younger teenagers will be watching, say around 13 years or so. Which would really not be a good thing to those of us who have already seen it. I'd watched a couple of episodes just to see how the dubbing and translation goes though.

    But to be honest I would have to agree with the DVD releases, unedited and simply subtitled. There's really not a good hope you'll get good dubbing, and we're all used to the subtitles anyway. Heck, anyone who is considered even a lightweight anime buff should be used to subtitles.

    I personally don't want to see merchandising out the wazoo though. I feel such things cheapen the overall product such merchandising stems from. But that won't be helped, unless they do unedited DVD releases I don't think I'll be moving much out from the fansubs here barring watching a few on cartoon network to gauge how well/poorly they did it.

  7. #87

    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Hey i'm just curious to hear your opinions. What would you think if most of the naruto music was cut out of the american release and replaced with different music. I wonder how much outrage that will produce considering that how many people out there love the naruto music.

  8. #88
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    as long as they won't add words to 'rise and fight' and make it "i'm naruto, i'm gonna hit you, like i did with ebisu, yeah yeah yeah!' I won't really mind, Naruto music isn't that great, in fact, most of the endings and opennings are crap, and the BGM never sounded important enough to make me think "wow, there is a music playing in the background', go watch any bee train anime if you want something good.
    oh, and they better not change Kakashi's theme, it's got a great sonic feeling to it.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #89
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Some of the OPs and EDs are my favorite songs...={

    How DID DBZ get so big in the first place??

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #90

    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    I think it will be bigger then DBZ i hope....since naruto's art is better and they have more back story.....but i hope they dont screw over haku by making him a girl.

  11. #91
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Originally posted by: daisukekamiya
    I think it will be bigger then DBZ i hope....since naruto's art is better and they have more back story.....but i hope they dont screw over haku by making him a girl.
    Ohh shit! Please don't say that. If so they will probably give him a crappy name like Amy ( not insulting those whose name is Amy BTW. What I mean know what I mean)

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  12. #92
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    nope, they'll call her (him, they'll make him a her) snow,cuz it's the direct translation, and no one asked questions when they used the name in dragon ball.

    of course, there's still the possibility they'll decide to be extra stupid and use the spanish word for snow as the name in order to draw in the lation crowed, never underestimate the power of money in the capitalistic system.

    oh, and DBZ got so big becuase it was good, and it still, except the bad parts.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #93

    RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Haha except the bad parts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    DBZ got so big cause it didnt have a lot of shows like it when it was new if it came out now most people wouldnt like it....

  14. #94
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Well, I think this is a moot question really... I was watching Dragon Ball Z when there were only like 10 episodes in English and you had to wake up at like 4 in the fucking morning to watch it. It was right before Ultraman and The Botz Master. It was the most obscure of Cult Classics, but then at this time ALL anime were cult classics and you could count all the ones that weren't porn on on hand... Needless to say SOME American marketers know exactly how to make the product work...(those fuckers who market a drug and tell you to consult your doctor before taking it without telling you WHAT THE FUCK ITS FOR.... I don't know how they made it in this world as marketers) But as with "DBZ" so shall it probably be with Naruto...It will be bigger than Spaceballs : The breakfast cereal, and Spaceballs: the Toilet paper combined. And all of the fans will feel like shit because there will be millions of fucking 9 year olds running around school with their favorite village's Shinobi Hachigane on their head, or Sharingan contacts, and Naruto Lunch kettles, underoos, T-shirts, stickers, and whatever the fuck else you can brand the images onto....don't worry....its coming...

    This is simply the calm before the storm, and when it hits... its going hit like throwing a cow into the prop of a B-52

    Rouailtagh said:

    I dunno about that one. I know the press release stated Naruto is slated for airing on Cartoon Network in Q3 of 2005, which is sometime in the summer. The problem lies in WHERE it would be put. I watched Yu Yu Hakusho for a long time on Adult Swim, and then they moved it to Toonami (back when it was pretty much in the place Muguzi is now) and I noticed a big difference. In Toonami, they cut out a lot of scenes altogether deemed too violent from it's Adult Swim time. And I do know even then it was censored further from it's original japanese origin.

    But given Toonami's playing time (8pm to 11pm on Saturday) it stands to reason they will edit it assuming more younger teenagers will be watching, say around 13 years or so. Which would really not be a good thing to those of us who have already seen it. I'd watched a couple of episodes just to see how the dubbing and translation goes though.

    But to be honest I would have to agree with the DVD releases, unedited and simply subtitled. There's really not a good hope you'll get good dubbing, and we're all used to the subtitles anyway. Heck, anyone who is considered even a lightweight anime buff should be used to subtitles.

    I personally don't want to see merchandising out the wazoo though. I feel such things cheapen the overall product such merchandising stems from. But that won't be helped, unless they do unedited DVD releases I don't think I'll be moving much out from the fansubs here barring watching a few on cartoon network to gauge how well/poorly they did it.

    Can anyone say " HFIL ".....sigh..... and I remember when Buu said things that made me make sure children that could read weren't present. He swore worse than I do! Naruto is going to get edited so bad that they'll be able to put 2 episodes in to one.... and all the cool techniques are going to be transformed too, Makkenkosappo becomes "special beam cannon of swirlie gay light!".... then all the wonderful background music that made us either go out and buy the soundtrack, or (for the more destitute fan such as mysefl) illegially download it from one of millions of avenues on the internet, shall be replaced by "Disturbed" and other shitty death metal groups.... They'll probably also get some dipshit narriator with a deep voice they'll think is "cool, hip, in, and dramatic" to further fuck things up.

    2/16/2005 was a dark day indeed...

  15. #95

    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    All hope seems lost. Naruto is comming to the states this september. I actually got contact information for the guy who manages the toonami programming block. I organized an aggresive marketing campaign in order to grab his attention but unfortunatly I have yet to receive a response. To bad, although if this changes in the not to distant future you guys will be the first to know. We are now in the calm before the storm and the best we can hope for is that the filler arc of the comic dosen't last to much longer.

    If there is one thing we can take solice in is that when all the nine-year-olds are swarming around our ankles we can simply brush them aside by revealing big plot spoilers.

    "Hey you like that guy with the really big sword? We'll don't get to attached to him because he isn't going to last to much longer."

    "Hey you know that guy who sounds like Michael Jackson in the forest of death? don't you know he kills the hokage."

    "Yeah that's right naruto fights sasuke, but then he gets black lipstick and demonic wings and kicks his ass, that's right naruto loses, he fails to keep his promise."

    MWhahahahahahaha much fun shall be had, so much fun shall be had in the not to distant future.

  16. #96
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    If there is one thing we can take solice in is that when all the nine-year-olds are swarming around our ankles we can simply brush them aside by revealing big plot spoilers.

    "Hey you like that guy with the really big sword? We'll don't get to attached to him because he isn't going to last to much longer."

    "Hey you know that guy who sounds like Michael Jackson in the forest of death? don't you know he kills the hokage."

    "Yeah that's right naruto fights sasuke, but then he gets black lipstick and demonic wings and kicks his ass, that's right naruto loses, he fails to keep his promise."

    MWhahahahahahaha much fun shall be had, so much fun shall be had in the not to distant future.
    Some of them might just crowd around you and go "And then? And then?"......
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  17. #97
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    i think naruto has the potential to be bigger than pokeman was, but not on toonami and cartoon network. it needs to be on a normal saturday morning block for it to be real successful. i hope it is successful in the u.s., we still have our subs. if it becomes successful over here then we get the PS2 games, thats all i want...

  18. #98
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    But then the PS2 games would have the english voices as well, and that would suck. I remember playing on the old PS1 Gundam Battle Assault games and my entire experience with it sucked due to the voices......

    You can't really beat Sasuke shouting "Chiiiiidori!" or Naruto shouting "Rasennnngann!". Although the US show might keep these move names but I don't think they will ever be as good as the japanese voices.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  19. #99
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    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    i think naruto has the potential to be bigger than pokeman was, but not on toonami and cartoon network. it needs to be on a normal saturday morning block for it to be real successful. i hope it is successful in the u.s., we still have our subs. if it becomes successful over here then we get the PS2 games, thats all i want...
    I agree on that one...but also agree with Psyke. It'll be nice to have the games, but the voices will suck. Is there some sort of mod chip for PS2? Well anyways, if they make a PS3 one, you should be in luck, I've heard that the PS3 is supposed to do away with the difference ins JAP NTSC and US NTSC and maybe even read PAL stuff. That would be the shit, then you wouldn't have to make so many different versions of shit, and everything would be compatible. Currently the Naruto games out though sadly didn't look all that impressive though. Ultimately the one made at the end of the series will rule because everyone and there momma will probably be playable, and everyone should have ALL of their techniques. Cause I dont' think Naruto even has Rasengan in the current ones. But I'm not really sure.

  20. #100

    What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S

    Oh, come on now! We all know what's going to happen. Sure, they're going to keep the original names of jutsus and such, but what lurks on the dark horizon is what should strike fear into all of your hearts. That's right! A Hip-Hop based soundtrack! We all heard the AMAZING One Piece Rap, and let me tell you, it won't stop at One Piece.

    50 Cent, dubbed by me as "Biggest Dumbshit in the History of All Creation" claims to be, get this, a ROLE MODEL! (WTF?!) That's right folks! 50 Cent himself, the self-proclaimed role model of the new century, shall mold the future of the world through his oh-so-morally-correct ways. I'm telling you, kids younger and younger are getting into the whole "G" scene, hell I've seen kids around the age of 10 and under dressed in FULL GANGSTER APPAREL. Maybe if we're lucky we'll be able to witness the explosion of Randy "Macho Man" Savage's amazing talent through the naruto dub! ( Hip-Hop Anime! The wave of the future! Oooohhh Yeah! But of course, it will be "mild" Hip-Hop, therefore you will hear the children screaming: "Get yo' behind back here fo' I bust a Chidori in it!". Welcome to the shithole that humanity (mainly on televison) has plummeted into.

    Like Rhanfahl said: "It will be bigger than Spaceballs : The breakfast cereal, and Spaceballs: the Toilet paper combined. And all of the fans will feel like shit because there will be millions of fucking 9 year olds running around school with their favorite village's Shinobi Hachigane on their head, or Sharingan contacts, and Naruto Lunch kettles, underoos, T-shirts, stickers, and whatever the fuck else you can brand the images onto"

    That's how I would "successfully" market, plaster anything Naruto related onto anything it could possibly go on, It's a sure-win. Again, like Rhanfahl said: "....don't worry....its coming..." Really guys, don't worry about it, because it IS coming, and there's nothing we can do about it, so just let it all sink deeper into the pit of absolute crap and try not to get pulled in yourself. Have a nice day everyone, and if I offended anyone with this post, I am sorry, I am only sharing my opinion.

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