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Thread: Chapter 245 RAW

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    thanks for the link and textlation so far

    ZOMGWTF HOOKER BOOTS. naruto a bit taller, sakura's hair hasn't grown any..........
    anyhow it's gotten off to a good start. i'm really looking forward to the next chapters.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  2. #22

    Chapter 245 RAW

    Page 1: Color cover, showing off Naruto's new look

    Page 2:
    Naruto: "It's been about 2 1/2 years..."
    Jiraiya: "That's right..."

    Pages 3 & 4: Popularity contest results

    Page 5:
    Jiraiya: "Heh. He's in high spirits."

    Page 6:
    Naruto: "I'm so nostalgic!" (lit. nostalgic, but that's not really a sentence, is it? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] )

    Page 7:
    Naruto: "It hasn't changed a bit!"

    Page 8:
    Naruto: "Yeah! Yeah!"

    Page 9:
    Naruto: "Huh? Old Lady Tsunade's face was added to the rock!"
    Kakashi: "You've gotten big... Naruto." (*)

    Page 10:
    Kakashi: "Yo!"
    Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei! You haven't changed a bit! Oh! That's right!"

    Page 11:
    Naruto: "Hey! Hey! I've got a present for you, Kakashi-sensei!"

    Tsunade: "Sakura..."
    Sakura: "Yes!"
    Tsunade: "That Naruto kid... it looks like he's come back."

    Kakashi: "Whaaaaat?! You... t-this...!"

    Page 12:
    Naruto: This is the latest in the 'Icha-Icha' series in three years! It was really hard to get, but I knew you'd like it!"
    Jiraiya: "Idiot... that odd kid (something, can't figure it out)... that rare item still hasen't been released in the world yet."

    Page 13:
    Naruto: "All right! Let's go straight to Ichiraku Ramen!"

    Jiraiya: "This is the street where you entrusted Naruto to me." (*)
    Kakashi: "......."
    Jiraiya: "Soon, Akatsuki is going to start to make its move. This is what I've heard from my sources." (*)

    Naruto: "Ah!"

    Page 14:
    Naruto: "Sa-Sakura-chan?"
    Sakura: "Eh? Naruto?!"

    Page 15:
    Sakura: "What do you think? I've started to become a woman..."
    Naruto: "That's OK! You haven't changed a bit!"
    Jiraiya: (can't quite figure it out. he's saying something that's annoying Sakura, so that translation in the original summary might actually be right)

    Sakura: "You've actually gotten taller than me?!"
    Naruto: "Yeah..."

    Naruto: "Huh... I hadn't really noticed that I'd gotten that much bigger..." (*)

    Konohamaru: "Naruto-niichan!"

    Page 16:
    Konohamaru: "Oiroke no jutsu!"
    Jiraiya: "Oho!"
    Konohamaru: "What do you think?" (he then uses some Japanese SFX, I think. not sure how to translate)

    Page 17:
    Naruto: "...Konohamaru, I'm not a kid anymore. You, too, should stop doing those sorts of jutsus."

    Sakura: "That's right. In his growth to adulthood, his eyes are different than before. He still has a bit of loneliness in them, but it's not prominent anymore... Naruto. You've definitely brought back some wonderful qualities." (*)

    Naruto: "That jutsu is unrefined (?), Konohamaru! Watch! My newly developed erotic ninjutsu! Let's goooooo!"
    Sakura: "Right, right. That new erotic ninjutsu..."

    Page 18:
    Sakura: "YOU DUMBASS!"
    Kakashi: "Hm?"

    Page 19:
    Sakura: (not sure, she's pissed at him for acting like he had grown up at first, only to change back to his old self only a couple minutes after they met. she's saying how he was all, you know, shining and stuff, but now he's back to his old habits)
    Kakashi: "Hey, hey, calm down, Sakura. You don't want to scare Konohamaru-kun..."

    Tsunade: "Jiraiya... that Naruto... he's become more and more like you these past couple of years, hasn't he?"
    Jiraiya: (again, not sure, but I think the jist of what he's trying to say is that Sakura's tempermant and superhuman strength make her look more and more like Tsunade)

    Page 20:
    Tsunade: "...all right! We're done with the reminicing. Kakashi?"
    Kakashi: "Well, it's been a while. From here on out, you two, together with me, will undertake missions as a team. This is different than before. Now it is no longer 'teacher' and 'student.' You are shinobi of Konoha."

    Page 21:
    Kakashi: "Well, let's see how much you two have grown up. The rules are the same as the time when we first met. Come at me and take these as if you are going to kill me!"

    Lines with (*) after them mean that I'm not sure of the translations, so take them with a grain of salt. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  3. #23
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Chapter 245 RAW

    Thanks, obake... woah.. another bell test. Can't wait. I wonder if Kakashi's still able to dominate. I hope so.

  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    thanks. i can't wait to see sakura's attempt at getting the bells

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  5. #25
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    if kakashi get whooped, i'm gonna be thoroughly pissed. there should be NO WAY naruto and sakura should be able to take down kakashi. oh my god, i'm already angry.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #26

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    I don't think Kakashi will get whooped - but it will be a chance for Naruto to show off whatever his new shtick is going to be (i'm guessing ludicrous speed) and for Sakura to actually do something, since she pretty much just hid in the bushes during the original bell test.

  7. #27
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    I'll be happy if they're able to snag the bells but Kakashi had better make them pay for it out the nose.

    Also.. it will be bullshit if they don't work together to win.. completely fuck the heart of the series.

    Here's hoping 246 isn't called "Look at how uber I am! Lordy, Naruto rulez now. Bitches."


  8. #28

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    Here's wat i think is going to happen during the bell test.

    Naruto goes and run around like an idiot again. Gets his ass wooped by kakashi. does ero no jutsu. once kakashi is mesemorized. naruto will do 10000 year of pain on him. kakashi kwarimi(we have not seen that in ALONG TIME). naruto does some time space 4th style speed. sakura is like aw What the fuck am i doing. goes after kakashi. in the end of the chapter.

    all 3 at once. Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!!! Frog, slug, dog fight!

  9. #29

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    Originally posted by: Noonan
    I don't think Kakashi will get whooped - but it will be a chance for Naruto to show off whatever his new shtick is going to be (i'm guessing ludicrous speed) and for Sakura to actually do something, since she pretty much just hid in the bushes during the original bell test.
    Shut up...Sakura is awesome... you guys will see how awesome she has become and will start to idolize her...

  10. #30
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    Fucking Konohamaru hasn't changed a bit. That pisses me off.

    Boy was his sexy no jutsu hot though... ^_^

  11. #31

    Chapter 245 RAW

    After last night with the stuff that Inane did, I'm still not sure what exactly happened, but thats another story, i was curious about how hard it would be to do what they do. So i took some time today and transferred the translation from Obake here, and for the parts he didn't have, and put them on the raw. The result is here: I realize it isn't that great but enjoy while your waiting for inane or others

    edit: updated the translation and made it look better.

  12. #32

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    Sakura is slightly more busty so she probably has gained some new skills. I wonder if naruto will summon a lesser frog to do his bidding like an older version of gamabuntas son.

  13. #33

    Chapter 245 RAW

    EDIT: Wow, I just read the trans at udanstraight, and boy, is mine WAY off. Apraxhren, you might wanna replace all my stuff with udanstraight's in that version you made.

    Christ, is mine god-awful. Damn myself and my lack of Japanese grammar! *grrr*

    EDIT 2: OK, finished reading the udanstraight one. By and large, it's better, but a couple parts in mine seem to flow slightly better, in my opinion. Anyhoo, my translation is still god-awful, so feel free to mock it in any way, shape, or form.

    EDIT 3: Ohhh! "tsumane-" is "boring"! I tried looking up every way I could rewrite that, but never found anything that looked like it fit. Well, at least this was a good exercise for me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  14. #34
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Chapter 245 RAW

    Woot this is kick ass, Naruto looks a little gay though lol he should change his clothes, Sakura on the other hand is alright and looking more womanlier. But it was a good chapter, I wanna see most is Sasuke! Where has my beloved Sasuke gone
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  15. #35

    Chapter 245 RAW

    Well, I hope for Naruto to simply not rush into the battle like a moron and having developed at least some little taijutsu skills. Sakura shouldn't already be at a point where she can use your medical jutsus on offense.

    If they put some pressure on Kakashi, use a solid strategy and for god's sake behave like REAL SHINOBI, he will give them the bells. After all, it's an evaluation, not a deathmatch. They do not need to be able to own Kakashi, they need to show him, that he doesn't have to cover their backs all the time.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  16. #36
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Chapter 245 RAW

    Oh how I love Naruto and sakuras new designs, this will definately make the show alot better IMO, and I agree with Elessar on the evaluation, seeing how the first time they did this it was also a evalutation(along with that other thing)

    and Sasuke better not have on some gay thing like Oro, and the sound 4, he better have a variation to his previous blue outfit

    R.I.P Captain America.

  17. #37

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    Well it would have been cooler if they would have made it like a double chapter after making us wait for a bajillion years. It was good though.

  18. #38

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    the translated chapter in the other thread is pretty good and better than the translation above in some parts,
    heh now that i know what was going on this was ptretty funny

  19. #39

    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    w00t awesome chapter!!!

    sakura's looking alot better, she should be able to hold her own from now on so she wont be useless, and i wont dislike her.
    kakashi's face was classic!! i wish there was more pages.

  20. #40
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 245 RAW

    I like the subtle differences in appearances... it shouldn't be too major, it's only been 2.5 years.

    Konohamaru should have changed at least a little bit. He's at that age where you change dramatically in a year, have growth spurts, etc.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

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