not only that, one of hte guys from the group who were doing the scanlations was hired by tokyopop to be the main translator. now we will have to wait FOREVER to finish the story... [img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
i mean its great that it got licensed at all so that we now can support a really awesome manga and add to our collections, but after waiting that long to be able to finish a story; one just looses interest or forgets about it completely.

from mangascreeners site:

Sunday, Jan 23rd, 2005
Beck licensed by Tokyopop
As you can see here, Beck now appears in Tokyopop's online shop site. That means the usual: no more torrents, typing "@find beck" in the channel sets off the licensed ban script, etc. After everyone comes to grips with the fact that we won't be scanlating it anymore, you might be wondering if, like other manga I translated for Mangascreener that have been licensed, I will continue to offer text scripts on my website. The answer is no. This is not, as many people might suppose, an act of spite. It's because I am Tokyopop's official translator for Beck, and therefore I am not at liberty to disseminate them anymore (not that I would even if they didn't care). This also explains why I did not make this announcement months ago when I signed a contract with them... because they could easily terminate said contract for releasing information that was not public.