Have you given thought about getting double eyelid like Anime's have? But afraid to go under the knife?
Well. You can do it now, for cheap!
Have you given thought about getting double eyelid like Anime's have? But afraid to go under the knife?
Well. You can do it now, for cheap!
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
lol those crazy japanese
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
wow. japanese people think of everything
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
It looked like her eye was going to pop out
I Don't like to say anything twice
It looks uncomfortable
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
That s the most fucked up thing ever. You know there is goping to a wave of girls pocking their eyes out while doing. Or some ones going to glue their eyes shut.
man, that's some weird shit.
LOL!!You know there is goping to a wave of girls pocking their eyes out while doing. Or some ones going to glue their eyes shut.
Wait, so basically I apply glue to my eyelids in order to make my eyes bigger?
...well that may be really in in Japan, but my eyes are normal, occidental-sized eyes. Besides, as mentioned before, it looks damn uncomfortable... have any of you ever used that kind of cosplay glue? When I worked for New Line Cinema Mexico in the Lord of the Rings premiere and promotion, I had to use that kind of glue on my ears and it was fucking uncomfortable.
Now imagine walking around all day long without being able to close your eyes because you GLUED your eyelids!!! Damn weird.
yeah...i know ppl who use that. it's not just in japan. other asian countries are using that too. but they do have something less painful...it's tape.
I tried my best...
Is that why anime characters never blink? Go figure. Man it must be really annoying for them when they get dust in their eyes.Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Now imagine walking around all day long without being able to close your eyes because you GLUED your eyelids!!! Damn weird.
wtf that's messed up
You think? I mean, wouldn't tape hurt a whole lot when peeling it off? This glue dissolves with water, at the very least...Originally posted by: Eurasian
yeah...i know ppl who use that. it's not just in japan. other asian countries are using that too. but they do have something less painful...it's tape.
the tape is really thin. you could barely feel it but it's more obvious than the glue.
I tried my best...
You've tried it then?Originally posted by: Eurasian
the tape is really thin. you could barely feel it but it's more obvious than the glue.
I was wondering what the hell was up with your eyes when you sent me that pic from your fishing trip.
Nice tan, sexy. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Well, that's a suggestion. Don't buy half-assed japanese sets, don't get an operation - just walk around with your eyes freakingly open all day long and tah-dah!!
haha, souryusen, you've got a pic for everything, dont you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
That's pretty interesting. I bet most of the japanese pop stars use that o-O.
In most cases yeah but some japanese women have those kind of eyes naturaly but they are few and far between. I give it like a year before plastic surgeons in japan are doing stuff like this on regual basis.
Originally posted by: Lefty
In most cases yeah but some japanese women have those kind of eyes naturaly but they are few and far between. I give it like a year before plastic surgeons in japan are doing stuff like this on regual basis.
Actually they are doing eye-surgery on them to make their eyes permanently big especially for models and pop-stars. But using glue is the cheap alternative.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii