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Thread: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

  1. #101

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    The reason why I haven't added any more posts here is quite simply because I didn't want to add any more fuel to a pointless arguement. Yesh I thought you would be happy that I wasn't continuing to perpetuate this never ending debate.

  2. #102
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: jing
    By the way has any one notice that whenever lobstermagnet gets proven wrong, he ... never returns? lol, it's like a pattern in all his threads when he gets owned.
    nah, this post just died after the rollback deleted some of the heated posts. now it's a wasteland.

  3. #103

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto


  4. #104

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Umm. Teen Titans are just kids. They couldnt take Naruto. Honestly think about the matchups.

    Sasuke V Robin
    Neji V Cyborg
    Kiba V Beastboy
    Shika V Raven
    Sakura V Starfire

    Advantage NARUTO!


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  5. #105

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    I liked you for voting for Neji, but why would you seriously ressurect this thread?

    Of course, I needed to throw my two cents in. You're too new to have fresh posts all over this section.

  6. #106

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Strider
    I liked you for voting for Neji, but why would you seriously ressurect this thread?

    Of course, I needed to throw my two cents in. You're too new to have fresh posts all over this section.
    Cant blame a guy for catching up after he has been banned can ya?


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  7. #107

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    .. It was eight months since the last post.

    You were banned that long?


    Team Gai would ruin the entire Teen Titans crew.

  8. #108
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Strider
    I liked you for voting for Neji, but why would you seriously ressurect this thread?
    Thats not the only thread he revived.

    Naruto is more than enough for Teen Titans.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo

  9. #109

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Never seen that image before, but it had me dying.

    If Kimimaro would have said something like that, I'm sure I would have popped a vital blood vessel somewhere.

    .. I think he's returned after whoever knows how long, and is catching up on all the threads he's sadly missed.

    Not cool.

  10. #110
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Strider
    Never seen that image before, but it had me dying.
    I made it ^_^

    *credits whore*

  11. #111
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Has anyone of you actually read this shit?

    Naruto vs. Teen Titans

  12. #112

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    Umm. Teen Titans are just kids. They couldnt take Naruto. Honestly think about the matchups.

    Sasuke V Robin
    Neji V Cyborg
    Kiba V Beastboy
    Shika V Raven
    Sakura V Starfire

    Advantage NARUTO!


    man Kiba and beastboy bwhahaha

  13. #113
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Has anyone of you actually read this shit?

    Naruto vs. Teen Titans
    Yeah I bothered to browse through it but got pissed off at some of those people. it's complete crap.

    Let's everybody stop posting in this thing and let it rest in peace.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #114
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    ya like thats guy
    So the Naruto guys(whoever they are)are screwed.
    he don't even know naruto and he say thats they are screwed! don't bother read the whole thing, most of it is just comment from teen titan fan

    also like him
    I pick the Teen Titans cause their OLD and I'm OLD and I like OLD stuff that is inherently OLD and well established.... and because certain people get really aggrivated when things are OLD.
    he only pick teen titan because its old! damn retard

    or also thats moron thats compare naruto to dbz?
    I am so sick of the Dragonball Z universe or anything relating to the DZ Universe. I mean come on! They are losers! Because I 've read more of their defeats than victories, Like, The Hulk smashed Krillin, Batman bested Freeza, Nimrod destroyed Super Android 17, and both the Juggernaut and Green Lantern caged and defeated Vegeta! So what does this tell me, it tells me the Teen Titans are going to win!

  15. #115
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    As stated earlier, the Naratu kids are basically just ninjas with energy blasts. The Teen Titans can counter these abilities with general easy.

    Starfire alone could take down the whole Naratu team; with her years of experiance mastering several alien martial arts (and a few from earth) she can outclass and out manuvere this small group of upstarts in hand to hand combat. Also, I should mention Starfire has her own brand of powerful energy blasts that could rival a kamehameha

    (Yes, I understand DBZ is not affiliated with Naratu. It's just a comparison.) As I was saying, starfire alone could take Naratu on.

    The assistance of Superman's clone, a boy trained by the world's greatest detective, an Amazonian, a Cyborg, a shapeshifter, and a boy who can run fater than the speed of light and through time is not necessarily needed, they are really just sweetening the pot.
    ololz, some people are crazy.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  16. #116

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    The site was decent, though. I mean, that contest was dumb, but there were some decent ones.

    For other comics nerds, like myself, there was a Dark Phoenix v. Parallax, which would be an amazing battle if it were to ever occur. I was displeased with the outcome, but it was probably the closet poll that site's ever had.

    Rock Lee gates open would ruin those kids. Although, the only person I really see proving a problem for the Naruto shinobi is [Kid] Flash / Impulse. All of them, their speed is uncharted. Rock Lee's a turtle, with two gimp legs, compared to them.

    Er, yeah. This thread needs to rest in peace now. Shame on ye who revived it.

  17. #117

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Strider

    Er, yeah. This thread needs to rest in peace now. Shame on ye who revived it.
    But as you can see, people still have things that they want to say about it. They shouldnt have to let
    these issues go unheard. That would be unjust and unfair. And on a personal note, all the Teen Titans
    can do is create holograms of themselves where as Naruto can make actually replications. So with the
    limited power of the titans, how are they supposed to compete?


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  18. #118

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Here's a small list of seriously powerful reasons as to why Naruto will win

    1. Sasuke and Neji are geniuses of their individual clans: Neither has been defeated by other opponents yet in the series (and it's been going for some time now)

    2. Both have bloodlines which give them insane advantages: Sasuke has the Sharingan which can paralyze opponents, copy their moves, hypnotize them, or basically snuff out their existence (his older brother did that once with the Sharingan). Neji has the Bakyugan which allows him through see through anything, gives him 360 field of vision and allows him to see and block all points of power in an opponent, rendering them piddling mortals

    3. Sasuke has the Chidori which he can use about five times before wiping out and can destroy anything or kill anyone with each use.

    4.Sasuke also has the power of the Uchiha clan which is the only clan in the series to never be defeated.

    5.Kiba is a master of scent and tracking: no hiding from him

    6. Shikamaru may appear worthless, but two minutes into a battle, he can assess all ways to take his oppponent down as easily as possible

    7. Shikamaru can control any shadows, so anyone who casts a shadow is in deep shit

    8. Naruto has the ability to be a total ass. That itself is his only real weakness (ramen as well) He has never quit a battle ever

    9. Naruto can shadow clone himself a thousand times over: 1 Naruto vs. 1000 Narutos-do the math

    10. Naruto has the Rasedan, the only move currentluy powerful enough to take out the Chidori

    11. Naruto has the two best teachers: Kakashi and that funky perv who is one of the three legendary ninjas. Both are admired as geniuses, if not space cases

    12. Rock Lee is faster than any other opponent with weights strapped to his appendages. Without them, you stand no chance against his speed

    13. His extreme lotus is so powerful, that it is forbidden-he has used it only twice and nearly killed himself both times.

    No chance for the Teen Titans

    Half of these are pure crap.

    I want those minutes of my life where I read some of this drivel back now kkthnx

  19. #119

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    It's pretty simple, considering we could only use KID Naruto characters, they would still win:

    So lets set up our Ninja team of 7 to counter the 7 titans, I choose Neji, Naruto, Gaara, Sasuke, Lee, Shikamaru, and Tenten

    Robin: This guy is a joke, even Tenten could pwn him.

    Superboy: Gaara could restrain him and Sasuke could chidori him.

    Kid Flash: Neji's Kaiten would easily pwn this guy, even thought the kaiten doesn't do alot of offensive damage, it would still be enough to badly wound kid flash since he has virtually no ability to take damage beyond a normal person.

    Wonder Girl: Rock Lee could definitely beat her in speed, and at least tie in strength, but if he opened a couple of chakra gates and used his lotus she'd be gone.

    Beast Boy: Shikamaru shadow binds him and one of the others could easily kill him.

    Cyborg: Gaara could easily pwn him

    Starfire: Kyuubi could definitely take her on.

    All in all, an easy win for the Naruto Team.

  20. #120
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    well, considering that i know almost nothing about Teen Titans, I still think they can win.

    reason: they have 2 people that can fly and shoot energy blasts, you don't get much better than that, the only ariel stuff that Naruto has is throwing knives, and if other ninjas can dodge it midair without actually being able to change directions in that time, i don't think that people who can create energy barriers are going to have much problem with that.

    so here is how it goes. lets take the konoha five from the rescue Sasuke sqaud?
    1. robin gets taken out by whoever gets to him first, a non brainer to anyone on the team.
    2. beastboy turns into a rhino, choji turns fatass(er) and rolls over him.
    3. cyborg tries doing something, shikamaru uses his super intelgence to decide that he shouldn't bother fighting him, and then Naruto rasengans the ironman like he did to the water tank.
    4. Starfire flies down to hug robin, somebody gives the bitch the beating of her life.
    5. Robin flies up and starts using her powers to kill everyone, she gets a +1 becuase she doesn't need to spend energy to turn the screen black &amp; white, since it allready is.

    but for DBZ matches, the only one who can possibiy tickle them is superman, and perhaps some of the outer universe entities, but they don't count, becuase they all suck, even for DC charecters.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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