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Thread: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

  1. #81
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
    you know, one thing i never understood about the Marvel universe was all the anti-mutant sentiment i mean, they are ok with people having all maner of super powers as long as they are from radiation accidents/a vitimin supliment/etc, but not if it's genetic?
    I believe the anti-mutant sentiments in X-men were created to reflect the racist views that existed in society at the time that the X-men comics were made.
    Is not that you believe deathscythe vii is that its a fact. The xmen comics were made for that purpose

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  2. #82
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Ok, instead of just insulting lobster I'll do a debunk.

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    If marvel needs to create an entire new lineup of comic series just to sort out all of the convoluted storylines essentially proves my point.
    They don't need to. However, since (unlike manga), comics properties have shown the trend towards long term success, they will inevitably receive a lot of baggage on their storylines over the years. I repeat: this is inevitable. However, this certainly doesn't prevent Marvel, DC and other publishers from telling good stories with their long running characters. That being said, I am shocked that you get so uppity at the fact that some creators enjoy working with the rich heritage behind a lot of modern-day serialized books, and that some creators want to be able to write them at a more pure, earlier stage? What would you do if you ran Marvel, tell Brian Micheal Bendis to screw off when he proposes the Ultimate line? You'd have been a complete idiot, as the titles are well written, well drawn and wildly successful, and exist as a companion story to the 616 universe, not a replacement.

    And, of course, you are only able to critisize superhero books, just like all the other japanophiles in this thread, because they are the closest to something you actually read. None of your criticisms impact non-cape books in any way.

    Through various forms of media I am vaguely familiar with most of the major super heros and the dynamics that make them appealing.
    Oh, "various forms of media", eh? You know what that means? You don't fucking read comics! And your posts make it really obvious. So, honestly - just stop blathering on ignorantly.

    Even the best property can die a quick death in incompetant hands
    I know - that is why most of the mainstream supers have existed longer than your parents have. So much for dying a quick death.

    American Comics tend to be very unfriendly to outsiders and in some cases they can be down right intimidating.
    What a fucking joke. First you critisize Marvel for putting out comics friendly to newcomers (the Ultimate line), then you claim they aren't being friendly enough? Great job! I'm sure you'd do a masterful job of handling their properties. Frankly, there is no industry more insular and nerdy than the Japanese anime industry. With an extremely repetitive and initially off-putting art style common to almost all 80's/90's Shounen manga, Japanese "sound" effects, unweildy translations and lame cultural jokes (which, believe it or not, are not instantly appealing to everyone) abound in manga. You can jump right into the Superman title being run and get up to speed on a character you've only seen in movies in about five minutes. He's fucking Superman: alien who came to earth from Krypton in a space pod. He's married to Lois Lane now, which you may or may not know, but even that doesn't really require a heavy stretch. Just imagine trying to pick up volume 20 of a long running Japanese manga and immediately know what is happening, having not read the series since the first tankouban. It never happens - ever.

    What I like about animes and mangas is that they generally follow a linear story progression. There is a beginning and an end.
    Manga has a more simplistic, base appeal than most American comics (outside of the Ultimate line, which you bizarrely decry even though it is closest to what you want) don't aspire to. The difference being that American comics offer both long-running series like some superhero comics, and also short, direct stuff (again, you level a criticism that only applies to the part of the industry you are familiar with).

    The American comics seem just to twist around and interwine like some sort of demonic pretzel with no end. If a character dies they can just be brought back through some sort of loophole like an alternate dimensional eclipse.
    Another criticism that only applies to superhero comics! Oh, what a fucking shock. Your criticism is empty since the Japanese manga and anime industry does the same fucking things over and over. You even go so far as to note that American comics actually think up new ways to do it, while your manga of choice does the same one over and over - and somehow this is better for Dragonball?

    stupid shitty anecdote
    Ohh, look, you can be sarcastic too. Clearly, you think that American comics recycle and spin-off their characters too much. Gee, I hope you don't watch Gundam - since they've been playing literally the exact same storyline with a new coat of paint for over twenty five fuckin' years. And, of course, your comment only works against a certain segment of superhero books! Hooray for ignoring everything else.

    You do not know anything of substance about comics.

    Please, just stop commenting on them.

  3. #83

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    *points up*
    Fuckin' superslam by Y the Alien

  4. #84

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Yea dude but there's other types of manga too. It's not all action just like you said about american comics. I like comics, especially spiderman (not counting the clone saga[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]) but manga is just something entirely different. Most comics try to appeal to a different fanbase then manga. So comparing them is pointless. Comics are good in it's own way, manga is good in it's own way.....can't we all just get along?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  5. #85
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    id have to give manga the top slot though from a personal perspective although i don't mind either. most america comics tend to be episodic rather than serial one story 1 week a totaly new 1 the week after (there are exeptions) where as manga tends to follow on like a soap which is why you can pick up an american comic halfway through a series and have no trouble understanding whats going on like Y The Alien said earlier

    as for plot they both tend to over recycle the same plots over and over

    as for american comics i personaly am not a fan of superhero comics i find them to 1950's a time when ppl really believed the good guy always wins there too simple there either black or white theres no grey places inbetween

    as for manga comics i hate mecha how many comics can you make about giant robots before the whole thing starts to get ridiculous

    both comic styles have there +'s & -'s guess its just a case of which appeal to your tastes

    bring on SPAWN ok so Todd McFarlane's canadian but hey its better than superman and xmen plent of sex drugs and violence, bad guys tend to win and theres those grey places i was talking about all over the place [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  6. #86

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Yea dude but there's other types of manga too. It's not all action just like you said about american comics. I like comics, especially spiderman (not counting the clone saga[img][/img]) but manga is just something entirely different. Most comics try to appeal to a different fanbase then manga. So comparing them is pointless. Comics are good in it's own way, manga is good in it's own way.....can't we all just get along?[img][/img]
    finally! the voice of reason. and by the way... everyone hates the clone saga.

    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage

    bring on SPAWN ok so Todd McFarlane's canadian but hey its better than superman and xmen plent of sex drugs and violence, bad guys tend to win and theres those grey places i was talking about all over the place [img][/img]
    x-men is full of grey *points to magneto* is he really that bad of a guy? but for the most part you are right most superhero books dont explore the grey area, but i suggest you read the watchmen as well. the ending presents a very deep question.

  7. #87

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    i liked the venom and carnage sagas, especially carnage cos venom (my fav spiderman char) actually got to win cos he was fighting on the good guy team. carnage was so cool cos he was just so crazy as a human then he got the symbiote and just went even more nuts, but with powers

  8. #88

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    This reminds me of an argument a while ago when people were trying to argue wheather or not anime's were cartoons.

    All the anime buffs were really pissed saying how Anime and Cartoons were *completely* different. The anime buffs were going on saying how cartoons are slapstick crap and how anime was something else deeper and couldn't be compared to cartoons. Then it eventually just became all elitist and racial. Eventually it led to anime being a specific art style from Japan that can only come from a Japanese person. So basically, an American/Candadian/German/etc... could never make an anime.

    So yeah...this thread is just kind of elitist. Well atleast the people saying all American comic books are shit are being pretty damn elitist.
    Rasendori and Y the A are just trying to say, "Hey, bullshit! American comics can be just as good as any Manga. And I can say the same shit about a lot of mangas too."

    There is no *real* argument here.

    "Man I never read comics, they suck, mangas are so much better"
    "Well actually there's quite a few good ones out there, and some mangas are not that great as well"
    "There's no good comics out there, they all suck"
    "I thought you never read them, so how would you know?"
    "So what if I don't read them, they're from America and are all the same, unlike these Japanese mangas"

    This isn't a good argument at all. Anyways even though there's a lot of super heroes in comic books...don't think of them as super heroes...just think of them as "chosen ones" if that helps.

  9. #89

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    exactly... someone else gets the point here

  10. #90

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    *reads* wtf did u guys do to my thread. hahah

  11. #91
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    maybe i should move this to general anime......

    ok i was wrong, apparently she modelled as "Wonder Girl"
    and she's the one in the top right of that pic
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    how old did you say she was when she modeled.

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  13. #93
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    I love how people complain that the characters in american comics have "no life", yet pretty much each and every one of them has more info than a whole cast together does in some japanese comics. And there are soooo many characters.

    I dare anyone in here to write a better story than the one Gambit has. Sure, I'm biased, but his biography has exactly everything that one could wish for when it comes to intriguating matters. Oh yeah.

    I think Y, Rasen & Sam covered the rest of my thoughts on this pretty well.

  14. #94
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    This thread lost a lot of posts, I think psj and miaka need to some in and start their arguments back up.

  15. #95

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto


  16. #96

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    So in addition to naruto we also have a side series focusing on Sakura and Ino as they team up to keep the highways of the naruto world safe from villinous bandits and marauders. There's also another spin off following shino where we learn that he's actually an alien from another dimension sent to moniter the naruto world but for what reason? All of the answers are revealed in Naruto xl as we see a younger naruto and watch his trials and tribulations in the ninja academy.
    Holy shit that would be frikkin sweet! How about a dark, adult version of naruto (like "Dark Knight")? It really seems to me that both sides of this "argument" are rather short sighted here. We all know that we loved the spiderman and batman animated series, even if you didn't read the comics. At the same time, we all know that not all anime or DBZ or Love Hina, and that theres plenty of good anime out there (FLCL, Champloo, Bebop, bitches!) If I could afford to buy comics (and I knew where to get em) you bet you ass I would still read american comics (only I'm not really a DC fan, besides Batman). It seems like all the shortcomings mentioned in this post are shared by anime and american comics though....formulaic stories, crazy shit happening, etc. etc. As for all that stuff that LobsterMagnet was talking about, who doesn't love a well made spin-off? Come on, if they made a Naruto series just about Kakashi's past you wouldnt watch it? I will say, though, that Y hasn't really said anything good about anime yet....

  17. #97
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    ignoring the rest of your post (you make it sound as if there are no dark animes around... Gantz, maybe?), the fact that Y is in this forum means that he likes anime enough to post in an anime-related forum...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  18. #98

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    close this topic cause its gone off topic!!!!!!!!!!

  19. #99

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    anything vs teen titans wins....
    teen titans suck.....

    and i only say that because i dont give any show that tries for an anime-wannabe visual style a second chance
    Yeah what he said!


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  20. #100

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    By the way has any one notice that whenever lobstermagnet gets proven wrong, he ... never returns? lol, it's like a pattern in all his threads when he gets owned.

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