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Thread: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

  1. #41
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    btw, just a little tidbit you might find interesting.....
    i'm friends with the girl who the original starfire (is that her name? the flying alien girl) was modelled after
    whatever, show off. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  2. #42
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Assertn's friend later got replaced by me, however.

  3. #43

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    btw, just a little tidbit you might find interesting.....
    i'm friends with the girl who the original starfire (is that her name? the flying alien girl) was modelled after
    Wait, original starfire? The cartoon one? Or comic book one (Bleh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  4. #44
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya

    batman is one fucked up super hero, my brother was watching justice league the other day as i sat down and had my meal, and batman is on the same level as superman, what is that? batman got alot of money and supercool gadgets so suddenly he turns into this super mega super hero who can defeat all!!! and i have read my share of american comics its the same bullshit story everytime a bunch of super heroes rescue the universe from the evil super villian who wants to eat/rule/destroy the universe, very original. exept for spiderman where we get to hear the pains of life from a nerd who just happens to be spiderman and saves the universe every now and then. fomr what i have read there isnt any story about the characters the only thing that happens is that they put on their suit and rescues something. prove me wrong if you'd like Y since you seem to be the bulshit comic professor around here.
    Sure buddy, there is no personal drama in comicbooks! Because Watchmen and Sandman and The Walking Dead and V for Vendetta and Sin City and Preacher and Transmetropolitan just don't exist! all American comics must be "lol superheros lol" because PSJ says so. Also, all superheroes are nothing but one note characters defined only by their powers, because there has never been personal drama written about Clark Kent, or Bruce Wayne, or Kyle Rayner, or Hal Jordan, or Wally West, or Frank Castle, or Tony Stark, or any of the X-Men! Clearly, none of these characters are ever seen having "real life" drama. Every hero in comics just fights cosmic villains! You are also a motherfucking expert on comics from having watched 1 episode of a cartoon and picked up an issue every now and then!

    Jesus Christ, you're fucking retarded. Shut up. You judged a character based on your vast amount of experience, which consists of watching him once while you ate? What an incredibly stupid, judgemental retard. You think that every superhero comic is just "a bunch of heroes" who "rescue the universe"? Well, gee PSJ, maybe you think that because all you have ever fucking seen is Justice League and you've never read an entire TPB in your life! Yet you still feel qualified to make judgements; probably a result of your failed sense of personal empowerment.

    I should make a blatantly trolling post like yours, only directed at the Japanese animation industry:

    Man, I sure fucking hate those Japanese animes. Most ones made within the last fifteen years are just generic Shounen trash shoveled out by the same three TV animation studios in order to cash in on the success of popular manga! Japanese TV animation is absurdly low quality because of the vast amount being done by the studio, but they can count on dipshit fans who only watch it because of the Japanese art style or generic fighting action/shitty japanese comedy/unrealistic, unbelievably stupid romance to rake in the cash on DVD sales! Japanese TV anime has not a speck of original talent running through it, as the animation, plotlines, and characters are just recycled from manga that is only produced for a quick buck from gullible fanboys anyway!

    Oh wait. That is all fucking true! And unlike you, I actually have experienced some of the stuff I am talking about.

  5. #45

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    calm down

  6. #46
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    calm down
    not angry

  7. #47

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    I should make a blatantly trolling post like yours, only directed at the Japanese animation industry:

    Man, I sure fucking hate those Japanese animes. Most ones made within the last fifteen years are just generic Shounen trash shoveled out by the same three TV animation studios in order to cash in on the success of popular manga! Japanese TV animation is absurdly low quality because of the vast amount being done by the studio, but they can count on dipshit fans who only watch it because of the Japanese art style or generic fighting action/shitty japanese comedy/unrealistic, unbelievably stupid romance to rake in the cash on DVD sales! Japanese TV anime has not a speck of original talent running through it, as the animation, plotlines, and characters are just recycled from manga that is only produced for a quick buck from gullible fanboys anyway!
    oh yeah i agree completely on this part. only once in a while will we see an anime that is worth while to watch. (and no it isnt naruto).

    oh if you compared Batman and Superman. You'd know Batman would own him, cuz he has a kryptonite.

    I like teen titans and naruto... so i'll sit out on this one.

  8. #48
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    btw, just a little tidbit you might find interesting.....
    i'm friends with the girl who the original starfire (is that her name? the flying alien girl) was modelled after
    Wait, original starfire? The cartoon one? Or comic book one (Bleh [img][/img]) [img][/img]

    man, the comic book starfire is ugly!

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  9. #49
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto
    no she has nothing to do with the new cartoon starfire.....but um........i doubt that old comic book one was the one i had in mind either

    she was actually like, 10-13 years old or something when she was modelled for it
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #50
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Deblas

    man, the comic book starfire is ugly![/quote]

    80's art.

    Better Titans art, the full version of the cover from that article

  11. #51
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    werent the teen titans supposed to their teens?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #52
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    they are, so, uh, what is the problem?

    except for Cyborg who is a consultant.

  13. #53
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: Deblas

    man, the comic book starfire is ugly!
    80's art.

    Better Titans art, the full version of the cover from that article[/quote]

    now thats much better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  14. #54

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    they are, so, uh, what is the problem?

    except for Cyborg who is a consultant.
    ok... im not the most well versed person when it comes to DC, but... werent starfire, raven, cyborg, and beastboy on the same titans team as the first robin (dick grayson/ nightwing) as some point? if that is the case, they clearly arent teens anymore, since nightwing is somewhere in his 20s now.
    Originally posted by: Y The Alien

    Sure buddy, there is no personal drama in comicbooks! Because Watchmen and Sandman and The Walking Dead and V for Vendetta and Sin City and Preacher and Transmetropolitan just don't exist! all American comics must be "lol superheros lol" because PSJ says so. Also, all superheroes are nothing but one note characters defined only by their powers, because there has never been personal drama written about Clark Kent, or Bruce Wayne, or Kyle Rayner, or Hal Jordan, or Wally West, or Frank Castle, or Tony Stark, or any of the X-Men! Clearly, none of these characters are ever seen having "real life" drama. Every hero in comics just fights cosmic villains! You are also a motherfucking expert on comics from having watched 1 episode of a cartoon and picked up an issue every now and then!

    Jesus Christ, you're fucking retarded. Shut up. You judged a character based on your vast amount of experience, which consists of watching him once while you ate? What an incredibly stupid, judgemental retard. You think that every superhero comic is just "a bunch of heroes" who "rescue the universe"? Well, gee PSJ, maybe you think that because all you have ever fucking seen is Justice League and you've never read an entire TPB in your life! Yet you still feel qualified to make judgements; probably a result of your failed sense of personal empowerment.

    I should make a blatantly trolling post like yours, only directed at the Japanese animation industry:

    Man, I sure fucking hate those Japanese animes. Most ones made within the last fifteen years are just generic Shounen trash shoveled out by the same three TV animation studios in order to cash in on the success of popular manga! Japanese TV animation is absurdly low quality because of the vast amount being done by the studio, but they can count on dipshit fans who only watch it because of the Japanese art style or generic fighting action/shitty japanese comedy/unrealistic, unbelievably stupid romance to rake in the cash on DVD sales! Japanese TV anime has not a speck of original talent running through it, as the animation, plotlines, and characters are just recycled from manga that is only produced for a quick buck from gullible fanboys anyway!

    Oh wait. That is all fucking true! And unlike you, I actually have experienced some of the stuff I am talking about.
    preach on brother. if you guys hate american books give those that he listed a try. ive read V for vendetta, watchmen, and preacher, they are all gold. give rising stars a try too... ive only read like 2 issues of it, but it rocks (like i said, anything with strazynskys name on it kicks ass... unless it involves spider-man and the negative zone... leave the neg zone for the fantastic four... please)

    and if anyone else wants to make broad generalizations about american books, take a good look at all the shonen books out there... they ALL basically follow the exact same character schemes. at least american books dont have the same personality running around in 15 million different books.

    EDIT: btw Y, i dont keep up with american books as much as a should because im currently jobless, but i would like to know... since when did spoiler become robin, and why did tim quit?

  15. #55
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    ok... im not the most well versed person when it comes to DC, but... werent starfire, raven, cyborg, and beastboy on the same titans team as the first robin (dick grayson/ nightwing) as some point? if that is the case, they clearly arent teens anymore, since nightwing is somewhere in his 20s now.
    I think Nightwing is just barely 20 or 21 - remember, time is quite fluid in DC, and they de-aged most of the heroes in Crisis. Also, Cyborg isn't a teenager, but Raven is (her body was destroyed and reformed a bit younger than it was previously). Starfire isn't a teenager anymore either, she's on the Titans as an honorary position. Beast Boy was just really young when he joined.

    Also, Tim quit being Robin when his father found out who he was. Batman put Spoiler in his place until he returned, then she got fired, which let to the events in War Games (in which something pretty big happens to Spoiler).

  16. #56

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Ok generally, if it was for the win in power, the teens would beat Naruto..why ?, because nothing can beat Americans ofcourse!!, only Taliban can, and they are considered "unreal"by the American government.
    American art and comics all come down to one point. The American superiority. Their adults rock! and Their TEENS ROCK!!
    American comics, as Japanese comics (after all that would be the exact translation of anime), are based upon one mainchar and some sidechars, however the sidechars in Anime are often more left in the background (ok so not in Naruto, but still) where the American comics revel in making every single one of their sidekicks superheroes on them selves!!, why, because its merchandise!! Whats is better then to sell rerun over rerun over rerun?? Sell the EXACT same stories with a DIFFERENT mainchar!!! briliant! and what would the best mainchar be? the best sidekick from the LAST SERIES!! XD ohMG Americans do rock.

    If we would talk about storyline, animation, indepth emotions, personalities, athmosphere, sensibility, music, VOCALS!!@@!! (and I'm leaving DBZ out, bc the Japanese vocals of DBZ are teh suck and teh gay and teh fag ..well whatever) and most !!! important!!! SPIRIT!!! the Japanese anime would stretch its pink and molest the American comics. RAPE it would be!! TERRORRIST ATTACK it would be!! BANG@@@, the pillars of the American youth would crumble in front of their eyes. And even one reason would suffice for this. The American comic has no spirit. It is gathered by eons of history and grabbed straight from other comics. Americans have NO SENSE of HUMOR, thus they can not EVER come close to some of the most WORST anime in the Japanese history, let alone what a BRILIANT anime would leave of the American pride.

    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  17. #57
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Y has many good points.

    I don't agree with people saying that "american comics sucks aszzz". Granted, they are quite different from japanese ones but that's definately not only bad. I love the X-Men, I loved the Daredevil comic I had as a kid (his past was like super-cool) and I've worshipped Gambit a longer time than I've worshipped Neji, Yzak & Kimimaro together. All hail american comics!

  18. #58

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Y has many good points.

    I don't agree with people saying that "american comics sucks aszzz". Granted, they are quite different from japanese ones but that's definately not only bad. I love the X-Men, I loved the Daredevil comic I had as a kid (his past was like super-cool) and I've worshipped Gambit a longer time than I've worshipped Neji, Yzak & Kimimaro together. All hail american comics!
    you worship neji and gambit!!!
    we are too much alike its scary! (by the way, you should read xtreme x-men, gambits is absolutly excellent in it)

    EDIT: this needs to be said:

    Originally posted by: ?igma
    Ok generally, if it was for the win in power, the teens would beat Naruto..why ?, because nothing can beat Americans ofcourse!!, only Taliban can, and they are considered "unreal"by the American government.
    American art and comics all come down to one point. The American superiority. Their adults rock! and Their TEENS ROCK!!
    American comics, as Japanese comics (after all that would be the exact translation of anime), are based upon one mainchar and some sidechars, however the sidechars in Anime are often more left in the background (ok so not in Naruto, but still) where the American comics revel in making every single one of their sidekicks superheroes on them selves!!, why, because its merchandise!! Whats is better then to sell rerun over rerun over rerun?? Sell the EXACT same stories with a DIFFERENT mainchar!!! briliant! and what would the best mainchar be? the best sidekick from the LAST SERIES!! XD ohMG Americans do rock.

    If we would talk about storyline, animation, indepth emotions, personalities, athmosphere, sensibility, music, VOCALS!!@@!! (and I'm leaving DBZ out, bc the Japanese vocals of DBZ are teh suck and teh gay and teh fag ..well whatever) and most !!! important!!! SPIRIT!!! the Japanese anime would stretch its pink and molest the American comics. RAPE it would be!! TERRORRIST ATTACK it would be!! BANG@@@, the pillars of the American youth would crumble in front of their eyes. And even one reason would suffice for this. The American comic has no spirit. It is gathered by eons of history and grabbed straight from other comics. Americans have NO SENSE of HUMOR, thus they can not EVER come close to some of the most WORST anime in the Japanese history, let alone what a BRILIANT anime would leave of the American pride.

    ts true that merchindising and sales have to do with a lot of the crap that flows out here in america, however the same remains true in japan. money corupts all. to weed out all the crap and find the good stuff you should do like i do and follow certain writers, read reviews, avoid books with the names of side characters as the title, and dammit... listen to me and Y. we arent trying to steer you wrong. too many people here make broad generalizations about american books with out giving them much of a chance. you are now better then the guys on that site that made the same generalizations about manga and anime. face it:


    someon had to be reasonalbe enough to say it. the truth of the matter is that the comic book (american or japanese, don give me that crap about how manga is not a comic book) is work of art. sure some times its been butchered by capitalism, but so has film. like painting the comics style changes based upon culture. so y dont you guys just stfu, and stop being ignorant asses that base their entire knowledge on american books on horrilbe american cartoons and a few bad x-men and spider-man comics you read in the mid 90s. think about it, if i based my entire knowledge of manga after on reading DBZ or coasic rune (its bad, very very bad, avoid it at all cost) would i be able to make an acurate assumption about the thousands of manga stories that exist? HELL NO! people like you that makes these broad assumptions about american books, and the people on that other site that do the same for manga are the very reason comic books dont get the literary respect they deserve. ... sigh... but its true that i want to write and draw comics one day... so i can go on about this for ages... i will spare you the rest of my rant and get off of my soap box

  19. #59
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya

    batman is one fucked up super hero, my brother was watching justice league the other day as i sat down and had my meal, and batman is on the same level as superman, what is that? batman got alot of money and supercool gadgets so suddenly he turns into this super mega super hero who can defeat all!!! and i have read my share of american comics its the same bullshit story everytime a bunch of super heroes rescue the universe from the evil super villian who wants to eat/rule/destroy the universe, very original. exept for spiderman where we get to hear the pains of life from a nerd who just happens to be spiderman and saves the universe every now and then. fomr what i have read there isnt any story about the characters the only thing that happens is that they put on their suit and rescues something. prove me wrong if you'd like Y since you seem to be the bulshit comic professor around here.
    Sure buddy, there is no personal drama in comicbooks! Because Watchmen and Sandman and The Walking Dead and V for Vendetta and Sin City and Preacher and Transmetropolitan just don't exist! all American comics must be "lol superheros lol" because PSJ says so. Also, all superheroes are nothing but one note characters defined only by their powers, because there has never been personal drama written about Clark Kent, or Bruce Wayne, or Kyle Rayner, or Hal Jordan, or Wally West, or Frank Castle, or Tony Stark, or any of the X-Men! Clearly, none of these characters are ever seen having "real life" drama. Every hero in comics just fights cosmic villains! You are also a motherfucking expert on comics from having watched 1 episode of a cartoon and picked up an issue every now and then!

    Jesus Christ, you're fucking retarded. Shut up. You judged a character based on your vast amount of experience, which consists of watching him once while you ate? What an incredibly stupid, judgemental retard. You think that every superhero comic is just "a bunch of heroes" who "rescue the universe"? Well, gee PSJ, maybe you think that because all you have ever fucking seen is Justice League and you've never read an entire TPB in your life! Yet you still feel qualified to make judgements; probably a result of your failed sense of personal empowerment.

    I should make a blatantly trolling post like yours, only directed at the Japanese animation industry:

    Man, I sure fucking hate those Japanese animes. Most ones made within the last fifteen years are just generic Shounen trash shoveled out by the same three TV animation studios in order to cash in on the success of popular manga! Japanese TV animation is absurdly low quality because of the vast amount being done by the studio, but they can count on dipshit fans who only watch it because of the Japanese art style or generic fighting action/shitty japanese comedy/unrealistic, unbelievably stupid romance to rake in the cash on DVD sales! Japanese TV anime has not a speck of original talent running through it, as the animation, plotlines, and characters are just recycled from manga that is only produced for a quick buck from gullible fanboys anyway!

    Oh wait. That is all fucking true! And unlike you, I actually have experienced some of the stuff I am talking about.

    i didnt exactly form an opinion just from that one episode i saw, i just took it as an example. i've read my share of american comics and in most of them i came across the same concept, saving the universe. i havent read much more than some marvel comics its not really that easy to get a hold of all the other comics here in sweden.... if i've just come across a small portion of comics that got this save the world theme you cant really blame me from forming an opinion from that, why dont you prove me wrong instead of calling me retard, moron and shit like that. i dont really care but you doesnt sound all that smart and if you think someone will listen to you just cause you call them moron you're wrong....

  20. #60
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    I can't recall many marvel comics I read that was about saving the universe...

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