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Thread: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

  1. #21
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Dude, I'm not saying I hate all american comics. But these dudes are just bashing the shit out of all anime.
    it's just a fucking joke

  2. #22

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    you seriously read that crap like spiderman and all those shitty super hero comics?
    dude... spidey and x-men rock. especially j. micheal stratzynksy's run on amazing spider-man, simply amazing. you should check give american books more of a chance, there are tons of stuff out there that is pure gold. like anything with stratzynsky's or bendis name on it. honestly i cant see how someone can read manga and not enjoy american books too (yeah... im gonna get flamed)... but over all... DC SUCKS!!! everyone is overpowered (even batman) and are completely uninteresting. its not wonder the titans win that battle, because DC heros are too outrageous. god i hate DC so much.

  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    obviously teen titan's were gonna win.....
    simply because most of the people involved in the discussion are from the US, and therefore are more familiar with teen titans and less familiar with anime in general

    so who cares?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #24
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    obviously teen titan's were gonna win.....
    simply because most of the people involved in the discussion are from the US, and therefore are more familiar with teen titans and less familiar with anime in general

    so who cares?
    Why would being from America make you less familiar with anime than you are with something relatively obscure in the comics world like Teen Titans?

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    you seriously read that crap like spiderman and all those shitty super hero comics?
    dude... spidey and x-men rock. especially j. micheal stratzynksy's run on amazing spider-man, simply amazing. you should check give american books more of a chance, there are tons of stuff out there that is pure gold. like anything with stratzynsky's or bendis name on it.
    Straczynski's run was alright except for all that mystic shit he kept throwing in. And the 500th issue was poor. Bendis writes too damn much of Marvel. EDIT: That isn't to say that they aren't both great writers; JMS wrote some fucking amazing Spiderman stories, and when Bendis was the only one (practically) writing Ultimate books, he still pulled it off. Plus I love his run on Daredevil with Alex Maleev.

    honestly i cant see how someone can read manga and not enjoy american books too (yeah... im gonna get flamed)
    Easy, if they only watch anime because they're japanophiles.

    ... but over all... DC SUCKS!!! everyone is overpowered (even batman) and are completely uninteresting. its not wonder the titans win that battle, because DC heros are too outrageous. god i hate DC so much.
    But DC heroes aren't overpowered, at least no more so than Marvel. Hell, Marvel has practically no human-level heroes, they're all metas.

  5. #25

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    i havent read the old TT comics, but i hear they are awesome. I do however, watched the new animated (and heavily anime influenced) teen titans, and that show is good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] i started watching teen titanst when i got disillusioned by how bad Naruto became in the tea country (but now that its good again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] im watching)

    my one complaint from what ive seen in the old comics however, is that they all look 30 years old [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] when they are supposed to be called "Teen" titans
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  6. #26

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    obviously teen titan's were gonna win.....
    simply because most of the people involved in the discussion are from the US, and therefore are more familiar with teen titans and less familiar with anime in general

    so who cares?
    Why would being from America make you less familiar with anime than you are with something relatively obscure in the comics world like Teen Titans?

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    you seriously read that crap like spiderman and all those shitty super hero comics?
    dude... spidey and x-men rock. especially j. micheal stratzynksy's run on amazing spider-man, simply amazing. you should check give american books more of a chance, there are tons of stuff out there that is pure gold. like anything with stratzynsky's or bendis name on it.
    Straczynski's run was alright except for all that mystic shit he kept throwing in. And the 500th issue was poor. Bendis writes too damn much of Marvel. EDIT: That isn't to say that they aren't both great writers; JMS wrote some fucking amazing Spiderman stories, and when Bendis was the only one (practically) writing Ultimate books, he still pulled it off. Plus I love his run on Daredevil with Alex Maleev.

    honestly i cant see how someone can read manga and not enjoy american books too (yeah... im gonna get flamed)
    Easy, if they only watch anime because they're japanophiles.

    ... but over all... DC SUCKS!!! everyone is overpowered (even batman) and are completely uninteresting. its not wonder the titans win that battle, because DC heros are too outrageous. god i hate DC so much.
    But DC heroes aren't overpowered, at least no more so than Marvel. Hell, Marvel has practically no human-level heroes, they're all metas.
    youre right about stratzynsky's mystic bullshit, i hated that stuff, i understand that he likes dr. strange, but he doesnt have to tie him into every other spider-man arc. and about the overpowered stuff, most marvel heroes wouldnt stand a chance against DC heroes (besides the omega level guys like jean, magneto etc) and overall i dont feel like the DC heroes have real lives, its the themes behind the stories like x-men and spider-man, the and the family like bond of the FF and other human like qualities that attract me to marvel. boo to DC

    EDIT: spelling

  7. #27

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    i hate teen titans, i hate it wen they just group together a lot of superheros like that, reminds me of like super friends or something like that. i mean how hard would it be to come up with something original, instead of saying "hey we need some money, lets make a show full of old boring heros, and make them teenagers" its as bad as that xmen evolution cartoon that came on not long after the movie wen they were all in highschool or something together.

    i do like the older xmen and spiderman cartoons and comics that were around mid '90's though, they are quite enjoyable to watch. another good comic in johnny the homicidal maniac but its not really the same genre so i guess that doesnt count huh?

  8. #28
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: RasenDori

    youre write about stratzynsky's mystic bullshit, i hated that stuff, i understand that he likes dr. strange, but he doesnt have to tie him into every other spider-man arc. and about the overpowered stuff, most marvel heroes wouldnt stand a chance against DC heroes (besides the omega level guys like jean, magneto etc) and overall i dont feel like the DC heroes have real lives, its the themes behind the stories like x-men and spider-man, the and the family like bond of the FF and other human like qualities that attract me to marvel. boo to DC
    Straczynski does need to just write a Dr. Strange mini and get that out of his system; maybe Ult. Strange.

    DC has a lot of non-overpowered heroes, it's just that most people think of the JLA when they think of DC, and the JLA are the most overpowered hero group in the DCU. Batman's troops all have "real lives", hell even Superman has a "real life", you just don't get that from watching JLA or reading teamup books or big crossovers.

  9. #29

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    batman wasnt so bad, but i only liked the first movie, it was nice and dark
    i didnt read the comics of it, and i didnt like the cartoons

  10. #30
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    batman wasnt so bad, but i only liked the first movie, it was nice and dark
    i didnt read the comics of it, and i didnt like the cartoons
    that is because you have poor taste.

    Well, avoiding pre-Crisis Batman is a great idea, but there are a LOT of great Batman comics. And, of course, animated Batman is the best cartoon ever.

    i hate teen titans, i hate it wen they just group together a lot of superheros like that, reminds me of like super friends or something like that. i mean how hard would it be to come up with something original, instead of saying "hey we need some money, lets make a show full of old boring heros, and make them teenagers"
    All the characters in TT have well established comic backgrounds outside of the team, so saying that they were just "old superheros made teenagers" is wrong. Frankly, the superfriends comparison is retarded; your only connection is that they are both teams, great job.

  11. #31

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    ive never read a teen titans comic book because we cant get them here in australia i just find that having a person do something physically impossible is kinda cool. the flash would need like superman thick skin to survive the speeds he is going at.
    The show is meant for little pokemon level kids while the comic is meant for a little older audience

  12. #32

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Y care to break it down for me?

    explain pre crisis and what was odne after it to the main franchises??

  13. #33
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: chambers
    Y care to break it down for me?

    explain pre crisis and what was odne after it to the main franchises??
    I will do one better, here's the link to a comics FAQ written for another board.

  14. #34
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I will do one better, here's the link to a comics FAQ written for another board.
    God damn.. I think I remember why I stopped reading comic books.

    Though I did skim the Wolverine origin.

  15. #35

    Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    haha! the how did psylocke die section is hillarious... is so true vargas did her in, then becomes a minor threat until rogue beat the living crap out of him. sigh vargas has so much potential, why did claremont fail so miserablly on him?

  16. #36
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Souryusen
    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I will do one better, here's the link to a comics FAQ written for another board.
    God damn.. I think I remember why I stopped reading comic books.
    Why, because it's a bit harder to get into than "lol they hit each other with kamehamehas"?

  17. #37

    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    I guess I shoud'nt even waste my time reading it. It sounds almost as bad as those battle match-ups on naruto fan.

  18. #38
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Why, because it's a bit harder to get into than "lol they hit each other with kamehamehas"?
    Though I would not have stated it as such, yes, that is essentially correct.

    Continuity, plotholes and writer turnover. It's difficult to stay abreast of an entire universe, especially one that gets turned upside down every few years.

    I appreciate comic books as an artform. I sometimes still go to comic shops and have a walk around, always learn something new. (Apparently the Marvel universe had a big gender change at some point? Saw a bust of Spider-girl and a Female Thor) It's just not for me anymore.

  19. #39
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    anything marvel will be a LOT more familiar with the general audience here than anime.....i assure you

    btw, just a little tidbit you might find interesting.....
    i'm friends with the girl who the original starfire (is that her name? the flying alien girl) was modelled after
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #40
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Teen Titans Vs. Naruto

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    you seriously read that crap like spiderman and all those shitty super hero comics?
    dude... spidey and x-men rock. especially j. micheal stratzynksy's run on amazing spider-man, simply amazing. you should check give american books more of a chance, there are tons of stuff out there that is pure gold. like anything with stratzynsky's or bendis name on it. honestly i cant see how someone can read manga and not enjoy american books too (yeah... im gonna get flamed)... but over all... DC SUCKS!!! everyone is overpowered (even batman) and are completely uninteresting. its not wonder the titans win that battle, because DC heros are too outrageous. god i hate DC so much.
    batman is one fucked up super hero, my brother was watching justice league the other day as i sat down and had my meal, and batman is on the same level as superman, what is that? batman got alot of money and supercool gadgets so suddenly he turns into this super mega super hero who can defeat all!!! and i have read my share of american comics its the same bullshit story everytime a bunch of super heroes rescue the universe from the evil super villian who wants to eat/rule/destroy the universe, very original. exept for spiderman where we get to hear the pains of life from a nerd who just happens to be spiderman and saves the universe every now and then. fomr what i have read there isnt any story about the characters the only thing that happens is that they put on their suit and rescues something. prove me wrong if you'd like Y since you seem to be the bulshit comic professor around here.

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