No, please dont mention sexy no jutsu or any variation of it. We do not condone child porn [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
No, please dont mention sexy no jutsu or any variation of it. We do not condone child porn [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
sakura in a towel no jutsu am i rite!?!
haha, id go with ino
Id go with your sick no jutsuOriginally posted by: Souryusen
sakura in a towel no jutsu am i rite!?!
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
then id go with this is a stupid spam thread and should be closed....
If one is a pervert: thousand years of pain...
I like how any thread that isn't an episode discussion thread that goes for more than 3 posts is some kinda pointless spam thread.
You know, cause, we've got so much ELSE to discuss.
Well we all know how Anko trained under Oro...who can do that long tongue thing. So if Anko can do that long tongue thing...if you catch my drift.
i like how stupid it is to say what you just said in a thread like this, im not against threads that arent episode discussions but this thread is just stupid spam. its pointless.Originally posted by: DarthEnder
I like how any thread that isn't an episode discussion thread that goes for more than 3 posts is some kinda pointless spam thread.
You know, cause, we've got so much ELSE to discuss.
obviously, the sexiest jutsu is whatever jutsu tsunade uses to fake her youth
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
on that topic assertn, remember when tsunade uses up all her chakra which temporarily dispels her youth inducing spell, how come she turns all wrinkly? I mean even if she didnt have her youth, shed only be 50, and your not like deathly wrinkly like some 110 year old hag
because that cell genesis jutsu of hers increases her age
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
oh i didnt realize it set her back that long... Long enough so she'll die by the time naruto is ready to be hokage maybe... maybe....
hahaha.... yes
its the random picture thread =/
You should have made a thread in general discussion. not post something randomly.
although, is that pic real?
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
yeah, deblas, that picture is real.