yes it will.Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
yea unfortunaly the show wont change just becuase you want it to....
yes it will.Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
yea unfortunaly the show wont change just becuase you want it to....
"The two people that are next to the 4th when hes a kid are not yet revealed in the anime. But chances are if they trained with him they are very powerful, if they are not dead that is. "
I'm pretty sure they are actually his two aids. They look a lot alike. They're the guys that asked Jiraiya to be Hokage, and then made him get Tsunade. I think Anko is one of the girls under with Kakashi, even though Oro trained her as well.
those two aids are 3rd hokages genin teammates not 4ths.Originally posted by: Sam98034
"The two people that are next to the 4th when hes a kid are not yet revealed in the anime. But chances are if they trained with him they are very powerful, if they are not dead that is. "
I'm pretty sure they are actually his two aids. They look a lot alike. They're the guys that asked Jiraiya to be Hokage, and then made him get Tsunade. I think Anko is one of the girls under with Kakashi, even though Oro trained her as well.'re right, I misunderstood. Unfortunately I don't have Episode 72 anymore. Can anyone post a screen shot of the pic?
i forgot the buttons you have to press in windows media player to take a screen, but yes those 2 aids are definitely the 3rds genin teamates, if you think about it, the people next to the 4th are his age, and the 4th died 13 years ago and from the flashbacks he is clearly young, and he has to be younger than at least the sannin, who are younger than the hokage
and about what people are saying before, you keep saying that the theme of the series will be ruined if sasuke beats itachi, but sasuke could see naruto on the brink of death, and the power of wanting to save him will give him that extra edge to beat itachi
i want naruto to be the best, but sasuke will probably be the one to take out itachi, and hell probably spare his life right before he dies because he will be compassionate at that time or something
OR perhaps Sasuke will actually kill Itachi, and not become a good guy again at all...
maybe, but based on the theme of the anime probably not, i was just watching 110-111 again and i realized i cannot wait to see what the kids look grown up
It wouldn't have to be against the "theme" of the series, IMO... he may reach his goal by using a "shortcut", but he loses a lot by doing so.
yea and BAM sasuke becomes the new itachi. if that happens sasuke will be exactly like itachi is now and what will he do by then? give his body to oro? join akatsuki? hide under a rock somewhere? altho it is possible that they go far enough for a jiraiya - orochimaru relationship and ends the whole show with the last fight between them.
Or they realise the irony of it all and decide to just chill out togather instead....
Orochimaru would likely have to die, otherwise he'd become just another "Sasuke idiot" and try to follow him everywhere (although he would have his own reasons for doing so), and that would be rather lame. It's also possible that Sasuke doesn't become "evil" enough to not return to Konoha, but gradually grows more in that direction (it took Orochimaru longer to leave Konoha).Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
yea and BAM sasuke becomes the new itachi. if that happens sasuke will be exactly like itachi is now and what will he do by then? give his body to oro? join akatsuki? hide under a rock somewhere? altho it is possible that they go far enough for a jiraiya - orochimaru relationship and ends the whole show with the last fight between them.
An even more likely scenario (IMO), however, would be that Orochimaru does get himself a new body - but it's not the body of Uchiha Sasuke...
But then, I'm also convinced that Itachi really cares about his little brother and is only trying to help him, in his own abnormal way. He's had two opportunities to kill him, but did not... *is an Itachi idiot*
Hmm... I think what it is is that Itachi is actually in alot of pain, or suffers inside or is a little crazy or something... But he has become so powerful that he cant find someone who can kill him so he let sasuke live to avenge his family and be able to kill him.. I think sasuke even mentions that in one of the earlier episodes that thats the reason that itachi kept him alive
The buttons to press for screencaptures is: Ctrl + iOriginally posted by: gokudagreat
i forgot the buttons you have to press in windows media player to take a screen
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
thanks a bunch
im not into this itachi really being good stuff. i went there once but it didnt lead to anything. there is a possiblity just like you say that sasuke fights itachi loses, naruto fights itachi and is on the verge of death in this moment sasukes true power awakens and he saves naruto. but even this fight will go according to the theme of the series. no doubt.
I've yet to see itachi kill anyone where it didn't take place in a flashback. I wanna see him kill!Originally posted by: PervertSpammingJiraiya
im not into this itachi really being good stuff. i went there once but it didnt lead to anything. there is a possiblity just like you say that sasuke fights itachi loses, naruto fights itachi and is on the verge of death in this moment sasukes true power awakens and he saves naruto. but even this fight will go according to the theme of the series. no doubt.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Hopefully he will kill sakura
This sig was made by KitKat.
we will never see itachi kill neone in real time.. cuz when we DO see him fight.. actually fight.. its going to be his death by saskueOriginally posted by: animemaster
I've yet to see itachi kill anyone where it didn't take place in a flashback. I wanna see him kill!Originally posted by: PervertSpammingJiraiya
im not into this itachi really being good stuff. i went there once but it didnt lead to anything. there is a possiblity just like you say that sasuke fights itachi loses, naruto fights itachi and is on the verge of death in this moment sasukes true power awakens and he saves naruto. but even this fight will go according to the theme of the series. no doubt.
I think Itachi will kill somone in akatsuki before the final fight tbh
This sig was made by KitKat.
i hope he does. im tired of seeing him appear for a short time and then retreat quickly like that time with kakashi and then the incident with jiraiya
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'