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Thread: Major

  1. #161
    Hi guys, I've also been watching raws for season 3 of Major. I'm a pretty avid fan of baseball, too ^^ Hmm, but I guess anti-spoiler rules prevent me from talking about the contents, right?

  2. #162
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    You are absolutely correct. Kudos for knowing the rules hehe

  3. #163
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Is there quality issues with MJN's releases? To me it's fine, never thought it lacked anything. It comes out at a reasonable speed and the translations seem to be correct, not that i know but it bever seemed weird to me. Then again i have no idea about most of the stuff a fansub goes through.

    I have also been watching the raws. and i can't wait for the subs, even though i don't know japanese i can sort of figure out what they are talking about(at least i think so). I'll let the subs be the answer to that :P.

  4. #164
    They had some decent amount of mistranslations, or lack of translation, for that matter at times. And a lot of grammatical errors which is what really bothered me. But this is an easy series to understand so it's easy to grasp what's going on, and if any mistranslation existed it wasn't really too off.

    I haven't checked up much of the Saizen releases, but I did preffer their editing and for that I'm replacing all of second season with their release.

  5. #165
    No torrent yet, but 53 is out at the moment:

    #minor_ja_nai @

    Edit: Now out on torrent:

    Great episode by the way.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 01-29-2007 at 03:21 PM.

  6. #166
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    That was definitely awesome. I was just thinking, wow, after all that training and hardship the kids at kaido go through, how much would it suck to be beaten by a less than one year old team? that's just crazy

    and can't wait to see how this team forms. part of major's strength is character development so i'm looking forward to the new characters. plus i want to see goro learn some control or a new pitch!

  7. #167
    54 is also out now, IRC only at the moment.

    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 01-30-2007 at 05:15 PM.

  8. #168
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Yea like Goro doesn't have control in his pitches? I would say that is the one thing he isn't lacking. Together with speed. The whole deal with Goro is that he doesn't need any other pitch than his fastball to beat every slugger out there.

    I agree with you though, i would like him to use some other pitches to. I am a fan of the fork ball, i think that's an interesting pitch. Or what about that breaking ball he used in the first season before he busted his shoulder?

    EDIT: About the translations of MJN i think they are french, at least the guy in charge seems to be french so maybe that's why they have some grammatical errors once in a while.

    EDIT2: Just watched 53 and 54 with subs. Amazing eps. I dislike the dude with the attitude problem though. The guy out of those three that Fuji knows who isn't fat and doesn't wear glasses. He seems to hate baseball pretty bad so my guess is that he had some kind of bad experience with baseball prior to joining Seishuu. I would hate it if he just is an ass and changes for some miraculous reason later on.
    Last edited by PSJ; Wed, 01-31-2007 at 05:49 PM.

  9. #169
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    I was under the impression that by the time he defeated Kaido last season, he was still throwing everything right down the middle. No one was able to hit it because of the ball's speed. I could be wrong. But the fact that no one ever did one of those "high inside strike?! wtf?!" comments led me to believe that he was still throwing his ball right down the middle.

    I think that he's at a point where he needs to learn a breaking ball of some sort. There's always improvement for speed and control, sure, and we can't discount his dream of throwing only fastballs to win games... but... if this team-formation storyline is similar to the Little League one (even Goro made this parallel in expressing his excitement), then I don't quite think the present-Goro will go through a game against Kaido at Koshien throwing just fastballs. The Kaido team is super-motivated to defeat Goro now so I wouldn't be surprised if Toshi at that point would be able to hit Goro's pitch.

    That's just my thoughts and speculation. I've been thinking the timeline of the 26-ep season would be first half: team formation and tournament and then second half:Koshien tournament. Plus I'm rooting for a game between Seishuu and Mifune somewhere, just to see some old characters again ^^

  10. #170
    Sources tell me that episode 55 should be out in about 4 hours, so keep an eye out for it.

    It's best if you go lurk at their IRC channel, since it'll probably be released there first.

  11. #171

  12. #172
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Great episode, lots of drama. I love how Shingo reminds me of Goro as a kid only with less attitude.

    The ep was great and you finally got to understand abit about Fuji and that girl who hang around Goro al the time. She's one hell of a bitch, she really can't take an accident. She should stop blaiming others and do her rehab seriously. Fucking bitch.

  13. #173
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    She is a bitch, but you should also consider how important club activities and contests are for Japanese students. Most of their school life is really based on club activities, and being selected to participate in a tournament is no small deal, dealing with both issues of skill and seniority. She must have a lot of hate for the guy that ruined that for her.
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  14. #174
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Sure but it is no diffrent than any other sport you play in or out of school. It happened in middle school(is that the correct term?) she should let it go by now. It's real childish to hate a guy who hurt her by accident.

    Most injuries can be cured with rehab training and if she really loved the sport and not the attention she would've let go of her hatred or used it as fuel to get back in shape. She seems cured now but all she does is going around acting like a bitch. She's acting just like Yamane did before Goro showed him that just because he injured his right arm doesn't mean he can't play anymore.

    I hate people who act like that bitch, going around sulking because she got injured, she should do something about it or go hide.
    Last edited by PSJ; Tue, 02-13-2007 at 11:04 AM.

  15. #175
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    She's mad not because the injury was that serious, but the fact that it made her miss the tournament, which like I said, is technically a once in a lifetime chance considering how Japanese people tend to approach adolescent life in stages. Im not saying her attitude is justified, but its not for no reason either.
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  16. #176
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    A tournament in middle school shouldn't mean that much. I understand that it might be very diffrent over there but she is mad at him for years and she doesn't even bother trying to compete again she's just sulking and hating. Now that's just pitiful, that's what i think anyway. I understand your point though.

  17. #177
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    A tournament in middle school is very important for those who cant really become pros. Goro probably wouldnt bear a grudge from missing a tournament because he is aiming to be a pro player, but for those whose chance to get glory at something they enjoy is an infinitely rare chance, it means much more.

    Though I agree with you that she is definitely NOT a likeable character.

    I wonder when Shimizu will finally confess to Goro. And does Goro have any feeling for her at all? I hope Goro doesnt say something stupid like "I want to focus on baseball for now" since both his fathers actually married and had kids despite being a baseball-baka.
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  18. #178
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    I agree. because beside from point that I don't want Shinta to catchup my post count, it was her future in sport that was shattered, she really had the chance to become great.

  19. #179
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Thats not the point. She probably made a full recovery after that, so if she could really be great then she would have become great even now. The point of her anger is the fact that she missed a rare chance that probably wont come again.

    I actually think she isnt that much of an athlete, since she didnt continue even after junior high. If she really had as much potential as maybe Goro, an incident like that wouldnt stop her.
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  20. #180
    Here's 56, let's see Goro kick some ass by himself:

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