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Thread: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

  1. #21

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Kiras been bad ass as soon as he got freedom in gundam seed and athrun was awesome too. Shhin on the other hand is a whinny loser who should be taken out of destiny and should start focusing on atrun and kira...

  2. #22

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Originally posted by: Tsubasa
    Kiras been bad ass as soon as he got freedom in gundam seed and athrun was awesome too. Shhin on the other hand is a whinny loser who should be taken out of destiny and should start focusing on atrun and kira...

    lol... you cant really say that. GSD's main character is SHINN therefore they should focus on him more...and then soon maybe you'll like him. Athrun and kira already had the spotlight shun on them in GS, though it is good that they kept in kira and athrun in GSD

    my fav
    GS = tie between Mwu & Kira
    GSD = Kira

  3. #23

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Well if they focus more on Shinn then this show is ruined cause he is not as intresting as Kira and Athrun and with those characthers Destiny isnt the same....

  4. #24

    Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    favorite chars are Andrew Bartfield (Desert Tiger) and Mwu La Flaga. Mwu cuz hes basically the Roy Fokker clone (for those of you who watched Robotech or Macross) in this series lol. and oh yea--Lacus who was basically Kira/Asuran's pimp lol she was the first music/singing char in a Mecha anime that i didnt desipse

    for Destiny id have to say Dulindal cuz hes just so damn cool and manipulative.

  5. #25

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    My absolute favorite from Gundam Seed is Dearka basically because he reminds me of myself. They really didn't take the time to develop his storyline in the previous season but I hope they focus on him more in GSDestiny.

  6. #26

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Shinn is the worst, besides him everyone else rocks,

  7. #27
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Originally posted by: mushroombest
    Shinn is the worst, besides him everyone else rocks,
    I thought the tension between him and Cagali was quite interesting, with him being from Orb having to go against it and with Cagali being in the middle of Shin and the other Orb council members.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #28

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Kira all the way...

    Shinn will turn out like Kira except for that he won't be so emotional... He thought he had everything sussed, but damn, He will end up hurting others and feeling others hate, and that will be a good lesson to him.

    Oh, I will still be hating Shinn even after that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #29

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Mwu & Rau & Andy/Andrew pwned in GS
    they were just too cool for the others
    worst of GS Azrael; because of him Mwu died [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    best Gundam Seed Destiny; i'll have to go with Andy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    worst GSD; Shinn

  10. #30

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Always has been, always will be Asuran!!
    Of all the female characters, its tough cause they all have their own good qualities. I'd have to say Lacus.

  11. #31

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Andrew & Dearka were my favs.
    I know several people that are slaves to coffee, and Andy reminded me of them. Plus you can't not like the guy that is always cool and confidant.
    Dearka just has the coolest gundam out of that series.

  12. #32
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Kira and Athrun are my fav's in Gundam Seed and same goes for Destiny.
    Cagalli and Lacus were great in Seed but in Destiny...they don't measure up to how they were in Seed. All Cagalli is doing is letting everyone push her around and all Lacus does is say "Kira".
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  13. #33

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    in GS Andrew and Lacus where the best. and azrel was the wherst.
    in GSD it has to be athrun and mayrin (she seems to be the only one that dose any work on the bridge).
    Lacus in the worst. she lost all the aditued she had in GS. and as NarutoMaster point out all she says is "Kira" in the most anouing way posible i may add.

  14. #34

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    for GS:
    fav definitely is Mwu
    worst: Azrael or Flay, i cant decide

    for GSD
    fav=Rey and Lunamaria
    Least fav=shinn
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  15. #35

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Fav.: Mwu for male character. and Lacus for female character.
    Least fav.: Azrail for male and Flay (definitely definitely) for female character.

    Fav. Rei (tentative) Asuran and Sting for male. Lunamaria for female
    Least Fav. Arthur for male. Stellar for female

  16. #36

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Kira and Athrun are my fav's in Gundam Seed and same goes for Destiny.
    Cagalli and Lacus were great in Seed but in Destiny...they don't measure up to how they were in Seed. All Cagalli is doing is letting everyone push her around and all Lacus does is say "Kira".

    Yea i'm a big fan of Kira and Athrun in seed but Mwu really took the series to another level. It sucks that Cagalli isn't as great of a character as she was in the seed but she's still the coolest. And Lacus has gotten so boring they had to create another one of her to try and keep it interesting. It's too bad they dont do more with Rey cause i think he can be a really interesting character, but he just never says much.

  17. #37

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    I'm going to give Shinn the benefit of the doubt and see how he improves in the next couple of episodes. I really want to see him and Kira go at it, if the assumption is that it was Kira's blast (though deflected) that killed his whole family comes true. or at least, Shinn thinks it is.

    That being said,

    Seed: Hmmmm I'd have to say Athrun.

    Destiny:......Hmm. I want to see a little more character development before I say, though I think Stellar is going to be interesting.. but what can I say, I've always liked psycho anime chicks..... Flay being the exception, she was just a freak ><

  18. #38

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Spoiler! hah

    Mwu La Flaga for regular seed but not in destiny because in destiny he is neo, i can tell its him, somehow he lived and turned against peace. trust me i got a feeling about this masked fellow. A real shocker its gonna be, except for me, because of course i saw it coming. same voice actor too! i just checked before i posted this cause i wanted to be sure, and its the same guy. plus theres a scene in either the OP or ending that makes it seem like it coud be all this has led me to my brilliant conclusion.

    shinn in destiny because he mauled all those ships outside orb. most exciting bit of action to date, and it really showcased his suit versatility.
    but maybe neo cause maybe he will be turned back to the light, like darth vader, except he won't have to die...again. i think it must be the mask that does it.

  19. #39

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    Shinn Asuka rocks ~
    I just like everything single about him ~
    he is cute... handsome... and has an attitude ^^
    Episodes 20 is the most touching Episode... coz it tells us wat Shinn has gone through...
    Imagine urself stepping his shoes... how would u feel?
    losing his beloved family at the age of 12... juz imagine... how much have he gone through to become what he is now?

    he may hate the Attha family now... but i got a feeling he would understand it someday that what Uzumi did was correct...

    And i can't wait for episode 21 to come out ^^ where Shinn and Stellar meet

  20. #40

    RE: Favorit characther in Gundam Seed and Destiny

    in GS i like lacus and of cos kira. Lacus because ...shes beautiful and she helps to bring peace. kira cuz he kicks ass when he gets into seed mode [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    in gsd: i like lacus, kira, and shinn. Lacus because shes.. =.= and what the heck all she say is kira .. i mean in ive watch episodes 1-21 rite now.. and i hear her say kira, i was their target, wasn't i? , and some otehr simple short lines.. they should make her talk more ... Kira i love his suit.. looks cool better than athrun's suit IMO. Shinn i luv his attitude mb im like that too lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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