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Thread: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

  1. #21
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    if we should go all scientific on shit neji had the biggest risk of being killed of bloodloss with that giant hole right above his heart, chouji got emptied on fat but unless those pills took away all his muscles to he would survive for a while just look at the jews during world war 2 they were skinnier than chouji yet walkign around, and all those pills did was make him skinny really.... i know it was a big fuss about they being suicide pills and shit but whatever.

  2. #22
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    I thought Chouji could live, but that Neji was definietly a goner. I mean, he had these fucking big holes in his chest and stomach!! I really liked him as a character, but the holes and the "light falls on his body and a feather comes down" thing really got to me.

    But you know, these "death" scenes were just wonderfully done in the anime. Chouji got all thin (which wasn't done in the manga, I think) and suddenly stops moving... and Neji smiling with that "My soul's been saved" thing... they were very moving.

    Kiba wouldn't die. It was damned obvious. He just stabbed himself, but went swimming afterwards, and Kanakuro arrived before he had time to even lose conciousness because of blood-loss. I was more worried about Akamaru.

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  3. #23

    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    When I saw Chouji unconscious infront of that tree I figured he was gonna make it through. He might not be the mostt popular character in the show but he still has some growing up to do. He had just realized how good of friends he was surrounded by and had his first true battle experience on the field. There was no way he was gonna die that easily on a failed mission. The same thing goes for Neji but only he is one of the most anticipated characters as far as growth with his abilities. Hinata is going to improve but she would have not been able to fill in Neji's shoes. I'm not gonna even discuss Kiba.

  4. #24

    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    is it just me or is the anime running at a faster pace than the manga. Its episode 119 right now. Im not a diligent anime watcher, I tend to like to use my imagination when reading the manga. But I dabble. And while dabbling, ep 119 felt like chapter 219...

    maybe its just me.

    forgive me if this is a repeat topic. Im not here much.

  5. #25

    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    Its not just u,it feel like the anime is going faster.

  6. #26
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    yea the anime picked up the pace for some reason while the manga stopped completly, which means that we will have yet another filler arc after this arc in the anime.

  7. #27

    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    I think we will get a LOT of filler for the expected 3 year break (to be confirmed next week? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] ) we are getting in the manga when the anime catches up.

  8. #28
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    Whomever is behind the anime time-table is a moron. If they were going to speed things up with two almost-consecutive one hour specials, why did they bother in doing those awful fillers?

    I mean, I enjoyed the one where Tsunade is being chased 'cause she hasn't paid (man, it could happen!), but the one with Kakashi and his mask and the three morons? CRAP. The one with Idate and Naruto's rasengan forming a giant ocean toilet? CRAP.

    I'd rather they hadn't done the fillers and they hadn't done the one hour specials. They could have stretched Sasuke's flashback, if what they wanted was length...

    If we are going to see yet more fillers to compensate the three years leap, I hope they'll be at least according to everything that's happened. A few genin-training fillers wouldn't be so bad, even if a little boring...

    ...then again, they could always make a longer Kakashi Gaiden, and that would be pretty cool.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  9. #29
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    They should do a chibi special, like Prince of Tennis, everybody love Chibis,,,
    no one will complain if they throw in the chibi charecters and have them running around talking about the latest stuff happenning in the anime, or just have them fight a super ninja demon who's driving a robotic megazord... it'll be a blast!
    actually, i'm having an even better idea: they jaoanese TV should do a 1 1/2 hour chibi special of PoT, Naruto and Bleach, cpnsidering the latest quality of those animes, it would be a huge improvment...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #30

    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    Originally posted by: Winged Dancer...then again, they could always make a longer Kakashi Gaiden, and that would be pretty cool.
    Or even better, a second part... it doesn't have to tell us anything new, just show us what we already know happened but haven't seen any flashbacks of yet.

    In general, though, filler scenes are better than filler episodes. It's easier to make a decent filler scene than a filler episode, from what I've seen...

  11. #31
    Missing Nin
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    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    They should do a chibi special, like Prince of Tennis, everybody love Chibis,,,
    no one will complain if they throw in the chibi charecters and have them running around talking about the latest stuff happenning in the anime, or just have them fight a super ninja demon who's driving a robotic megazord... it'll be a blast!
    actually, i'm having an even better idea: they jaoanese TV should do a 1 1/2 hour chibi special of PoT, Naruto and Bleach, cpnsidering the latest quality of those animes, it would be a huge improvment...
    We were already subjected to the Chibi walk ending we at no point need any further Chibi action *cringe*.

    In general the giant holes in Neji made it very believeable he would have died also they claimed that taking the third pill ment death no matter what to Chouji. Neither of those can really be ignored as far as people speculating on the deaths of characters. We should also make note the fights contain flashbacks and historically in Naruto any time they showed flashbacks for anyone but Naruto it ment that character would lose there given fight. In this case they basically tied there fights and just don't die however.

  12. #32

    RE: Chouji, Neji, and Kiba.....DEAD!?

    I don't think they are dead.

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