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Thread: Don't think there's a Bleach this week

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  1. #1

    Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    Haven't seen a pop for the raw as of yet, almost 2 days late now. I think they may have skipped this week, which means we'll get a double episode sometime sooner or later if so. But from what I can tell, this week is an off week for it. In the meantime, double episode of Naruto + Xenosaga just started, so it's kind of a bittersweet week for me. Just had a few friends from around town asking me about it, figured I'd share. If someone knows for sure, let us know.

  2. #2

    Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    nope no bleach, says so right here

  3. #3

    RE: Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    maybe get a double ep, hopefully

  4. #4

    RE: Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    If I had to speculate, I'd say one'll happen at the start of the next arc, since it opens pretty big. Then again, it seems Shounen series wait until 50+ to do a double. Then again, FMA had a couple. So who knows.

  5. #5

    RE: Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    nuh but naruto had a double at 25/26 even if it was just a recap

  6. #6

    RE: Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    I hope it's a double

    Argh, no Bleach this week

  7. #7

    RE: Don't think there's a Bleach this week

    If there is a double, they could wait for a Winter or Spring Special, but donno.

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