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Thread: Naruto 116-117 discussion

  1. #81

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    I just keep hoping some Artist draws one of those trees all wrong and then the whole fellowship of the Sasuke rams into the tree. Dead.

    Really, the jumping through trees is nothing more then flying while going up and down ._.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  2. #82

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    gaara stands around not doing anything because he is the man, the man does not concern himself with weaklings [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    garra is cool but i want to see kiba fight since he kinda sucks imo. boring fighter to much spinning and various other crap. i want akamaru to start talking though that would be cool.

    just to go off-topic for a second. i wonder what would happen if a clan has a black sheep, like a skinny akimichi member, a person weirded out by bugs in shinos clan etc etc. do they get ridiculed like hinata or just ignored [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    i think making people look like they are jumping is easier than making them look like they are flying, ie you cant just draw a motionless figure and make them fly, it looks wrong but all that jumping is a single drawing being moved in upside down U movements(to the more mathematically minded absolute sine waves or |sinx| just to be a smartarse)

  3. #83

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    You seem to forget that Gaara can also attack while he's defending. He can control the sand ball while he's inside and do all sorts of jutsus because the ball is hollow. He just didn't do it against Sasuke because he was inside trying to turn into Shukaku. The show wouldn't be too exciting if Gaara just impaled Sasuke with a big sand spike through the head.

    Kidomaru's defense on the other hand turns himself into a statue, making him immobile until he sheds the armor.

  4. #84

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    You seem to forget that Gaara can also attack while he's defending. He can control the sand ball while he's inside and do all sorts of jutsus because the ball is hollow. He just didn't do it against Sasuke because he was inside trying to turn into Shukaku. The show wouldn't be too exciting if Gaara just impaled Sasuke with a big sand spike through the head.
    Sure, but outside the opponent can do anything, too. If it was Naruto he could just summon Gamabunta an crush the ball. Or maybe someone could use that black fire (i think Itachi can beat Gaara easier than that though).

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_commandKidomaru's defense on the other hand turns himself into a statue, making him immobile until he sheds the armor.
    Maybe.. Thats just a guess, a guess as good as any other. Maybe he, too, can make spikes and shoot them? We know he can do it with his mouth..

  5. #85

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: Myran
    Sure, but outside the opponent can do anything, too. If it was Naruto he could just summon Gamabunta an crush the ball. Or maybe someone could use that black fire (i think Itachi can beat Gaara easier than that though).
    Defense doesn't involve the immobilization of the opponent. That's offensive strategy. You can say that for every other defense move as well. Sure Neji can do kaiten, but that doesn't mean his opponent will just stand and watch. They can still do anything they want, Neji's kaiten doesn't prevent that.
    Maybe.. Thats just a guess, a guess as good as any other. Maybe he, too, can make spikes and shoot them? We know he can do it with his mouth..
    That's not a guess, it's a fact. If you're encased in metal you can't move, unless you only only leave the joints uncovered...but then that's not encased anymore. Plus, immobility doesn't mean you can't do anything else. Maybe he's like Gaara and can reshape the armor, no one knows. Immobility just means he can't move around. Oro is handicapped but that doesn't mean he can't fight.

  6. #86

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    i bet you lots of money that neji lives... like cmon.. they cant just kill him off right now... its prolly just an event that creates suspense theme, and emotion towards the story... but yea... neji its TOO good to die!!!! no way.. i refuse to believe it.

  7. #87

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Defense doesn't involve the immobilization of the opponent. That's offensive strategy. You can say that for every other defense move as well. Sure Neji can do kaiten, but that doesn't mean his opponent will just stand and watch. They can still do anything they want, Neji's kaiten doesn't prevent that.
    Thats my point, Gaaras defense is just the same as Kidomarus. Theyre both just pure defense.

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    That's not a guess, it's a fact. If you're encased in metal you can't move, unless you only only leave the joints uncovered...but then that's not encased anymore. Plus, immobility doesn't mean you can't do anything else. Maybe he's like Gaara and can reshape the armor, no one knows. Immobility just means he can't move around. Oro is handicapped but that doesn't mean he can't fight.
    No, it's a guess. It is true that if youre encased in metal you can't move, were not talking about metal here though. We're talking about some fictional material that we have no idea what he can do with. If you assume it is exactly like metal, then yes hes just a statue. We know for a fact that he does some funky chakra thing with it though, so that suggests that he can manipulate it when on his body. Probably not very much though, then hes just walk around with it constantly.
    We dont know how immobile he is with the armor on. If he makes armor everywhere except at his joints it seems reasonable that he can move around and be very mobile.

  8. #88

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Time: 5:05

    Kidomaru: "Once my Kumo Nenkin is released out in the air, it is transformed into a metal alloy"

    I don't think there's much argument there...

  9. #89

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Time: 5:05

    Kidomaru: "Once my Kumo Nenkin is released out in the air, it is transformed into a metal alloy"

    I don't think there's much argument there...
    Right you are, I missed that one.
    The skipping joints thing still works though, and depending on how advanced control he has he could make protected joints with movement.

    Anyway, my point was that Gaara is also immobile so at that point their defences are equal.

  10. #90

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    i havent seen this ep yet so i dont know exactly whats going on but judging by this conversation it seems that the sound guy cant move at all correct. the point was while gaara is in his ball he can move around inside it, making various handseals and stuff, Board already said this. Theoretically he could sit in his ball and order whatever sand that isnt making the ball to try to kill his opponent. or if he knew how he could make kage bunshins outside the ball, the point if while gaara is still very well defended he can still attack, where as this guy appears not to be able to according to what i picked up listening to you two.

  11. #91

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Eh. First of all board was talking about immobality, wich Gaara also has. The thing is we never really saw his armor in action, only parts of him was covered in it, and if you consider the fact that the sound guy can most likely create a huge hollow ball (just like gaara) of that armor goo, so he could a?lso sit in a little house of goo and make seals.

  12. #92

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Basey, the sound guy moves a lot in this ep. We're just discussing one of his abilities.

  13. #93

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    He's even pretty damn quick [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    He mentions both that it actually turns into a metal alloy (i assume this is not literally) and that chakra cannot pass through, does that mean they cannot have chakra pass through normal metal either? I never really understood that, they cna obviously make it go through air, but what about something like earth? The fat guy could do it and raise the earth, but that seemed like some special ability of his. But on the other hand the 3rd was able to create huge walls of mud from when he was fighting on the rooftop. Does that mean they can actually create material, or only draw it out? If they can create (wich seems logical since the mud wall did just appear) couldnt Neji, at least in theory, also create a defence very similar to the spider guys since he can manipulate chakra from anywehere on his body?

    Also, whats up with noone learning the stuff like fireballs (like sasuke)?

  14. #94

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Yea... if Neji knew the fire jutsu he could have taken out those spiders easily...

  15. #95

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Maybe he used a technique that creates a mirror image of himself. He set the mirror image then transformed into a fly or something and flew away.
    wow what a great imagination you have.

  16. #96

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    the cool defense thing he has could maybe allow him to move if it was light. just dont impede the joints and movement is allowed.
    and what ifs dont work in naruto because naruto could just go ask gamabunta for help with all the small fries or why doesnt tsunade ask jiraiya for help?

  17. #97
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Time: 5:05

    Kidomaru: "Once my Kumo Nenkin is released out in the air, it is transformed into a metal alloy"

    I don't think there's much argument there...
    except for the fact that you are quoting dattebayo, which is just as justifiable as quoting nothing at all

    also you guys, dont forget, gaara's armor of sand can completely cover his body constantly while he can freely move around. And I would put kidoumaru's web armor on an equal level to gaara's sand armor.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #98
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    I would say kidoumarus web armor is much better thatn garaa's sand armor cause kidoumaru can still move while garaa stays in one place when he has the shield

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  19. #99
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 116-117 discussion


    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Maybe he used a technique that creates a mirror image of himself. He set the mirror image then transformed into a fly or something and flew away.

    wow what a great imagination you have.
    I have to agree with Board here.

    On the subject of Kido suddenly vanishing, there's something I noticed watching that scene again.

    When they are standing there looking at each other, there is this...distortion, that moves along the treetrunk in the middle of the screen. Looks kinda like when a character is invisible, only smaller. I think that thing, whatever it is, is Kido slipping away while he simply left an illusion of himself standing there. Then the illusion disappears and it looks like he just vanished.

    Watch it again, its pretty obvious if you're looking for it.

  20. #100
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    I would say kidoumarus web armor is much better thatn garaa's sand armor cause kidoumaru can still while garaa stays in one place when he has the shield
    huh? kidoumaru can still what? you totally made that sentence worthless by not finishing it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    im assuming you meant "move", but you still completely ignored what i said. gaara's SAND ARMOR is different than his SAND SHIELD. Not to mention that everyone's saying that kidoumaru CANT move with his armor, so what's your reasoning for saying differently?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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