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Thread: Naruto 116-117 discussion

  1. #61

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Yea i checked and you're right, it is a coma, but he could died if the shield Techinque failed.

  2. #62
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Man you guys should just read the manga its similar kinda of on some parts so you wont have to wait
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  3. #63

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Kimimaro is most likely another one of Oro's followers. I think I saw a manga cover or something with this new guy standing in the middle of the sound four. Sorry if this sounds like a spoiler...

  4. #64
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: Goingin
    Originally posted by: jing
    Wow wicked ep =P
    now who or what is Kimimaro ........? mentioned by kidoumaru...
    I explained it a little because people where asking but Assertn decided i was spoiling (as i was trying not to do while writing the reply, still don't understand the spoiler part of it)
    because you're trying to hint at whats gonna happen soon in the series
    why dont you just not say anything like the rest of us [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]

    and btw,

    "I explained it a little because people where (sic) asking"

    this in itself should answer your question, because obviously it wasnt kishimoto's intent to explain anything about kimimaro yet
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #65

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailurei'd like to see you turn 180 degrees between the time that an arrow leaves a bow to the time that it reaches you.
    Especially when you have no idea when the arrow is shot.

    Originally posted by: Paulyboy
    Man you guys should just read the manga its similar kinda of on some parts so you wont have to wait
    Thats kinda stupid, if we read the manga we'd have to wait for the next manga chapter so the wait would still be there, just at a different point in the series.

  6. #66

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    actually the manga aint coming out for a while supposedly so manga readers are gonna wait even longer.

    also i meant after getting hit by it once, why get hit by it a second time in the back.

  7. #67

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Goingin
    Originally posted by: jing
    Wow wicked ep =P
    now who or what is Kimimaro ........? mentioned by kidoumaru...
    I explained it a little because people where asking but Assertn decided i was spoiling (as i was trying not to do while writing the reply, still don't understand the spoiler part of it)
    because you're trying to hint at whats gonna happen soon in the series
    why dont you just not say anything like the rest of us [img][/img]

    and btw,

    "I explained it a little because people where (sic) asking"

    this in itself should answer your question, because obviously it wasnt kishimoto's intent to explain anything about kimimaro yet
    Okay, then i'm sorry for that

  8. #68

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    I think Neji is still alive.... and when he recovers I think he should learn from this fight and start to learn some medium to long range ninjutsu... seems a pity he ended up with Gai as a sensei... he has a completely different taijutsu style to him and it seems he hasn't taught his team any ninjutusu... though Tenten did during the the Chunnin prelims do that jutsu with the two scrolls and stuff....

  9. #69

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    i doubt that Neji is dead and i hope Chouji isn't dead because he's only just now showing his extreme awesomeness, it would suck for him to die now

  10. #70

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    if Neji make it out alive then i'm sure he will overcome his weak point. If you remember the fight when Naruto beat Neji with a clone technique, after the fight Naruto say that cloning is his worst technique. If Naruto could do it then Neji could too.

  11. #71

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    The animation in the beginning was terrible but I understand that they were saving the best drawings for the best scenes. $@#$%^& tight ass ep. The moves Neji pulled off had be fabergasesed(overlook me spelling): Kidoumaru's version of the ultimate defense was bad ass. He def represented for the sound village displaying his skills on the battlefield. The rest off the shit Im not even gonna type b/c half the ppl already did. And Neji isn't died b/c has has not surpassed his uncle.

  12. #72

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    I don't think Neji wants to surpass his uncle. I think he just want to proof himself that he should be the rightful heir of the clan not Hinata.

  13. #73

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    well hinatas not the hier anymore anyway, its her little bro.

    "I explained it a little because people where (sic) asking
    this is unrelated, but what does the "(sic)" mean? i've always wodnered that.

  14. #74

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    hinata dont got a little brother... she got a little sister called hanabi who has more potential than hinata AHAHHAHA. but hinata is still heir to the throne. unless she dies hanabi can never get to become king!

    vvvvvvvv yea watevers... im gender blind vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

  15. #75

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    uh.. dont u mean queen

  16. #76

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Sic means kinda "Yes, it actually said that" when its used in quotes.
    "The moves Neji pulled off had be fabergasesed (sic!)" The (sic!) shows that I did not misquote, the person who first said it actually misspelled it.
    Or if i dont quote and say sth like this:
    She got a little sister called Hanabi (sic!) who has more potential than Hinata.
    It probably means that I think that name is stupid. As-in I didnt misunderstand the name or make it up, the creators actually named her that.

    Worth mentioning is that it in many cases is insulting to whoever you are quoting (if you are quoting), for example my first example could be seen as me insulting drcitan and the second example could be seen as me insulting the creators of Naruto (and that was not my intention)

    Also, if you use it a lot in a text it can be seen as an insult to the reader that he constantly needs to be reassured of correct facts, as if he could not think of his own.

    So dont use it ad nauseam.

  17. #77

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Nah Kidomaru's defense ability isn't that great, especially compared to Gaara's. Kidomaru is totally immobile if he uses it and it takes time for it to come out of his pores and harden. Any fast fighter can overcome this by hitting different spots simultaneously. Neji couldn't damage him because he already started activated the shield long before the attack. We just didn't see it on screen so it gives that suspense feeling. If he covers himself completely with it, then he's practically screwed himself if someone uses ninjutsus on him.

  18. #78

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Isnt that true with Gaaras sand-ball too?

  19. #79

    RE: Naruto 116-117 discussion

    garra's sandball is activated weather garra wants it to or not. sure people greater or equal to lee's speed can beat that. but garra's defence is better than kidoumaru just cause it dont require chakra

  20. #80

    Naruto 116-117 discussion

    Ah, his ordenary defense.. Well, everyone and their mothers seem to be able to fuck that one up. Lee could, Sasuke learned how to in a month, im sure Neji could too (or just do whirl right next to him). Naruto probably can break with with a combo of clones and Rasengan. Pretty much every single one of the grown-ups should be able to break it without any problem at all.

    And its not really like Gaara does anything anyway, he seems happy with just standing there defending for first half of the fight, during that time anyone can jump back and do ninjitsus.

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