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Thread: anime and sibling sex

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    my friends keep telling my sisters hot. I just dont see it, thats why I say its impossible to think of that but thats just me

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  2. #22

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Several possibilities:
    -your friends have bad taste
    -you have different preferences
    -you're gay [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

  3. #23

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    i think the japs are just deploring a part of the mind and putting it on paper.

    every man has had the "invisible man complex" == simply put fucking girls without having responsibility. Obviously if the man was invisible, then there couldn't be too many themes revolved around that because it would all be the same, so taking it to a more realistic level, it would be having sex with ppl you would have the most responsibility!!

  4. #24

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Several possibilities:
    -your friends have bad taste
    -you have different preferences
    -you're gay [img][/img]
    I don't think it is a gay/ non gay issue. He has grown up with his sister from birth always seeing the changes, flaws, ect..... So, there is never a built attraction. Now, say his parents divorced and he saw his sister for the first time in like 13 years and she was now 18, that would be different..... he actually notices her beauty.

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    There you go. You nailed that. thanks revel911 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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  6. #26
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    rofl, i dont know about brother and sister sex in japan, but mother and son sex is accepted in japan. it is because in japan the son is supposed to focus only on school and tryin to make it into college so he isnt supposed to waste time looking for girls or get caught up with a pregnancy. btw if you think i made this up stfu your wrong. (another anime with incest was this ugly and beautiful world)

  7. #27

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Yes that is 100% true. Teens in all of Asia have a sole purpose of getting into highschool/college. Everything else during this time is unacceptable.

  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Its still nasty

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  9. #29
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    It's not only in Japanese anime, there's this Korean drama about a brother and sister falling in love.

  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    there is also an american movie that a brother and sister get locked in the attic without ever getting out and they fall in love and have sex. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

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  11. #31

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    I've never heard of such a movie. Man Deblas you watch weird stuff

  12. #32
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    lol what movie is that? sure you werent watching porno?

  13. #33
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    rofl, i dont know about brother and sister sex in japan, but mother and son sex is accepted in japan. it is because in japan the son is supposed to focus only on school and tryin to make it into college so he isnt supposed to waste time looking for girls or get caught up with a pregnancy. btw if you think i made this up stfu your wrong. (another anime with incest was this ugly and beautiful world)

    ok, i'm not seeing the connection between the first part of the sentense and the second, how the hell is the son's focus on studies have anything to do with having sex with his mother?
    getting good grades and avoiding romatic entanglement is one thing, mother-son realtionship is completly diffrent, please do explain.

    and by the way, 'this ugly and beutiful world' didn't have incest, the sporty girl who called the main dude 'oni san' wasn't his real sister, not as far as I remember, maybe she was his cousien (which having sex with is accepted in some parts of the world, including USA), but i'm sure she wasn't his real sister.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    I've never heard of such a movie. Man Deblas you watch weird stuff
    haha. you shouldnt talk about wacthing weird stuff BOC. anyway i didnt see the movie I just heard about it in a show. its an old one i think from the 80's

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  15. #35
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    anime and sibling sex

    in japan they believe the son shouldent have anything distracting him from his studies including sex. not sure how else to explain it for ya man.
    EDIT: hey in the movie The Blue Lagoon arent they brother and sister?

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    anime and sibling sex

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    in japan they believe the son shouldent have anything distracting him from his studies including sex. not sure how else to explain it for ya man.
    EDIT: hey in the movie The Blue Lagoon arent they brother and sister?
    Glad im not japanese

    EDIT: Im a chunnin wohoo!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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  17. #37

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    You mean "glad you don't live in Japan"

    And I can fully understand why the culture there is like that. With such a massive population, the only way to earn a decent living when you grow up is to be among the academically elites and get into high school, or better yet, university. In order to maintain this competitiveness the students have to work their asses off and spare no time for relationships. It's not much of a "forced issue". Any mature student knows that he's got no time for such things.

    Plus, I've had first hand experience in such a system. It's really stressful and unless you're an idiot with no motivation, you know you got no time for stuff like this. My little cousin lives in China and the social system is pretty similar. I can already see this happening to him even though he's only 12.

  18. #38
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: anime and sibling sex

    you dont need to be an idiot to feel like school isnt motivating. and people can know that school is very improtant and yet not feel motivated to study enough. the way they do it in japan is to much for me i wouldnt survive there, damn i feel sorry for those kids, isnt it quite common with teenage suicide and stuff cause of the pressure?

  19. #39

    RE: anime and sibling sex

    Mostly pressure, not just from school but parents as well.

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