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Thread: wtf i dont belive

  1. #21

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    yes ut you have to agree its more than lilkley 50% of those people who voted were just voting for the one they liked the most.also how popular is that site! the poll was open for two days and it had 8k votes!!

  2. #22

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    ^^ 50% of that 50% could have voted for Neji. Either way, it's just a poll and polls are based on ones own opinion, so even if someone was a die hard Neji fan it doesn't mean that the rest of the world is. I myself like Lee over Neji.

    And yes, NarutoFan is popular and thus filled with diverse people. It all just depended who was able to vote on whom when the poll was open.

  3. #23
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: wtf i dont belive

    Originally posted by: chambers
    yes ut you have to agree its more than lilkley 50% of those people who voted were just voting for the one they liked the most.also how popular is that site! the poll was open for two days and it had 8k votes!!
    This is exactly why I don't vote there. From what the information, I assumed that this was a 1v1 fight and was asking who would win. I would probably say Lee would win (barely, that is), but since there are so many ignorant people who don't read what the polls are about, I just didn't bother.

  4. #24

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Originally posted by: chambers
    yes ut you have to agree its more than lilkley 50% of those people who voted were just voting for the one they liked the most.also how popular is that site! the poll was open for two days and it had 8k votes!!
    This is exactly why I don't vote there. From what the information, I assumed that this was a 1v1 fight and was asking who would win. I would probably say Lee would win (barely, that is), but since there are so many ignorant people who don't read what the polls are about, I just didn't bother.
    Sadly, that's sooo true. However, I dont think all people are completely ignorant. I hope that some of the NarutoFan population actually uses their heads.

  5. #25

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    dude, the 64 pokes dont just effect chakra, its a physical attack as well. all jyuuken attacks hurt. and 64 direct strikes to ver crucial parts of the body will hurt anyone and render them unable to move. if lee got hit by it, he wont get back up. and neji is a fairly good dodger. unless lee can stop the kaiten his speed wont matter. i wont go into too much detail about this because it would spoil the episode coming up, but lee and his gates wont stand much of a chance in my opinion.

  6. #26

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    2 days and 8k votes eh.... lets say 4k of those ppl signed up for naurtofan PLUS. $3.50 x 4k= wowzers.

  7. #27

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    That's pretty good profit and, if they're the good people they say they are, all of that money will go towards keeping the server up and running and doing any needed upgrades. With that, they should have enough money to pay for several months worth of bills.

  8. #28

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    I didn't know there was a NarutoFan "PLUS"

  9. #29

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    Yup. It's a new thing they just started up. If you get it, you get advanced PMing and you can DL eppies and chapters straight from the server. Meh, I think it's pointless, as not many people really PM others there and why pay 3.50 for eppies when you can get them for free at other places.

  10. #30
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: wtf i dont belive

    a few comments on the topic:

    1, the polls aren't really meant to be 'who will win' battles, it was said that they were popularity contests.
    2, Neji can probably beat Lee's ass, but not for sure, Lee trained himself in the gates openning in order to beat Neji, so nothing is 100% yet.
    3, Narutofan Plus is garbage, but for the people who signed it, i hope that their 3.5$ goes into Narutofan Plus exclusive servers and stuff, rather for general mainteince of the site, it's bad enough that they were suckered into signning in, no need to sucker them again.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #31

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    I would choose Lee any day of the week,neji is cool but Rock Lee is speciel. I just wish Kishimoto didnt use him all the time just to make other charather look better.

  12. #32

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    thats exactly why lee would lose

  13. #33

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    Who knows maybe Lee's only win will be agianst his rival Neji[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  14. #34

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    I was pretty shocked when I saw the results of the battle but after hearing it was based off of popularity votes then its just a little gay now. In this match up I guess it depends on whether they fight during the chuunin exam or after. In order for Lee to win he would have to bust out the gates ASAP b/c all it takes is one hit from Neji and it would be over. If they fought after the chuunin exam Neji would win using kaiten and following up with the 64 palms of hakke.

  15. #35

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    omgomg!1 my brain is melting i still cant understand how people like Rock Lee!?!?! errr must leave thread before crazy rock lee fans try to hack me

  16. #36

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    And why wouldnt people like Lee? It would be pretty boring without a character like in the show.

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: wtf i dont belive

    hmm. looks like the worlds coming to an end

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  18. #38

    RE: wtf i dont belive

    u seen the newest poll
    obito vs sakon in a 1v1 fight, and obitos winning. like damn cos obito sucks, theres no way he could beat sakon when he uses the seal at lvl 2, i would give more reasons why he couldnt win but then id be spoiling

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