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Thread: Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

  1. #1001

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    As for the issue of Athrun being able to pilot IJ in the next few eps... is it possible that most of his current incapacitation is mental? He seemed pretty messed up in the head when he was talking to Cagali, maybe Neo or Lacus will talk some sense into him, shoot him full of painkillers, and he's good?

    Just a thought.

  2. #1002

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Originally posted by: TeknoXI
    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    Woot Mwu is back in the saddle of a mobile suit. And Lacus is definately piloting IJ. Strike Freedom is very romantically guiding the IJ down to earth holding its hand during reentry. Looks like the Dom's are also coming down via pod drop to help in the battle on Earth. If we're going to space its gonna be really short.

    Oh and from the looks of things. Shinn is a mighty bit pissed to see Strike Freedom save the day.
    Of course. Shinn uses his anger to envoke SEED mode. I do think that if SF and IJ do hold hand on reentry, that would be sweet. I loved how they were like "Give me your hand" during GS when escaping to space. Totally sweetness, although it wasn't the same pilots.

    I believe I read somewhere that Mwu would be in the Skygrasper. Too bad they can't mimic Impulse and have a Skygrasper transform into a MS. That would be hilarious. Give Luna a run for her money!
    mwu will give Luna a run for her money anyway for he is to cool but seriosly I think mwu can take her in a Skygrasper

  3. #1003

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Yea tek ur right on that part of the skygrasper. I think I was alil overly excited. Its actually shown him with the Skygrasper outside of the AA in the latest preview where I saw that. But you can bet he will be piloting a ms again soon.

  4. #1004

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Is it me or does it seem like Mwu was leaving AA on the preview of 42. I mean he had his soldier uniform on and looked pretty much "careless" and he just seemed to be looking at it. Well my guess is they gonna release him with a skygrasper, he's gonna watch AA lift off and then at a critical moment he's going to join in the battle like in the preview when he seemed to explain himself or something on the radio.

    Mwu playing hero... again and droping in to save the day.... with a sky grasper.... against destiny and legend.... o_0 something is not right here....

    lol, most likely he will grab a mobile suit for the last battle and maybe regain memory?

  5. #1005
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    yeah, i caught that, it seems he's going to fight on the side of AA, and its awsome we get to see IJ next episode. KILL REY!! i hope shinn comes to his senses and goes on AA and then kills everybody.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  6. #1006

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    i just finished reading a random news said that there will be a new release gundam, code :ZGMF-X901S code name: Fortune Gundam, and i searched it on google it was amazing, only 2 results show, it must be a pretty rare news then. the website was chinese so i cant read it, all i know is it says somethin about Destiny Plan, Beam shield,dragoon, and ZYKLON CRAFT(idont know what the hell is that)

    One other surprising thing is THE PILOT iS GILBERT DULLINDAL, i hope someone can find a further info bout this fortune gundam, and hopefully picture

  7. #1007

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    interesting news...thanks

  8. #1008

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    I just read this on MAHQ. This is from the entry for the Eternal.

    "In the years following the war, the Eternal is hidden inside the factory satellite Terminal, which is camouflaged as a large asteroid."

    This may not be aqurate, but the way I interpret that is that the factory already existed before SEED, but after the series the Clyne Faction "aquired" it and hid it.

  9. #1009

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    According to Gunota, there are only 50 episodes to be aired. The time slot change is only for episode 42. This is to clear up any confusion on this matter. Here is the web site to verify, but again it is not 100% confirmed:

  10. #1010

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Ok about that mysteriours NEw Gundam i found this posted in a forum in Gamespot:

    @ SolidSnakeBBoss

    The Fortune Gundam is a real powerful Gundam from what i heard. I haven't seen pics of it yet. But i found this thing on it. It was in japanese so i had to translate it, so it aint my fault if ya don't understand it well.

    The true fuselage which entitles the name of the destiny
    , becomes the nucleus of fXeBj[ plan. Individual dull
    Chair Durand embarks
    . fXeBj[ is vg type of this fuselage,
    fuselage efficiency exceeds that of the death e B knee much.
    By developing the pinnate all the direction laminating type enormous
    beam seals which are installed in the back pack, one unit the circle
    Every it is possible to protect. Furthermore the new model
    weapon which jointly uses h0O[VXe and the
    small-sized gamma-ray ejection device
    The researching completely which ZYKLON-CRAFT (the
    UCN craft) equips the and. just attack anti putting
    does not have the striking place of fault
    You will be able to call the fuselage of the pole.
    "Life on suffering crown? "V Name and DESTINY PLAN core
    genuine desk body. Reason? ? ? Our tower ܩ. DESTINY merely right?
    ? Desk body prototype,
    Desk body efficiency transcendency : `} Ryo? ܰ DESTINY.
    : Mark BACK PACK place install pinnate all direction? ? Type
    enormous BEAM SHIELD removal Ryo
    Talent spreading/displaying? Outside? Talent preservation? One
    integral ܢ section? . Outside x, :? Equipment? Ryo same? Talent?
    Use DRAGOON SYSTEM harmony small-sized GAMMA morphism? Emission device
    new model weapon "ZYKLON CRAFT". Right attack Mori and? ? Non- 
    mark? ? Desk body.


    I think he used some Web-Translator. If someone speaks or can translate the chinese text please do so:

  11. #1011

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Nice info you got there ^_^, Although.. Fortune Gundam sounds kinda funny... (thinking something off of SD GUNDAM) Ah well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Hope this "Gundam" is true... gonna be interesting. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  12. #1012

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    OMG i cant wait to see the picture of this new gundam, it sounds cool, and what is ZYklon craft
    i must find some more information on this gundam, thanx for finding the info dude, its really cool
    It must be extremely strong because its the final boss. LOL i cant believe the chairman actually pilloting it, he doesnt even wear trousers or short, he always wears somekind of "long skirt" his hair is not short enough to pilot a gundam, and does any one have any idea bout what is DESTINY PLAN on about ?

  13. #1013

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    If anyone wants to take a stab at finding something about this "ZGMF-X901S" from a Japanese source, here's a google link to start with:

    Personally I find it odd that such info would turn up from a Chinese source first of all places, perhaps it's an overblown theory?

  14. #1014

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Originally posted by: SKY_SO_BLUE
    Nice info you got there ^_^, Although.. Fortune Gundam sounds kinda funny... (thinking something off of SD GUNDAM) Ah well [img][/img] Hope this "Gundam" is true... gonna be interesting. [img][/img]
    Well to me Infinite Justice Gundam also sounds silly. Infinite Justice heh...
    I wonder who cames up with all those names what he smokes/inhales/injects? [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
    Pretty strong stuff...

  15. #1015

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the following from another forum site, by a member of the name EPS, the site is is most likely false (I believe it is 100% false) but I thought it would lead to some pretty interesting speculations.


    dont know if this real&but some of it seems ok to me; I have taken it with a grain of salt and assume some truth to it. My comments are in bold-face

    Q1: What happens to Mia afterwards? After knowing Athrun is alive, is there an event between them?
    Fukudak:She doesn't know Athrun's alive throughout the series. She's pretty much useless after PHASE 43.
    meaning she will die? Dullindal will kill her? Calling her the fake?

    Q2: Will there be an event between Meylin and Lunamaria besides talking? What about with Athrun? What happens at the end?
    Fukudak: Meylin opens channel for conversation with Lunamaria during a battle. There Luna realizes Meylin's survival. But an arguement occurs during the conversation. Why? Take a look at previous Yzak and Dearka.
    This was bound to happen

    Q3: Does Cagalli go with Archangel into the space? Or does she stay in Orb?
    Fukudak: After the war at Orb, Cagalli returns to Orb. The OP scene with which Athrun separating away from Cagalli shows this. **TRANSLATION DIFFICULTY IN THIS SENTENCE**--->She comes back later to rescue Eternal and Archangel with Orb military with Kusanagi as a leader Ship. Cagalli's MS is Strike Rouge
    Strike Rouge is totalled AND why wouldnt she use her fathers will? Hell, its in the "new" opening... And in a previous interview he said Kusanagi is done for.

    Q4: What about "live or die" of Rey, Shinn, Kira and Athrun? Any of them going to die?
    Fukudak: We have no guarantee right now, but it's predictably Rey. We have no precision of killing characters.
    obviously Rey will die. I think Kira will survive as will Athrun. Shinn is the iffy part for me. Thus far he has been shown to have a Destiny of young death by the end of the series

    Q5: What happens to Kira and Athrun?
    Fukudak: Rest of the story is flow of Kira and Athrun and the lead to the final battle.
    makes sense because thats what is happening right now; story is focussing more on them as we speak

    Q6: Are new three members Logos? or Zaft?
    Fukudak: The new three members that appear are pilots of Dom trooper, based on Eternal.

    Q7: What are Yzak's group doing?
    Fukudak: In confusion,** TRANSLATION PROBLEM**---> joins Archangel/Eternal. Yzak's machine is steel-white GoUF and Dearka's machine is Zaku Phantom
    I knew they would join&

    Q8: What's Neo(Mwu)'s machine?
    Fukudak: What else but Akatsuki! (Laughs)
    uhhh&NO Akatsuki (however better it will be in Neos hands) is Cagallis. She isnt giving it to no one.

    Q9: Does Dullindal become a pilot?
    Fukudak: Tsk tsk... business of Dullindal becoming a pilot will never happen.

    Q10: Is there a plan for series after Gundam Seed Destiny?
    Fukudak: If SEED's popularity lasts for two more years, it's possible. It depends on the rating of the show. You'll probably know by next year.
    in that case&I think there will be a new one in the CE

    Q11: Does Shinn betray Dullindal?
    Fukudak: Shinn does not betray Dullindal. In the end, Destiny becomes unable to battle due to Kira and Strike Freedom and then lots happen. This is Shinn's end.

    Q12: I heard a rumour of Athrun breaking up with Cagalli
    Fukudak: They don't break up. Athrun and Cagalli's marriage is final or double marriage between Kira/Lacus.
    lol you hear that you naysayers?

    Q13: Will Yzak get new machine?
    Fukudak: Look at the 4th ED! (Frowns)

    Q14: Is there somewhat event between Lacus and Mia? (Like meeting at same place and arguing)
    Fukudak: Hmmm... I'm not sure. They don't battle each other, just Lacus interupting in middle of Mia's speech.

    Q15: In 4th OP, we see Destroy Rey vs Shinn, what does it mean? Teamwork attack? Batlle between Rey and Shinn?
    Fukudak: Teamwork attack. They don't battle each other. Legend's opponent is Infinite Justice.

    Q16: Does MENDEL come out in the rest of the series?
    Fukudak: A little bit.
    it better&I want to see why He is a Newtype&and what Dullindal has to do with this

    Q17: When Kira uses DRAGOON system, we hear diiirriing! sound. Does it mean anything?
    Fukudak: It shows he's a newtype. Don't tell Tomino sensei... I'm trusting you. (Laughs)
    this is&o god&he turned him into one just like that it seems

    Q18: In space, are Kira and Dullindal going to talk?
    Fukudak: They don't really argue, but they do have a conversation. Topic of the conversation is somewhat like Dullindal's "Reason of your existance".
    good&I was waiting for this conversation&I want to know why Kira was created and I bet you any money he has a connection to the Destiny Plan&

  16. #1016

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    SOmehow it does seem false, and the parts where talks on events that are true, are from the spoilers of Phase 41-44. Only way i think this could be true is if the interview was posted on the internet a week and a half ago, or something like that, either way it could be forged.

  17. #1017
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    I think he used some Web-Translator. If someone speaks or can translate the chinese text please do so:
    Here goes my translation:


    Code named "Destiny", it is the core body of the Destiny Plan. Piloted by The Chairman himself. Destiny was only a prototype of this MS, and this MS's capabilities far exceed that of Destiny. It's back pack is equipped with a enormous beam shield which can protect the entire MS. In addition, it can simultaneously use the Dragoon System equipped with multiple small sized Gamma ray weapon, called the "Zyklon Craft". It is a MS with the ultimate defence and offense capabilities.

    That's the best I'd can translate...... : )
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #1018

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Wow, if that MS really comes into play, that will be one hella of a Gundam. It surpasses Destiny and has an enormous beam shield, PLUS dragoons. Hmmm, sounds like a villian SF would fight. I couldn't see Destiny fighting this thing since it would be at a disadvantage, in my opinion. But how skilled of a pilot is the chairman???

  19. #1019

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    ISn't the Chairman a newtype? If he is he must be skilled.

  20. #1020

    Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    That's the best I'd can translate...... : )
    Here's my alternate translation to complement's his...

    ZGMF-X901S Fortune Gundam

    Code named "Destiny", this is the true (implied: Destiny ) MS at the core of the Destiny Plan. It is piloted by Chairman (implied, but obvious, Dullindal) himself. Destiny served as a prototype for this MS, and this MS's capabilites far exceed that of Destiny. Its Back Pack is equipped with a gigantic concentrated Beam Shield (implied: that unfurls) like wings, which can (impied: extend its coverage to) protect an entire squardron. It is also simultaneously equipped with both the Dragoon System and the newest "Zyklon Craft" weapon system equipped with miniaturized Gamma ray emitters. It is the ultimate MS in terms of attacking and defensive capabilities.

    A few thoughts:
    1)If this MS is true, it's likely we might see it in the last few episodes much like Providence did in Gundam Seed.

    2)We know Destiny is adept at melee combat, so if it serves as a prototype Fortune should be much stronger in melee.

    3)Looks like the Beam Shield is capable of protecting ZAFT lackeys now, wonder why would Dullindal do that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    4)Gamma rays are largely energetic, and 1 of the ways to generate Gamma rays is through nuclear explosions, so perhaps the Zyklon Craft allows Dullindal to fire explosive waves?

    5)I'll like to see how the N-powered MS react to the gamma rays. Perhaps to avoid triggering off an internal nuclear explosion they might be forced to turn the N-reactors off (and hence their PS armor)?

    I'll support 5) with the fact that Dullindal employed a Deuterium system on Impulse and a Nuclear Deuterium system on Destiny. Why the dual system on the (presumed) prototype Destiny? Is it to gather info on the feasibility of the Deuterium system from Impulse, then make final tests on Destiny? If so, that might imply that when the Zyklon Craft is active, he'll switch over to Deuterium to fight while SF and IJ are defenseless. If you've seen Impulse you'll realise Deuterium is a fairly good power source for MS combat. Especially on (Dullindal's now-presumed) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] "defenseless" opponents.

    6)I get the feeling that Dullindal doesn't value the Minerva too much.

    If point 5) was true he's probably confident of wiping out Kira, Asuran and Shinn (if he switches allegiance) within a limited timeframe or he's got another source of refilling the deuterium power unit. Perhaps another Minerva much like Dominion was to Archangel?

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