Maybe it's Bill Gates trying something new. I did the math. If Bill Gates spent $1 every second then it would take over 1400 years to spend it all. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] that's crazy!
Maybe it's Bill Gates trying something new. I did the math. If Bill Gates spent $1 every second then it would take over 1400 years to spend it all. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] that's crazy!
branching off from wut SK sed...
yes, 26G is sumthin u'd hardly ever see in california, ESPECIALLY in the city of los angeles. some of u may say "well thers a lot of rich ppl in LA, so it doesnt matter." sure there may be a lot IN COMPARISON with the rest of the US, but CA also has one of the highest populations living under poverty level. 5000 a month is a pretty good amount in the city i live in, which actually happens to be pretty well-to-do, so let's take a look at a higher amount.
most ppl in the middle class of CA make about 96,000 a year. thats about 8,000 a month. now considering we hav one of the highest property tax prices in the US...
monthly pay:
3,000 - rent
1,000 - water
800 - electricity
750 - car (im talkin toyota camry here...)
500 - gas
500 - health care
400 - insurance
50/80 - dsl/cable
150 - utilities
500 - groceries
leaves u with about $400 to use on ur other bills. and u DO realize that the country's social security system is bankrupt, right? so we're basically paying for the retired citizens of america and we're not gettin the money back cuz it all went to war and whatnot. all u hav to do now is compare the expenses of California with SK's in Massachusetts.
i make 60 grand a year for free.
bmw's and porsche doesnt cost 26 grand, maybe in UK money, but not in american.
"if your moaning because i used commas well then maybe you shoudl learn what a comma is and that when and where i used them they are OK."
^thats what im talking about, lookit the size of this sentence.
if you talk like that IRL you got lungs of steel.
lets take a look at your peoples "realistic" bills
400 dollars for food? wtf? you eating steak every day?
900 rent? maybe if your supporting a family.
utilities - see below.
50 for internet - reasonable i guess
50 for cable - also reasonable
credit card - dont use it, credit cards is a way for dumb people to spend money they dont have.
3000 for rent is outrageous and your a dumb ass for paying it. half of that is still ridiculous.
the only thing on there that looks realistic for most of the USA is electricity/dsl/insurance.
i hate to tell you this but electricity is a utility, so is water and gas.
there is no bill just called "utilities".
26 grand is not a lot of money, a years pay is not a lot of money. if you happen to have 26 grand to spend, then you obviously got it.
look people, i'll break down my monthly bills. i know how to spend my money so consider this a template.
rent - 675, im not a idiot, i look around and compare prices.
phone/sattelite/dsl - varies between 100 and 150 for typical corporate fuckery charges.
water - pay it every six months, and when i do pay it its like 400 bucks.
electricity is like 800 but thats because i use a lot of it, gas is also part of this bill.
health care - dont need it
insurance, mine would be like 200 a month, and thats with a SR22, so you people are gettin jacked
car - own 2, buy them - dont pay for them.
look people heres the key to knowing what you have money for and what you dont, if it will take you more than 2 years to pay it off, you cant afford it.
also, dont just spend money at the first place you go, thats idiotic - shop around.
i see a couple people gettin hosed on rent and insurance right here, 500 dollars a month for gas? jesus christ.
my problem is i tend to pay lawyers and courts most of my money.
is this YOUR monthly costs? 3000 a month of rent is insane. do you support a family or something and in a situation where you need a big house?. and you must get in a lot of accidents if your insurance rate is at $400. sheesh. also, 500 for groceries? man, i could spend under $100 for groceries a month and i'd be fine. some of these numbers are just too insane. only explanation is that you're either a dad or just horrible at money management.Originally posted by: GuardianShado
most ppl in the middle class of CA make about 96,000 a year. thats about 8,000 a month. now considering we hav one of the highest property tax prices in the US...
monthly pay:
3,000 - rent
1,000 - water
800 - electricity
750 - car (im talkin toyota camry here...)
500 - gas
500 - health care
400 - insurance
50/80 - dsl/cable
150 - utilities
500 - groceries
WTF 750 a month for a toyota camry? My friend has a brand new mercedes and he only pays 650 a month. And yes I agree who the hell pays 3000 for rent? Abd you spend 125 bucks a week on gas? Where the hell do you go? My dad owns a H2 which eats up a gallon per 6 miles and it still doesn't come anywhere near that amount.
3000 for rent is triple the mortgage for where I live. I'd be much happier paying 1000 for mortgage than 3000 for rent.
I have to agree where the fuck do live that rent costs that much. I live in bellevue washington and the worst you pay here for rent is like 700-800 a month for a one bed room apartment. The most expensive is 1300-2000 for two three bed room house that more than one person lives in.
Man, this really is nuts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
22 yrs old and spending that much money on some digital data that's not even under his physical custody
So that proves he hasn't got a social life, which he surely won't have after this buy cause he surely needs to watch his land every day [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
the problem people seem to be that they expect the average joe to be spending 26 grand on virtual property. Yet they fail to realize, that there are probably way more people in the MMO community that can AFFORD to spend 26 grand than the number of people who actually SPENDS 26 grand.
in other words, it only takes one rich guy to end up with a news article like that. I'd bet anyone 26 grand that the person who actually made the purchase does NOT live in an apartment.
and guardianshado, 500 for groceries? seriously about 100 was more than enough for all my food expenses per month. And i eat out alot.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
i know where i live its very expensive living costs, boston and new york have very high rents, i actually went a little low, in the boston area you are lucky to find rent for 900, average is around 1200 a month and im talking studio apart, 3 bedroom houses go for about 350,000 in boston area. if you spend like 100 bucks a week on groceries then 400 isnt an outrageous number. well i guess we're kinda off-topic now...
no SK, 100 a month, not a week
how the hell does someone even spend 100 a week on food anyway?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
i live in england so i have a high living cost as standard, and thas high as FUCK even for fucking canary wharf.
i suppose when you work it out 26k is only 13k which isnt as much as i originally thought, especially with americans rate of apy being a LOT higher than what we get over here. its not as bad, but its still alot of money.
BTW how much would a porche boxter cost over in the US???
$45,000 base price.
$100 a month on groceries wont buy shit where i live, a pound of some cheap ham is $6.00...
and how many pounds of ham does it take to feed a person for a month?Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
$45,000 base price.
$100 a month on groceries wont buy shit where i live, a pound of some cheap ham is $6.00...
actually now that i think about it....its probably more like $100-$150 a month on groceries
BOC: america also probably has a higher minimum wage, so it balances out
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
400 a month isn't actually that ridiculous, although you could try to spend your money more wisely and eat cheaply. Think about it, if you go to a fancy restaurant, you could just spend $15 bucks on food just like that, and what if you're also paying for some friends, you're likely to spend over $50 on just one meal. If you go out often with friends, you could easily spend $400 on food. People also spend quite alot of money on entertainment, I watch a movie almost every week, and that's pretty much $15 CAD gone right there, making $60 a month. An average person wouldn't spend 26 grand worth of savings on a virtual piece of land. Is it even smart? No. If you had 26 grand, wouldn't it be smarter to spend it on something else? Heck, think about how much things you can get for 26 grand. If I had 26 grand, I'd much rather buy a car, or at least something useful..Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
and how many pounds of ham does it take to feed a person for a month?Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
$45,000 base price.
$100 a month on groceries wont buy shit where i live, a pound of some cheap ham is $6.00...
actually now that i think about it....its probably more like $100-$150 a month on groceries
BOC: america also probably has a higher minimum wage, so it balances out
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Yeah it does.
My dad and uncle are in real estate and it's pretty crazy how they make a decent buck from renting out.
I think almost none of this has to do with "where you live" and more about "how you live". Granted, some costs of living are higher in certain places, but that's less important than how people spend their money.
Take the $100 a week for food thing. Some people certainly can spend that much, others much much less. Alot of that has to do with personal taste and dining locations. I spend well over $100 a week on my personal food, but that's also because I'm an alcoholic and my favorite green veggie is also quite costly...
I have noticed that the price of foodstuffs seems to be going up slowly, where now it's almost just as expensive to cook your own food instead of dining at a cheap place or ordering take-out. (that's $5 a meal). Obvious trade-offs are the nutritional values of homemade food, which can be very high, or cheap take-out, which is usually absolutely horrible for you.
I eat much much more than I need to survive. My friend eats maybe once a day, drinks three glasses of water, and that's it. He describes the difference between himself and most people's eating as this. "You eat for the taste, I eat for the sustinence."
What's nuts is how people make the problems worse. They keep the lights on all day, computers on all night, AC/heat blasting instead of dressing appropriately, wasting food, water running, etc etc. Why do we do this? Cuz it's the easy way out, and, as I'm sure is true of almost everyone here, our society is bunch of pampered bitches who always take the easy way out when possible.
edit: wait, wtf? This thread is ancient! I saw the dates at the top as December and just assumed it was this year... This is from before I joined... my god Conquista that's some necroposting to die for... ...but i did get suckered right in...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
lolz I used to spend $100-150 a month on food
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Full list can be found here
Yay I made top 20! Does that give me bragging rights?![]()
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。