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Thread: Chouji Alive

  1. #101
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    the rasengan is lacking both in terms of usuability and in power, it's so flawed that it actually requires to steal an eyeball in order to be used properly...
    don't you mean chidori...

    anyway, chidori isn't really lacking anything. granted the sharingan is needed to use chidori the way kakashi uses it, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily lacking in usability. if someone with sharingan were able to do rasengan, the jutsu would be even better. and as for power... i'm not sure where rasengan has the upper hand compared to chidori. chidori is actually more devastating than rasengan considering that it disintegrates anything it touches when rasengan is just a super powerful, swirling punch. so for example, if you dropped a a piece of wood on top of chidori, it'll just explode into tiny pieces (obviously there won't be flames or anything) but if you did the same for rasengan, it'll just bounce right off. imagine it like you are trying to throw something into a fan. it just gets tossed away.

    yeah, i'm just making stuff up now.

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  2. #102

    Chouji Alive

    well i wouldve thought the wood would also get ripped to bits with the rasengan.

  3. #103
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    the rasengan is lacking both in terms of usuability and in power, it's so flawed that it actually requires to steal an eyeball in order to be used properly...
    don't you mean chidori...

    anyway, chidori isn't really lacking anything. granted the sharingan is needed to use chidori the way kakashi uses it, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily lacking in usability. if someone with sharingan were able to do rasengan, the jutsu would be even better. and as for power... i'm not sure where rasengan has the upper hand compared to chidori. chidori is actually more devastating than rasengan considering that it disintegrates anything it touches when rasengan is just a super powerful, swirling punch. so for example, if you dropped a a piece of wood on top of chidori, it'll just explode into tiny pieces (obviously there won't be flames or anything) but if you did the same for rasengan, it'll just bounce right off. imagine it like you are trying to throw something into a fan. it just gets tossed away.

    yeah, i'm just making stuff up now.
    yep, i meant Chidori, nothing like a stupid mistake to leave my post invalied...

    The chidori's flaws are obvious, even Kakashi (the supreme Chidori master) can use it only 3 times a day, compared to Naruto's ability to use it all day long (think back to his trainning)...
    another flaw is the fact that the chidori requires you to stop your enemy from moving before it's used, Kakashi had to summon the dogs to catch Zabuza and Sasuke had to wait until Gaara went into the ball mode, the Rasengan, howevr, can be used immidiatly from zero range, without any limits.
    and about the destructive power... even if we ignore the hospital scene that prooved the rasengan is more powerful than the Chidori (think about the diffrence: the chidori would cut off a hand, the rasengan would blow the hand into pieces), there's still a critical flaw in your example (the one with the wood): we already saw the effects of the rasengan on trees (somewhere in 150 -165), they didn't bounce off, the exploded.

    oh, and the chidori doesn't disingrates, it cuts, the Rasengan is alot of composed chackra which gets released with a bang, a really big BANG.

    sure, someone with the sharingan could make a better use of the rasengan, but it's only because the sharingan gives you an edge on movement, not having it doesn't cuase a serious problem like not having the sharingan with the chidori.

    and by the way, we aren't talking about this chidori -

    even though she looks good

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  4. #104
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    kakashi does NOT need to catch his opponent first. just because we saw ONE example of it that doesn't mean it is what he must do in order for chidori to work. we've seen chidori users attack with chidori without needing to capture the opponent first almost every single time. and sasuke didn't wait until gaara got into that ball. sasuke tried attacking with taijutsu and it didn't make a dent and that's is when sasuke tried chidori to cause some damage NOT so he can have a stationary target. and as for rasengan being able to be used immediately from zero range... why can't chidori do that? it's the exact same type of technique (a thrust motion) except they differ in their destructive powers. it's just that chidori is more effective when one has a running start. in every case we saw rasengan being used, it could've been substituted with chidori. for example, when naruto grabbed kabuto (oh, look, i guess rasengan is the jutsu that needs capturing opponents since it's SO slow) and then hit him with the rasengan, would it have not worked if sasuke was in place of naruto and used chidori instead? of course not. in fact, it would've probably killed kabuto instantly since he'd have a hole in his chest instead of just a sever bruise inside and outside.

    also, i would've had a major flaw in my example if i meant what you're talking about now. but i don't. of course the wood didn't bounce off in the show because IT WAS PLANTED TO THE GROUND. i was talking about if someone dropped a PIECE of wood (unattached to anything) on top of a rasengan...

    lastly, i'm still not sure how rasengan is a 'bang.' although i agree that chidori can cut.

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  5. #105
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    My guess is that the only reason the Rasengan bores holes through trees is that it doesn't have the power to uproot them and send them flying like it Kabuto or Mut's hypothetical piece of wood.

    edit: Dammit mut, you beat me to it.

    Also.. I don't necessarily believe that Chidori and Rasengan are the same type of move.

  6. #106
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    so, you don't think they're a technique that requires a thrust motion...?

    but yeah, i don't think i worded it very accurately in my previous post. what i meant was that both techniques require the users to move in a 'punching' like motion.

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  7. #107
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Chapter 113 - Sasuke fighting Gaara.
    "this is perfect, since mine also takes some time"
    if the Chidori could be used from a zero range, then Kakashi and Sasuke wouldn't have spent time running, would they?

    here's an example of times when the chidori couldn't have been used: when Naruto and the others were trapped inside jiroubnaru's ball, even though it offered no help, Naruto had the space to use the rasengan, and Sasuke wouldn't have had the privilage.
    a diffrent situation, chapter 200: Naruto uses the rasengan as a feint, the chidori can't be used like that, the chidori is like having a gun with two bullets while the rasengan is like having a machine gun with an ammo truck behined you.

    about Kabuto, if you look closely (chapters 167-168), you'd see that before the actual rasengan connected, Kabuto used his hand to push himself away from naruto, so he only got hurt by the outer winds of the rasengan, not by the actual BANG, and that's why he went flying backwards and not outwards. if it was the chidori then Sasuke could have never used it, since he wouldn't have the space avaliable to do so (naruto had to grab Kabuto, and Sasuke couldn't be running and holding Kabuto at the same time, he isn't Saito, you know).

    and it didn't just cause a bruise, it burnt the skin of to the abdomen, there's actually some guts shown before the cells finish regenrating...
    the rasengan isn't slow, it depends on the speed and the intellegence of the user, and so far that's the reason it doesn't seem so powerful, it's only becuase naruto's an idiot.

    damn, i also want a pictured sig...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

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  8. #108
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    so, you don't think they're a technique that requires a thrust motion...?

    but yeah, i don't think i worded it very accurately in my previous post. what i meant was that both techniques require the users to move in a 'punching' like motion.
    Of course the method of delivery is the same. I simply meant that there are circumstances where I would choose one over the other.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    here's an example of times when the chidori couldn't have been used: when Naruto and the others were trapped inside jiroubnaru's ball, even though it offered no help, Naruto had the space to use the rasengan, and Sasuke wouldn't have had the privilage.
    He "had the space" to use Rasengan? I don't recall Sasuke needing much space to put chidori through Naruto's lung.


  9. #109
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    so, you don't think they're a technique that requires a thrust motion...?
    for some reason this line made me think i was in the "sexiest jutsu" thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #110
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji Alive

    you mean the jumping space of the rivers width? no space needed at all.

    the reason why the two jutsus seem so similiar is becuase Naruto tries copying the motion Sasuke uses with the chidori, so he ends up doing those ridiculious duals with sasuke, instead of just blasting him away in close range fights...

    oh, no new sigs to copy

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #111
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Chapter 113 - Sasuke fighting Gaara.
    "this is perfect, since mine also takes some time"
    if the Chidori could be used from a zero range, then Kakashi and Sasuke wouldn't have spent time running, would they?
    kakashi did chidori 10 feet away from orochimaru... and so did sasuke in front of itachi and to naruto. not only that kakashi used chidori to blow up the tree trunk RIGHT in front of him and furthermore, sasuke hit naruto in point blank range with a chidori just in the previous arc. RUNNING is NOT a requirement. yes, it makes it more effective, but it's attacking method of rasengan and chidori is almost identical; a straight forward thrust. if running towards the enemy was input into the steps of using rasengan, i bet it'd be even more effective than it is now. i seriously don't understand how people can differentiate the rasengan and chidori's movements. also, sharingan is only needed for chidori because of the way kakashi chooses to use it. i can't even make an example out of how the rasengan is used any more differently than chidori cuz it's the exact same type of technique.

    here's an example of times when the chidori couldn't have been used: when Naruto and the others were trapped inside jiroubnaru's ball, even though it offered no help, Naruto had the space to use the rasengan, and Sasuke wouldn't have had the privilage.
    a diffrent situation, chapter 200: Naruto uses the rasengan as a feint, the chidori can't be used like that, the chidori is like having a gun with two bullets while the rasengan is like having a machine gun with an ammo truck behined you.
    ok... in that rock dome, could sasuke have not around in circles to build up speed...? for someone or something to build up speed, it doesn't need to have a 10 mile runway. and yes... i am aware that chidori cannot be used as many times as rasengan. no need to bring that up.

    about Kabuto, if you look closely (chapters 167-168), you'd see that before the actual rasengan connected, Kabuto used his hand to push himself away from naruto, so he only got hurt by the outer winds of the rasengan, not by the actual BANG, and that's why he went flying backwards and not outwards. if it was the chidori then Sasuke could have never used it, since he wouldn't have the space avaliable to do so (naruto had to grab Kabuto, and Sasuke couldn't be running and holding Kabuto at the same time, he isn't Saito, you know).
    he didn't PUSH naruto away... his left hand wasn't used to push away, but to hit naruto's heart with a chakra scapel (or whatever chakra knife jutsu he used) to kill naruto. that's why tsunade says that naruto's heart muscles have been torn up. and OH MY GOD, how is it so hard for people to understand that running is not necessary to inflict damage because of the type of destruction chidori has. as you can see when sasuke used chidori against gaara and itachi. both times when sasuke moved just his arm, the walls got jacked up. and was running needed? no, it wasn't. so therefore... let me say it again, running is NOT needed to inflict damage when using chidori. think back to my example about the piece of wood...

    and it didn't just cause a bruise, it burnt the skin of to the abdomen, there's actually some guts shown before the cells finish regenrating...
    ROFL, no it doesn't show kabuto's guts. it just shows his burnt skin, that's all.

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  12. #112
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    well, after reading the naruto sasuke fight again, I admit i was wrong about the running, and that was about all we were discussing in the last few posts, I'll honorbly quit the discussion after this post...

    Kakshi never thought that he might actually be able to hurt Orochimaru, he wanted to scare Oro off so he showed his best jutsu, he didn't even try attacking.

    oh, and by the way

    FGT is short for FaGgoT, right? or is it something else?

    oh, you still can only do the chidori in one hand...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #113

    Chouji Alive

    if only the fourth was still around to show the full potential of the rasengan.
    i just wanna see someone keep it in both their hands in a taijutsu fight using a sort of open palm attack with the rasengan in it.

    im sure it totally possible for someone with enough chakra control, hey maybe sakura should learn it then kick the shit out of naruto and sasuke

  14. #114

    RE: Chouji Alive

    is there a giant fucking boulder in your eye sir?

  15. #115

    RE: Chouji Alive

    Chouji is not week... He uses those food pills, like Kabuto uses his soldier pills, like Orochimaru uses his tongue and snakes and sword, like Kiba with akamaru, like naruto with kyuubi, like sasuke and itachi and kakashi with sharingan, like tsunade with katsuyo, like jiraiya with those frogs, like neji and hinata use bayakugan, like shino and his bugs, tenten and weapons, temari and fan, gaara and sand, akastsuki ino-like with that freaking bird jutsu, the four sound with the level 2 curse... and so on >_<... They all cheat, and they're not weak...

    people he uses something to his advantage... saying for him not to use the pills because he cheated is the same way telling naruto not use kyuubi, tell sasuke not use sharingan, tell jiraiya to not use his frogs (O.o) and so on...

  16. #116

    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Chapter 113 - Sasuke fighting Gaara.
    ROFL, no it doesn't show kabuto's guts. it just shows his burnt skin, that's all.
    Thats a lot of arguing. What are you trying to defend here? You've changed your ideas so many times i don't even follow you anymore.

    Note: the Rasengan rips/tears (the water tower) and burns (because of the intense chakra gathered- how naruto burn his hand from training).
    Agrees with Mut, Chidori does not need a running motion (as kakashi explained it, Chunin Exam, he wanted sasuke to have "super" speed because it adds to the destrutive power-correct me if i'm wrong)

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Actually I'm pretty sure there are hand seals involved with the Rasengan, only Jiraiya thought they'd be too complicated for Naruto to comprehend.

    I don't think Kakashi would ever use it, it's not really his style. Too big and bulky.
    i agree, can you imagine kakashi running at like 10000 miles an hour with a rasengan instead of a chidori? just doesn't look right.

    and don't bother disagreeing. you'll be wrong.
    First of all, even if kakashi wanted to do the rasengan, he can't
    2nd, yes the chidori does look better than the rasengan because it looks more sleek and lighitng effects.
    3rd, i don't like your "you'll be wrong attitude", pisses me off

    _________________ i think were going off topic, this is the I want chouji dead topic

  17. #117
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chouji Alive

    learn how to correctly quote.

    and i'll be bring in a cryptology team to decipher your post.

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  18. #118

    RE: Chouji Alive

    Gentlemen, Rasengan and Chidori do not differ in many categories. However, Chidori is flawed, even the fourth said so. Because you thrust out with the chidori, you leave yourself open to attack, so it required one sharingan eye to enhance it (notice it didn't say complete the jutsu). This is actually more of a blood line limit since it works better with Sharingan, e.g. read your oponents movement and plunge Chidori where the oponent will be. Chidori also utilizes a lot (emphasis on al lot) of chakra. Not sure how many rasengans can be performed in a single day (Naruto would be an unfair comparison because of additional chakra provided by Kyuubi, Jaraiya would be better but he's a sennin). Rasengan is more powerful, the two water towers showed us and Sasuke the difference in the two jutsus.

    As for proximity of use and all that other bull shit. It all depends on the wielder. For example, Sasuke's chidori would be less effective than Kakashi's and Naruto's rasengan would be less effective than Jaraiya's. When I say effective, I don't mean in terms of power (allthough it would be a factor), I mean in terms of use. From what I've seen of Sasuke he just waves chidori around alot. The exchanges between Gaara and Sasuke, in my opinion were stupid, it reminded me of old Samurai movies where they run at each other from a distance exchanging blows. Of course both rasengan and chidori would be more effective if their targets were held down or stationary. It is much harder to hit a moving target.

    If Chouji had died, just how does that create a better impact on the plot? You could have said the same thing for all of the other characters (Sasuke, Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, can't really say Naruto since that would be the end of the manga). Is it because you dislike "FA... I mean BIG BONED PEOPLE?"

  19. #119

    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    learn how to correctly quote.

    and i'll be bring in a cryptology team to decipher your post.
    First of all, i didn't quote your whole bsing statements because it'll be a waste of ppls time to hear your bs. your a very ignorant and native person. My point: stop FLAMING ppl and think your ALWAYS right, because your wrong sometimes. Don't bother replying to this, you'll just add more BS which i don't want to read, and i won't.

    If chouji died, the plot would be messed up. People die for a GOOD reason, like the forth. When the forth died, the plot was developed from it. If chouji died.. he isn't really a main stream character and plot would be influenced by it but probably not as profound as the death of the forth would be. Who wanted the forth to die? not me personall., who wants chouji to die? i don't really care. BUT if neji died, i would hate naruto cause neji is awsome and he probably has new ass-kicking ninjustsus in the new series >=)

  20. #120
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chouji Alive

    Originally posted by: Xdrag
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    learn how to correctly quote.

    and i'll be bring in a cryptology team to decipher your post.
    First of all, i didn't quote your whole bsing statements because it'll be a waste of ppls time to hear your bs. your a very ignorant and native person. My point: stop FLAMING ppl and think your ALWAYS right, because your wrong sometimes. Don't bother replying to this, you'll just add more BS which i don't want to read, and i won't.

    I am not a native, and please tell me where I am wrong. You being pissed off about me "thinking" I'm always right really has no significance. I don't directly ask you to read my posts. If you see a post made by me, take your own advice and feel free to skip over it. I'm not forcing you or anyone to read them.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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