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Thread: Where can i get Naruto?

  1. #1

    Where can i get Naruto?

    ok, i downloaded like 60 episodes of Naruto, and then after i watched the firs 30, the started to skip so i couldnt watch them anymore, now i can't get any from GotWoot and with AnimeSuki the downloads will not work

    any ideas?

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Where can i get Naruto?

    NarutoFan (need to register): NarutoFan
    DownloadAnime: DownloadAnime
    Boxtorrents: Boxtorrents
    NarutoChaos (Direct Download): NarutoChaos

    Theres also IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Download this program from here: mIRC
    Once you download that, select your nickname, and go to the Animeone or ANBU channel and download from the bots there.

    Channel: #animeone and #anbu
    Server (for both): Rizon
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  3. #3

    Where can i get Naruto?

    ok thanks ^_^ finally i can watch Naruto, lol

  4. #4

    Where can i get Naruto?

    this is weird, i had low disk space, so the download stopped i freed up my disk space but then the download didnt do anything and the little dot turned white, no i exited out of it and tried to download it again to resume the download but it says permission denied

    what should i do?!

  5. #5

    Where can i get Naruto?


    starting from episode 91.

  6. #6

    Where can i get Naruto?

    Why doesn't NarutoChaos work? I remember it used to. They shut down or something?

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