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Thread: does kabuto have seal?

  1. #21

    does kabuto have seal?

    itd be safe to assume that oro would want sasuke to be as strong as possible before taking over his body and would train him a bit (that way it isnt oro that has to do the hard work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] ) but yea, hes pretty much just a vessel

  2. #22

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    can ne one tell me which episode is wen kabuto's eyes get red

  3. #23

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    That's episode 36, about 17min into the episode.

    There is a lot more to Kabuto than meets the eye, he's one of the most interesting characters in the series and my guess is that he is also one of the strongest; nothing so far has shown us otherwise, the strike Naruto got on him was massive and took him by surprise, but that is the only EVIDENT time of flaw we have seen so far.

  4. #24
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    Doesnt anyone remember the part in the Chunnin exam where he left and said "I dont want my old self to awake" or something like that....what was all that about?

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  5. #25

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    He was probably a psyco killer maniac.

  6. #26

    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: 010577
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    okay... so... are you saying kabuto has a seal BUT he didn't have to use it in a fight against the SANNIN??? man, kabuto must be the strongest character ever with that seal of his. jeez, why doesn't he just start his own country.

    if kabuto is at a point in overall strength where he doesn't have to use something that gives you enormous amount of power like the curse seal in a fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas we've seen so far... then... well, that's just completely nonsensical.

    i can't believe i am even replying back to this.


    i wish people out stop over analyzing useless stuff and ruling out common sense.
    that's not what i'm saying....
    i have 2 points i made which i don't think u answered either....
    1) red eyes = open doors to more power
    u can never disprove this... even if u are a manga reader... unless kabuto dies... technically speaking, even if he dies, he may have had some crazy power no one was aware of... all i'm saying is that there is a possibility... heck there is a possibility that konohaomaru is the strongest ninja... but we rule that out because no hint of that was ever given
    2) although kabuto didn't need to use "seal" (if he has one) against the strongest ninjas, doesn't mean he is strongest. Think of it like this.
    In an rpg game, u are a character that is great in healing but have sucky attack powers. U fight a boss. U would last long because everytime the boss attacked u, u just healed yourself. Just because you can last a long time against the guy doesn't mean you are able to defeat him or start your own country.

    and in case u feel the need to put those "i can't believe i reply to this" comments, let me first console you by telling you I think you are smart and of course we all know u are some sort of a genius, so ur ego gets stroked the right way.
    wait wait in reply to your number 1.
    1) I can disaprove it, even if im a manga reader, DO YOU KNOW WHY. because manga is BLACK AND WHITE ^_^ NO RED EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWER OF MANGA WINS.


  7. #27

    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: 010577
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    okay... so... are you saying kabuto has a seal BUT he didn't have to use it in a fight against the SANNIN??? man, kabuto must be the strongest character ever with that seal of his. jeez, why doesn't he just start his own country.

    if kabuto is at a point in overall strength where he doesn't have to use something that gives you enormous amount of power like the curse seal in a fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas we've seen so far... then... well, that's just completely nonsensical.

    i can't believe i am even replying back to this.


    i wish people out stop over analyzing useless stuff and ruling out common sense.
    that's not what i'm saying....
    i have 2 points i made which i don't think u answered either....
    1) red eyes = open doors to more power
    u can never disprove this... even if u are a manga reader... unless kabuto dies... technically speaking, even if he dies, he may have had some crazy power no one was aware of... all i'm saying is that there is a possibility... heck there is a possibility that konohaomaru is the strongest ninja... but we rule that out because no hint of that was ever given
    2) although kabuto didn't need to use "seal" (if he has one) against the strongest ninjas, doesn't mean he is strongest. Think of it like this.
    In an rpg game, u are a character that is great in healing but have sucky attack powers. U fight a boss. U would last long because everytime the boss attacked u, u just healed yourself. Just because you can last a long time against the guy doesn't mean you are able to defeat him or start your own country.

    and in case u feel the need to put those "i can't believe i reply to this" comments, let me first console you by telling you I think you are smart and of course we all know u are some sort of a genius, so ur ego gets stroked the right way.
    wait wait in reply to your number 1.
    1) I can disaprove it, even if im a manga reader, DO YOU KNOW WHY. because manga is BLACK AND WHITE ^_^ NO RED EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWER OF MANGA WINS.


    hate to admit it but ur right

  8. #28
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: jing
    wait wait in reply to your number 1.
    1) I can disaprove it, even if im a manga reader, DO YOU KNOW WHY. because manga is BLACK AND WHITE ^_^ NO RED EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWER OF MANGA WINS.

    Chapter 63 for all those interested.

  9. #29

    does kabuto have seal?

    Kurenai have an eye thing also. When Kurenai is fighting Itachi, something happen to her eye; her eye change shape or something.

    But during the fight, with Itachi, she did not do any powerfull jutso.

    Disregard this post, if Jing is right about the color in Kabuto's eye in the anime is for special effects only.

  10. #30

    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: kupalmaru
    Kurenai have an eye thing also. When Kurenai is fighting Itachi, something happen to her eye; her eye change shape or something.

    But during the fight, with Itachi, she did not do any powerfull jutso.

    Disregard this post, if Jing is right about the color in Kabuto's eye in the anime is for special effects only.
    If anything happened to Kurenai's eyes it was prob just a glare of light. Her eyes are unique but so far nothing special has been mentioned about them.

  11. #31

    does kabuto have seal?

    No seal. I'm basing this on just before the Konoha Crush started when Oro tol Kabuto that he was at the same level as Kakashi.

  12. #32

    does kabuto have seal?

    Honestly, Kabuto having a seal on him strikes me as unlikely. The four who have it seek power, channeling it in a tough fight to offset their lack of genuine talent. Kabuto seems to already have natural talent, so the addition of a seal would be kinda moot. If he had it, I'm sure he would have used it in the fight against the other 2 Sannin and Naruto, since they we're stomping ass.

  13. #33

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    i dont think its a seal, but maybe a rage he has inside of him as stated b4. it can be a foreshadowing but i would think they can have a better way to do that, maybe a facial expression? having his eyes almost turn completely bloodshot is a lil too over the foreshadowing border. he hasn't needed to use it yet wether its a rage or seal or it might not be ne thing at all. he only fought naruto and his healing powers were enough. and the sannin were busy amongst themselves. the times with kakashi, a mission was occuring. he had to put the mission first and fighting would be pointless. if it is something, maybe it will be explained soon, like the sound four failing to bring back sasuke and then oro sends kabuto or something. or maybe it was just shit.

  14. #34

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    The answer is so simple. I can't believe none of you have thought of it. Kabuto does not have a seal. The cursed seal is like steroids, it gives a short term boost of stregth but overall it crippples a persons development. The sound 4 were given the seal by Orchimaru to make them his bitches. They can't act indepedently on their own because of the seal.

    Kabuto is much more useful to Orchimaru without a seal because he is a strong ally and great indepedent thinker. Orchimaru respects Kabuto and finds him to be more useful when he works autanomously without being binded to anything. Thats why Kabuto most likely does not have a seal and will probably not receive one unless Orchimaru wants him to be his bitch.

  15. #35
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    I don't hold with Mutata's belief that the red eyes was simple forshadowing. If it was, he wouldn't have made mention of how he was in danger of losing control.

    Of course, I don't believe he has a cursed seal either.

    Actually, if you look at the evidence logically, the most reasonable belief to have is that Kabuto has an animal demon in him just like Naruto.

    After all, he regenerates just like Naruto. And it's something inside him that has to be held in check to keep it from getting out of control.

    Though, I also don't think that's the case either. It's simply what the evidence points too.

    After all, if he had that, like Mutata said, why didn't he use it in the Sannin battle. Unless even Orochimaru doesn't know about it and Kabuto wanted to keep it that way.

  16. #36

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    I don't hold with Mutata's belief that the red eyes was simple forshadowing. If it was, he wouldn't have made mention of how he was in danger of losing control.

    Of course, I don't believe he has a cursed seal either.

    Actually, if you look at the evidence logically, the most reasonable belief to have is that Kabuto has an animal demon in him just like Naruto.

    After all, he regenerates just like Naruto. And it's something inside him that has to be held in check to keep it from getting out of control.

    Though, I also don't think that's the case either. It's simply what the evidence points too.

    After all, if he had that, like Mutata said, why didn't he use it in the Sannin battle. Unless even Orochimaru doesn't know about it and Kabuto wanted to keep it that way.
    Of course this is a good point, unless in the manga they had kabuto say that he was in danger of losing control, then they would have put it in because that's the black and white way of foreshadowing. The red eyes were just added in by the anime they should not be a point of discussion for Kabuto's future power.

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