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Thread: does kabuto have seal?

  1. #1

    does kabuto have seal?

    alright as we all know all oro's subordinates have the seal (4 dudes).

    it seems as though that's his style to attact human capital?

    wonder if kabuto has it?

    I'm guessing he has it.... but since he's badass he didn't need to use it against naruto after the rasengan or against tsunade. His speciality is healing techniques so he relies on defence/healing in his fighting style, so unless he is in huge trouble, doesn't need it until his chakra is used up and he can't heal himself.

    But i also think his seal is different from others. Remember during chuunin exam when the lucky gang cut up his face and his eyes turned red? maybe his seal is different? maybe i am thinking too much?

    what do u think anime ppl?

  2. #2

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    no... that wouldn't be a cusrse seal. Since he's a spy, he wouldn't want the mark on him, I'm assuming.

    I think the blood is a rage thing... hence how he dropped out because he was getting angry... we'll see it later, but I'm assuming its similar to the kyuuuuuuuuuuuubi

  3. #3
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    Yeah, the blood thing is just some sort of rage inside of him. I only imagine that it causes him to lose control of his actions for a while with some extra power. He was probably becoming impatient from acting like a Genin and got hurt by those Rain nin.

  4. #4

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    He doesn't have a seal because during the chunnin exam episodes, Orochimaru asks Kabuto to look for Sasuke. He also tells him that he can stop his plans if he kills Sasuke, meaning that Kabuto can do whatever the hell he wants, meaning that he doesn't have a seal.

  5. #5
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    i seriously can't understand why people think kabuto's eyes turning read has ANYTHING to do with seals/bloodline/jutsu/etc. it was nothing. his eyes turning red was just to indicate and foreshadow kabuto's strength. it just boggles my mind how people completely ignore the obvious. i hate you all.

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  6. #6

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: XtremeChief
    He doesn't have a seal because during the chunnin exam episodes, Orochimaru asks Kabuto to look for Sasuke. He also tells him that he can stop his plans if he kills Sasuke, meaning that Kabuto can do whatever the hell he wants, meaning that he doesn't have a seal.
    thats greatl, you just made no sense at all.

  7. #7
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    does kabuto have seal?

    Like Mut@t@ said, at the point of the story in the Forrest of Death where his eyes turned red the viewer/reader didn't know that he was stronger than average. The red eyes were just a suggestion that there was more to him than meets the eye, and that he had some sort of strength we didn't know about. From there, it was revealed about the spy factor, Orochimaru, etc.

    If he really did have some super power, wouldn't we have seen it in a fight involving all 3 Sannin?
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  8. #8

    does kabuto have seal?

    Kabuto does have a super power. he's got nearly instant regeneration like Tsunade. Narutos rasengan didn't kill him outright like it probably should have.

  9. #9
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    does kabuto have seal?

    If he really did have some super power, wouldn't we have seen it in a fight involving all 3 Sannin?
    Not necessarily. Kabuto just doesnt' strike me as the type of person who would do anything in order to win a fight. In fact, he often prefers to just escape. Also, in the end he fought Naruto. I sincerely doubt he felt he needed to use his full power against a mere Genin. There's still a lot of things we do not know about Kabuto.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  10. #10

    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    i seriously can't understand why people think kabuto's eyes turning read has ANYTHING to do with seals/bloodline/jutsu/etc. it was nothing. his eyes turning red was just to indicate and foreshadow kabuto's strength. it just boggles my mind how people completely ignore the obvious. i hate you all.

    can you prove it?

    i think the red eyes is opens doors for kabuto to have a crazy technique... i said in my original post i might be thinking too much but at this point in the story, but there really isn't ANY conclusion to your statements ....

    again, kabuto is the defence type with healing abilities... is main job/technique is healing and he gets by with that alone (think of it as an rpg game... maximization of your character's abilities... when you have a character that specializes in healing, you tend not to want to attack with that character when healing is another valid option). with his healing abilites, there was really no point in the fight with tsunade or naruto where he felt threatened , as long as he regenerated

  11. #11
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    does kabuto have seal?

    okay... so... are you saying kabuto has a seal BUT he didn't have to use it in a fight against the SANNIN??? man, kabuto must be the strongest character ever with that seal of his. jeez, why doesn't he just start his own country.

    if kabuto is at a point in overall strength where he doesn't have to use something that gives you enormous amount of power like the curse seal in a fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas we've seen so far... then... well, that's just completely nonsensical.

    i can't believe i am even replying back to this.


    i wish people out stop over analyzing useless stuff and ruling out common sense.

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  12. #12
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    Yep, Kabuto has a level 4 seal that powers his Byakuringan.

    So obvious!

  13. #13

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    During the fight Tsunadi also show that she have a seal. Do you know where she got them.

  14. #14
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    she's just been collecting chakra into that seal on her forehead. all it does it heals her completely from most wounds.

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  15. #15

    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    okay... so... are you saying kabuto has a seal BUT he didn't have to use it in a fight against the SANNIN??? man, kabuto must be the strongest character ever with that seal of his. jeez, why doesn't he just start his own country.

    if kabuto is at a point in overall strength where he doesn't have to use something that gives you enormous amount of power like the curse seal in a fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas we've seen so far... then... well, that's just completely nonsensical.

    i can't believe i am even replying back to this.


    i wish people out stop over analyzing useless stuff and ruling out common sense.
    that's not what i'm saying....
    i have 2 points i made which i don't think u answered either....
    1) red eyes = open doors to more power
    u can never disprove this... even if u are a manga reader... unless kabuto dies... technically speaking, even if he dies, he may have had some crazy power no one was aware of... all i'm saying is that there is a possibility... heck there is a possibility that konohaomaru is the strongest ninja... but we rule that out because no hint of that was ever given
    2) although kabuto didn't need to use "seal" (if he has one) against the strongest ninjas, doesn't mean he is strongest. Think of it like this.
    In an rpg game, u are a character that is great in healing but have sucky attack powers. U fight a boss. U would last long because everytime the boss attacked u, u just healed yourself. Just because you can last a long time against the guy doesn't mean you are able to defeat him or start your own country.

    and in case u feel the need to put those "i can't believe i reply to this" comments, let me first console you by telling you I think you are smart and of course we all know u are some sort of a genius, so ur ego gets stroked the right way.

  16. #16
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    i don't understand how you want me to prove anything when we both know there hasn't been any proof that kabuto's eyes turning red meant something else beside foreshadowing the strength he was holding back. which actually goes for you too. you can't prove anything either. BUT as far as we know (up to ep 113) kabuto doesn't have any 'crazy power' no one is aware of. do you know why? because we haven't seen it yet. so UNTIL we see it, the truth is, he has no 'crazy power' no one is aware of. thus, in conclusion, i'm right.

    i can't believe i'm replying to this.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  17. #17

    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    okay... so... are you saying kabuto has a seal BUT he didn't have to use it in a fight against the SANNIN??? man, kabuto must be the strongest character ever with that seal of his. jeez, why doesn't he just start his own country.

    if kabuto is at a point in overall strength where he doesn't have to use something that gives you enormous amount of power like the curse seal in a fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas we've seen so far... then... well, that's just completely nonsensical.

    i can't believe i am even replying back to this.


    i wish people out stop over analyzing useless stuff and ruling out common sense.

    Don't say he was in a 'fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas'....He fought Tsunade for a bit, then used blood on her to take her out. He would not need to tap into this, as of now, non-existent power... Jiraiya was busy with oro, and Tsunade was shaking on the ground. he was truly fighting Naruto, and, like everyone, he underestimated him and ended up getting wickered.

    Second of all, you cannot attempt to bully anyone by saying there's 'no proof' of him having any special, hidden have no proof that he does not. No one is 'over analyzing useless stuff', and common sense has nothing to do with any of this. There was a distinct event that happened in the forest...symbolic or not, it happened.

    Personally, every time I see Kabuto I think back to that moment in the forest, with the eyes...I am hoping that there's more to it.


    Sharingan Kakashi, thanks for keeping up to pace. He OBVIOUSLY does not have the seal, we see his neck in the fight against tsunade. What were talking about is some sort of hidden power, SIMILAR to a curse seal. Who's the moron fanboy?


  18. #18
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    i have a simple answer. you fanboys are over analyzing, kabuto is too smart to get the seal, morons.

  19. #19
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    does kabuto have seal?

    Originally posted by: Kagari
    Don't say he was in a 'fight against 3 of the strongest ninjas'....He fought Tsunade for a bit, then used blood on her to take her out. He would not need to tap into this, as of now, non-existent power... Jiraiya was busy with oro, and Tsunade was shaking on the ground. he was truly fighting Naruto, and, like everyone, he underestimated him and ended up getting wickered.

    Second of all, you cannot attempt to bully anyone by saying there's 'no proof' of him having any special, hidden have no proof that he does not. No one is 'over analyzing useless stuff', and common sense has nothing to do with any of this. There was a distinct event that happened in the forest...symbolic or not, it happened.

    Personally, every time I see Kabuto I think back to that moment in the forest, with the eyes...I am hoping that there's more to it.
    listen kagari, no one is bullying anyone. don't attempt to falsely accuse me of doing something i didn't. she's trying to theorize/prove/hypothesize what she believes and i'm doing the same. also, common sense has everything to do with it. people try to look deep inside a simple matter which causes them to see things that aren't really there. that's overanalysis.

    this reminds me of the time when some idiot tried to tell me that kakashi learned kage bunshin from naruto because he saw naruto do it with his sharingan eye uncovered at the bridge. this is the exact same scenario. common sense is kicked away and unnecessarily massive thought process is put to use. somewhat funny, no?

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  20. #20

    RE: does kabuto have seal?

    i think konoha rek makes a good point about being a spy thing... if he's a spy, he shouldn't have a seal visible. But does the seal have to be on the neck? Do all 4 of the sound guys have it on their neck?

    Also, it should be easily coverable with some genjutsu

    another thing, is it that oro is just cheating sasuke and really just wants to take over his body (sharingan)? because oro wants sasuke to be his soul host, stated during his konoha destruction saga. But then now it seems like he has more in stock for Sasuke to do

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