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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #41
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.

    umm i saw this posted earlier and didnt even bother to read the rest ill get back to that in a second but ummm..... guy/girl your a dumbass your pointing out something wrong with the others and holding up the same thing in another as great.... the only differencees in 10 were the summons for yuna and the overdrives basically..... you can theoreticly if you have a lot of spare time get every godamn move in the game other then those i think..... at least my auron knows evertyhting tidus and wakka do and vice versa.... i just thought that was really really fucking dumb.... oh and yeah it might just be me because iv been known to miss the very obvious.... stepping off the soapbox now....

    alright went through the rest and yes the main character in 12 looks incredibly gay the pic i saw of him was him in like a bondage outfit or some shit..... maybe if they get him some cool clothes and auron was imo the sweetest char. yes ff10 got really easy cause all my chars except that dipshit usesless kimahri who was a failure as a blue mage or maybe i just didnt make him right but i hate him.... they made it incredibly easy to max chars in the late game but early on i had trouble like with that bitch yunalesca because i was still really new to the games and had no idea what the fuck i was doing.... and for those wondering why ihad no idea what i was doing its cause i started at 10 then went to 7 then 8 then 10-2 then 11 and now im working on 1 and 2....

  2. #42
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    your on crack for liking ffx better than ffvii

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  3. #43

    Final Fantasy

    many people who played 7 first think its the best, thats just the way it is. a lot of people like the first RPG they play the most all the time, my fave is phantasy star IV. much better than any final fantasy IMO.but still in this case, 7 IS better than ten.

  4. #44
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    I played Phantasay Star IV before I played FF7, but I still like FF7 more. Phantasy Star IV is definately the best RPG on the Sega Genesis Console, so it's not always the first RPG one plays (which in my case would be Shining Force, also a good classic).

    FF7 and Tactics still top any other FF game to be released on PS1 or 2.

    Originally posted by: TruthofMistake
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.
    FF7's battle system was great because of it's customizing with the Materia System. If you don't like a particular character, your not stuck using them, you can make the exact team you want.

  5. #45

    Final Fantasy

    i understand now

  6. #46

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: TruthofMistake
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.
    in ffx, everybody can do anything except for someone else special as well. its just no as easy to because you have to travel around on a damn grid.

  7. #47

    RE: Final Fantasy

    yea, the grid was kinda stupid. Its would've been better if every characters level up by battling.

  8. #48
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    i didnt say that it was something i copyd and pasted from a previous post i didnt agree with it....

  9. #49

    Final Fantasy

    i'd like to counter thruthofmistake's argument ; imo ffx did not have the best battle system ever, ff7's materia was way more innovative than traveling around a damn grid. PLacing materia in different places to create different combinations is better than traveling around a grid until every chraracter is basically the same. i mean, my yuna's strength was on par with auron, what the heck is with that?

    so ffvii > all > ffx

    edit - woops, replied to wrong person

  10. #50
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Hehe yeah I didn't like FFX, but FFX-2 was even worse. I don't think FF7 was the best in the series, FF6 is definately my favorite, and then FF9.

  11. #51

    Final Fantasy

    lol yeah, i was pretty dumbfounded when i discovered there was a sequel to ffx in the works. ff6 scores high in my book also; so do tactics and ff8. square had better fix their act once ffxii comes around.

  12. #52

    Final Fantasy

    "if your going to attempt to insult me and be a complete and utter fuckign gobshite to someone you dont even know, then do it over a private msg not on the boards. " - chambers to me via PM

    thank you for making me feel special chambers.

    the newest,
    "yeah keep being a nob if you like. you dont know me at all, theres no need to be aggressive ro insulting towards me." - chambers.

  13. #53

    RE: Final Fantasy

    star ocean came thismorning, i watched the FF12 preview that was on the bonus disk.............makes me almost NOT look forward to this game..... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  14. #54

    Final Fantasy

    ^ Damn, I've just ordered that game...thats NOT what I wanted to hear [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. The artwork looks horrible in the game from the pictures I've seen, I just hope the story etc makes up for it...

    What is the bonus disk thing? Just like a 5 minute video or something? Play didn't really describe it too well...

  15. #55

    RE: Final Fantasy

    yeah so far..ive been pretty disapointed in SO3 in the graphics department.

    the bonus disc contains some stuff you probly wont ever look at and two trailers one for what looks like an action platform game (looks okish if thats your kinda thing) and the 2004 E3 trailer for XII. really dont look too impressive, opens well, but then looks rubbish IMO.

  16. #56
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    excuse me if i dont count your opinion in my factoring of how good ffxii will be chambers.... final fantasy 2 is pretty handy i actually liked 8 despite the strange system and it was acutally a challenge and i dont htink i said 10 had the best battle system cause it didnt really.... ffxii.... i dont like the char. designs iv seen but other then that it didnt look so bad....

  17. #57

    Final Fantasy

    your excused, your opinion certainly wont effect my liking/disliking of the game. but hey, seeing as tho we both agreed on the same thing on all points, i dont see where the hostility is comming from.

    EDIT: it will be interesting to see if they throw in any references to FF tactics on the GBA into this new game....

  18. #58

    RE: Final Fantasy

    Hmm, not started Star Ocean yet but imo the FFXII trailer actually looked fairly cool...except for the horrible character designs which is a shame...kinda similar in look to FFIX in a way (the general stuff not the character designs...that main characters face pisses me off...).

  19. #59
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: chambers
    it will be interesting to see if they throw in any references to FF tactics on the GBA into this new game....
    It's actually the other way around. They started making FF12 before FFTA, so it was FFTA making reference to FF12 (the book being about the world in FF12). They could still throw in references the other way if they want, I just don't see the need to.

  20. #60
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    Of course, what BOTH games are doing is basing their setting off the world of Ivalice introduced in FFT for PS1.

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