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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #21
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Originally posted by: Mr.X
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.
    Thank you for saying that, b/c thats exactly how I feel, I've said this before here but I'm only getting the Advent children thing b/c of the graphics, I care about the actual story as much as I care about a spec of dust. and plus ffx had a much more enjoyable atmosphere
    FFX had the WORST battle system, could they possible come up with a way to make the game any easier?! It made the battles dull, "Oh look! A flier and a slime, let's just switch in Wakka and Lulu!" Battle over 3 seconds later. Wow, talk about a dull battle system.

    Back on track with FFXII, I think it'll be great. Why, you ask? Yasumi Matsuno is heading the development. He's the mastermind behing FFTactics, one of the best FF games there is. I think there is a good chance it'll become my second favorite FF game (nothing will ever topple FF7 from its place in my heart).

    As for the franchise in general, there is no reason to stop the FF series. The games are unrelated to each other (except for crappy X-2). They happen on different worlds, with the only reaccuring things being certain creatures or character classes. The series would go stale if it was game after game with the same characters, but we get a new, unique adventure everytime.

  2. #22
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    How is being able to actually use all of your party members a terrible idea? While FFX was easy, it wasn't easy just because you could effectively use all of your party members, it was easy because the enemies were ridiculously weak. Being able to deal as much damage as you can in FFX unbalances the game, since your characters become gods before the end of the game.

    FFVI is beautiful. It had a good, simple story progression, although it does ignore several characters for the sake of developing the main line. The battle system is fun and fast, the music is classic, the pacing is great (unlike most of its sequels), and it's just an all-around smashing game.

    FFVII is revolutionary because it brought the 3D RPG into the mainstream. It's also got a good story, but it suffers due to going a bit "out there" at points, and also from the shoddy English translation. The battle system was excellent, the CG and overall graphics were stunning for the time.

    FFVIII stumbles. Graphically, it is astonishing, as usual. Musically, Nobuo slacks off, getting guest composers to work the spotty soundtrack. Some of the music drives me absolutely insane. The pacing is probably the worst in the series - it simply takes far too long to get where it's going. The plot and script are laughable, and Tetsuya Nomura clearly blew his creative juices on FFVII, because the designs here are shoddy and uninspired. They're also all bad characters, from the no-dimensional sidekicks like Zell or Irvine to the silent jackass Squall.

    FFIX is my personal favorite. The pace is never too slow or too fast, it's got tons of great throwbacks to the old FF games will still being fun on its own. The battle system's lone flaw is that it's a bit slow. Character development for some of the cast is limited, just like FFVI, but it's done to make the main cast truly shine, which I can forgive once in awhile. The graphics are the best thing the aging PS1 ever put out, and Nobuo's back in full form for the OST. It has so many OH MY GOD moments that I've played through it (a 40 hour game if you're me) at least 10 times.

    FFX is, in my opinion, a great step up for Tetsuya Nomura's character designs, since he learns to use a color besides black and brown in his designs. The storyline was excellently told through the amazing visuals, and while the characters are fairly stereotypical Japanese RPG characters, that never stopped anyone here from liking anime. The OST is odd, but has some gems, and the battle system is speedy and streamlined. Good stuff.


    FFX's linearity is a problem, but at least it temporarily solves the atrocious convention in the PS1 FFs that secrets had to be hidden in the most ridiculously off the wall and inaccessible places ever. Almost all of FFX's secrets are logical and doable without a cheat guide, unlike the hidden crap in the PS1 FFs. FFIX's characters were lightyears better than angst-ridden bitches like Squall, and by the way, the final boss was what Garland had become. It never states it, but the implication is there.

  3. #23

    RE: Final Fantasy

    the implication isnt there. you kill garland dont you (i havent played for a long long time), and although i agree that the character design of 9 is VASTLY better than 8's (bar squall and seifer) i think 9 loses steam after about the half way point, whereas 8 picks it up and never lets go. also forcing you to use certain characters at some points limits the games fun, half the fun of FF7 was that you coudl play though with diffrent characters and they would say diffrent things (like with BG but on a much smaller scale). the set pieces in 8 also seem to be a LOT better than 9....most of wich happens when your not there. the only major ones i can think off are the attack on the life tree, the petrified forest and the destuction of that city. compared to the set pieces in 8 they just plain fail. X for me had the most boring characters however i dont even think they were particular stereotypes that they picked up on, seymour was far far weaker than the last few nemisis characters in the series (sephi, kuja and seifer), he was underdeveloped, had a questionable motives and no despicable personality to speak off.

  4. #24
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    How is being able to actually use all of your party members a terrible idea? While FFX was easy, it wasn't easy just because you could effectively use all of your party members, it was easy because the enemies were ridiculously weak. Being able to deal as much damage as you can in FFX unbalances the game, since your characters become gods before the end of the game.
    Don't get me wrong, I liked the ability to switch the characters in and out, it was the fact that the characters were rigged so they could kill an enemy in one hit that was the problem. It over simplified the combat system, making it boring to play.

  5. #25

    RE: Final Fantasy

    the only problem i have with the new games: the voices. if your going to add voices, then dont give the option to select the chars name. FFX should have forced the name Tidus, instead of hearing "hey you" or "you know, that guy" FFX wasnt too bad but X-2 did it so bad it was annoying.

  6. #26

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: hopeknight
    FFX had the WORST battle system, could they possible come up with a way to make the game any easier?! It made the battles dull, "Oh look! A flier and a slime, let's just switch in Wakka and Lulu!" Battle over 3 seconds later. Wow, talk about a dull battle system.
    It wasnt horrid, imo. The battle grid system was a unique idea that had its flaws.
    Tidus, Auron, and of all people, Yuna, were my strongest.
    *imagines Yuna swinging staff at final boos for max damage* good times...

    hasnt anybody here played a Final Fantasy game that <u>wasnt</u> on a playstation? lets go back to the good ol' days of Final Fantasy 1-3 (2 was my favorite)

  7. #27

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Lefty
    Good lord people. You need to stop fucking comparing FF games to one another. I remeber whne people were bitching and complaing about them making FF7 &amp; 9 and those games were fucking awsome. 8 &amp; 10 were needed to progress the graphics and battle systems to a better level, and in their own right were very good games. I love all the FF games. Your trying to make all of these games fit a specific mold when the whole point of the series is change if you really wnat oto nit pic you could say all the games are trite and over done. All the stories are the same Unsupecting guy meets girl in trouble, guy helps girl and finds out that a big mean bad guy is going to either A. take over the world or B. destroy it. Guy defeats bad guy after long a taxing journy. THE END. wow thye really know how to break the mold when it comes to story telling. Every new game runs the risk of sucking but has any FF game sucked so bad that you couldn't play it and enjoy it to some degree. No. They're all entertaining to play. Give 12 a chance. Give all the FF games a chance.
    i've never complained that FF7 was made.
    i'll give 12 a chance of course no doubt about that because it is an FF. I don't know how entertaining it will be though looking at an ugly main character for 40 hrs+.

  8. #28

    RE: Final Fantasy

    yeah looks very similar to tidus who looks similar to zidane.

  9. #29

    RE: Final Fantasy

    I love almost every Final Fantasy games from 7-10. I aslo played FFX-2 and i think its suck, the storyline was poor and the mission is just random, but i beat it anyway. I haven't played any FF that are lower than 7 so i don't know if they're any good. Do any body here play the game called Lunar for the ps1? it's almost like FF.

  10. #30

    RE: Final Fantasy

    lunar: silver star story

    Lunar: eternal blue

    played both of the re-made ones for PS. excellent games. amazing animation, voices and story. blue got a bit tedious but it was still nice to complete it.

  11. #31

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Haku_san
    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Originally posted by: Mr.X
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.
    Thank you for saying that, b/c thats exactly how I feel, I've said this before here but I'm only getting the Advent children thing b/c of the graphics, I care about the actual story as much as I care about a spec of dust. and plus ffx had a much more enjoyable atmosphere


    Wow. You're an Idiot. God, dont even post if your gonna make such a dumb fuck comment.

    Edit: Just to make it clear. Its your reason to watch ff7 advent children that makes me say this.
    yeah knives122, don't say such a thing, alot of us here(including me) has been waiting for a hell long time for the movie to be released. don't say that you don't care at all for the story line. if you don't care then seriously don't bother watching. A person like you watching Advent Children=You disgracing the movie.

  12. #32
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: chambers
    the implication isnt there. you kill garland dont you (i havent played for a long long time), and although i agree that the character design of 9 is VASTLY better than 8's (bar squall and seifer) i think 9 loses steam after about the half way point, whereas 8 picks it up and never lets go. also forcing you to use certain characters at some points limits the games fun, half the fun of FF7 was that you coudl play though with diffrent characters and they would say diffrent things (like with BG but on a much smaller scale). the set pieces in 8 also seem to be a LOT better than 9....most of wich happens when your not there. the only major ones i can think off are the attack on the life tree, the petrified forest and the destuction of that city. compared to the set pieces in 8 they just plain fail. X for me had the most boring characters however i dont even think they were particular stereotypes that they picked up on, seymour was far far weaker than the last few nemisis characters in the series (sephi, kuja and seifer), he was underdeveloped, had a questionable motives and no despicable personality to speak off.
    I'll forgive you since apparently you haven't played it in a long time, but no, you don't kill Garland. You fight him on Terra and Kuja knocks him off the cliff, but he is the one doing both the narrations in the final area, Memoria (if you follow my interpretation, if not, Garland is doing 1 narration and Necron is doing another).

    In my opnion, FFVIII NEVER gets steam. It's a slow game, and while you might argue that this lends to the momentum, I say that with its shitty characters, and the annoying button-tapping GF system, the game simply bogs down.

    I absolutely love all of FFIX's sets. There are far too many epic moments in that game to list. Besides your abovementioned ones, there's the destruction of Cleyra (or if you meant that above, the destruction of Lindblum), the entrance into South Gate, the entire scene involving the partial destruction of Alexandria (from Bahamut to Alexander to Invincible to Stiener and Beatrix fighting in the streets).

    FFX had some bad characters (I'm looking at you, Wakka) but saying that Seymour was weak (his form on Mount Gagazet was a lot harder than the Sephiroth fights in FFVII, since you have nothing like Omnislash to easily stomp him) and non-despicable (his Aeon is the chained up soul of his own mother) aren't really valid criticisms.

  13. #33

    RE: Final Fantasy

    hmmmm i remeber about 9 now, but i still dont htink that necron= garland, but i suppose its plausable.

    the set pieces in 8 totally eclipse 9, you cant compare the genuine tension in the assasination scene or the sheer coolness of the garden fights to the destruction of lindblum (its all comeing back to me as you mention it!), even junon weapon attack ecclipses that. i have to say i forgot abotu alexander totally tho that was very cool and probly the only scne in FF9 worth watchin again IMO.

    but i still stand by my mention that seymour is the worst boss EVER. hes just so boring, and while i agree he is HARDER than sephi and kuja (cant touch kefka) i feel hisoverall character is a major downer. hes also got a minus rating on the BADASS-O-METER due to not actually doing that much turly dispicable stuff, and not being particulalry god like in power (when compared to sephi, kuja or kefka).

  14. #34
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    Thing is, you listed pretty much the only good set piece in FFVIII (the assassination); if there were more like that, it'd have been better off, but stuff like the missile attacks on Balamb were uninspired.

    Square can't keep playing the one-up game. For instance, none of the PS1 or PS2 FF villains (except Trance Kuja) got nearly as powerful as Kefka, but Kefka was a very one dimensional villain who generally just did evil shit for no reason. Seymour at least had a reason for his ambition, and if you play through the Anima sidequest and listen to his mother tell about how his courage and spirit were broken on the Final Summoning quest, it adds a lot to his personality.

  15. #35
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: Haku_san
    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Originally posted by: Mr.X
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.
    Thank you for saying that, b/c thats exactly how I feel, I've said this before here but I'm only getting the Advent children thing b/c of the graphics, I care about the actual story as much as I care about a spec of dust. and plus ffx had a much more enjoyable atmosphere


    Wow. You're an Idiot. God, dont even post if your gonna make such a dumb fuck comment.

    Edit: Just to make it clear. Its your reason to watch ff7 advent children that makes me say this.
    yeah knives122, don't say such a thing, alot of us here(including me) has been waiting for a hell long time for the movie to be released. don't say that you don't care at all for the story line. if you don't care then seriously don't bother watching. A person like you watching Advent Children=You disgracing the movie.

    Amen. Honestly, whats the point of watching a Final Fantasy, if the story doesnt interest you? You defeat the purpose of playing an rpg, which is enjoying the story.

    Btw Happy Bday Jing. I'll get you a Trent Student Card for your bday. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  16. #36
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    Knives is a typical youth of today. It's all about graphics. And even when graphics is good there's something else to complain about.

    Damn it feels great to have a working internet again.

  17. #37
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    I love people who think the point of RPGs is to watch a story being played out. It's so amazingly opposite the original intentions of the genre. It's why I have to differentiate between console and classic RPGs.

  18. #38

    RE: Final Fantasy

    y, you didnt think the two gardens attacking eachother was cinematic? or the spider chasing your team early on?

  19. #39

    RE: Final Fantasy

    ty haku
    awww a trent card, how thoughtfull, jerk lol
    i don't really want to watch a game being played out. (xenosaga) was just too cinematic for me, they had long 20 minutes of straight movie action, its not bad, but sometimes i really wanna play the game and not listen to the crappy voice actors talk...
    i actually like to PLAY the game, but i like to play a game with an interesting story line, i want to be surprised too.
    i am only going to watch advent children the movie because it is related to my favourite game. Like, i havent played the game since 1997, and it'd be soooo wicked to see those characters again ya know...

  20. #40
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    I was misunderstood. I shouldnt have used the word watch.

    I enjoy the story, by thru playing it. I dont like sitting there listening to ppl talk.

    All my favs are like that.

    Chrono trigger/cross, ff6, ff7, and xenogears.

    Edit: No problem Jing, even if you some how get accepted somewhere else. To me you'll always be a Trent student [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

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