Originally posted by: chambers
the implication isnt there. you kill garland dont you (i havent played for a long long time), and although i agree that the character design of 9 is VASTLY better than 8's (bar squall and seifer) i think 9 loses steam after about the half way point, whereas 8 picks it up and never lets go. also forcing you to use certain characters at some points limits the games fun, half the fun of FF7 was that you coudl play though with diffrent characters and they would say diffrent things (like with BG but on a much smaller scale). the set pieces in 8 also seem to be a LOT better than 9....most of wich happens when your not there. the only major ones i can think off are the attack on the life tree, the petrified forest and the destuction of that city. compared to the set pieces in 8 they just plain fail. X for me had the most boring characters however i dont even think they were particular stereotypes that they picked up on, seymour was far far weaker than the last few nemisis characters in the series (sephi, kuja and seifer), he was underdeveloped, had a questionable motives and no despicable personality to speak off.