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Thread: Final Fantasy

  1. #1
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    well i have recently gotten word that final fantasy 12 will be coming out sometime in the first sales quarter of 2005 probably around late febuary.... this is great news to me because although iv only played 5 of the games i love the franchise.... kinda made this for yall to discuss it so please do so.... yeah 11 was a huge disapointment to head off whoevers gunna bitch about that.... and yes the main char. of ff12 looks incredibly gay to head off that one also

  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Umm.. they need to just up and make a FINAL Fantasy... I love the franchise but it's getting stale real quick.

    Supposedly FFXII will revamp the combat system and make it almost FFXI'ish, but I'll reserve my judgement on that until I've played it.

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    I don't think it's going stale. FFX was a blast to play through and FFXI was apparently a success for Squaresoft.

  4. #4
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    Star Wars I and II were huge sucesses despite the fact that they were horrid.

    Yeah, X was fun and XI was even better, but I doubt I'll play either again (especially since my XI character got deleted.) Classics like IV, VI and VII I can play again and again.

    There might yet be room for the series to grow.. Nobuo Uematsu just left Squaresoft to work on his own, and he was the last of the original big names left in FF. There's room for growth all around, they just need to stop rehashing the same crap over and over.

  5. #5

    Final Fantasy

    X was terrible.....perhaps even worse than nine. X-2 was much better but many people couldnt look past the fact that you only played 3 women. i hape 12 will be a huge improvment, i havent seen anythign of it thus far..........but star ocean should be here in days with its FF12 thingy on.

    i just hope they put the world map back in the game......

    EDIT: or it could mean i actually took the time to play all the games anf form my own opinion. X was the biggest PoS RPG i have ever played. i dont want to fight seymour five odd times and hammer him all the time. i dont want to be pushed form area to are without any time to explore, i dont want no world map, i dont want uninteresting citys that are no fun to explore. IX was just very bland, i dont want my choice of characters to be restricted for 90% of the game espeshially when all most all of them had no note worthy qualitys, i like my characters to be interesting, if not interesting i like them to atleast chip in interesting dialouge from time to time. and most important of all i dont like having the rub pulled form under me to revel the final boss is a nothing entity who you have never encountered before and have no feelings for, heck even kuja was WEAK in comparison to other FF bosses.

  6. #6
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Final Fantasy

    The fact that you think X-2 was good, and that IX and X were bad, pretty much seals the deal that IX and X are brilliant masterpieces and that X-2 is dogshit.

  7. #7

    RE: Final Fantasy

    Even though ff7 is my favorite, im not sure if moving away from 4 member tems and removing the class system was a good idea. each progressive game is less and less like the original final fantasy, and not just graphically, but in game play and story as well...

    the original game was sprite one tell the four sprites of light to go rescue his sprite daughter, from the sprite bad guy. from there, you just kinda guess and hope your playing right. and it was truly a difficlut game. i think the recent complexity of the series will ultimately bring it down.

    btw, anyone notice that ff9 was really a direct sequel to the original? they don't say it, but its all there.

  8. #8

    RE: Final Fantasy

    yeah theres lots of theories floating rouns with reguards to that. aprently a guy who had a hand in creating the story see is tomthing like FF--->FF7--->FF9

  9. #9
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Lets get something straight. Squaresoft is dead. Its Square-Enix. Enix owns Square, there was no equal merger. Squaresoft took a 130 million dollar bullet to the temple, in the form of Final Fantasy The Movie.

    The days of the old games are gone, so there is no sense in complaining or comparing them to the new games that come out.

    I want to play these new games, dont get me wrong. Who knows they may actually come out with a good game someday.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  10. #10

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Haku_san
    Squaresoft took a 130 million dollar bullet to the temple, in the form of Final Fantasy The Movie.
    Wow nicely put did you learn that from Trent?

    I think FF12 will suck major balls.
    FF7 was the greatest.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Good lord people. You need to stop fucking comparing FF games to one another. I remeber whne people were bitching and complaing about them making FF7 & 9 and those games were fucking awsome. 8 & 10 were needed to progress the graphics and battle systems to a better level, and in their own right were very good games. I love all the FF games. Your trying to make all of these games fit a specific mold when the whole point of the series is change if you really wnat oto nit pic you could say all the games are trite and over done. All the stories are the same Unsupecting guy meets girl in trouble, guy helps girl and finds out that a big mean bad guy is going to either A. take over the world or B. destroy it. Guy defeats bad guy after long a taxing journy. THE END. wow thye really know how to break the mold when it comes to story telling. Every new game runs the risk of sucking but has any FF game sucked so bad that you couldn't play it and enjoy it to some degree. No. They're all entertaining to play. Give 12 a chance. Give all the FF games a chance.

  12. #12

    Final Fantasy

    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.

  13. #13
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Mr.X
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.
    Thank you for saying that, b/c thats exactly how I feel, I've said this before here but I'm only getting the Advent children thing b/c of the graphics, I care about the actual story as much as I care about a spec of dust. and plus ffx had a much more enjoyable atmosphere

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #14

    RE: Final Fantasy

    i gots to agree with Lefty one this one. ive enjoyed all the ff games, i do have a favorite, but that doesnt mean that the other games weren't as good. I enjoyed them all equally, the only reason that ff7 is technically my favorite is because I thought the story was well written, character driven storyline. others also have good storylines, but ff7 was the one I could relate to the most, characterwise. If they keep making FF games till the end of time, then thats fine with me. Ill keep playin em.

  15. #15
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    i actually heard ffxii is going to be the last ff. well rumors are rumors. they'll probably make a ffxiii if ffxii did

    i'm actually excited for ffxii.

    I tried my best...

  16. #16

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: chambers
    X was terrible.....perhaps even worse than nine. X-2 was much better but many people couldnt look past the fact that you only played 3 women. i hape 12 will be a huge improvment, i havent seen anythign of it thus far..........but star ocean should be here in days with its FF12 thingy on.

    i just hope they put the world map back in the game......
    For me it wasn't the fact that you only controlled 3 women (though I do prefer there to be loads of characters so I can choose the cool ones...especially when yuna sucks so badly! Lulu was the only really cool character from X imo though), it was the fact that it was too cheesy, the end of the game came completely out of the blue (I probably only did about 50-60% of the missions though so that might be why [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) and the final boss was simply pathetic...whenever the story got going it got ruined by suddenly going dead cheesy again, and personally I didn't like the dress-sphere system.

    ...thats just based on what I'm into though...

    Like Lefty just said though - it was good enough for me to play all the way through (and I struggle to stay interested in a lot of games), but I agree that they should put the world map back in...sadly I think that might be gone for good...

    I just hope it has a good (enough) story, I'm not liking the character design too much from what little I've seen, the main character looks especially crap, but it'll no doubt be cool enough to play...hopefully there'll be a cool bad guy along the lines of Sephiroth, Kuja or Kefka (Seymour did my head in).

    Edit ^ - its definitely gonna be the last proper FF game on PS2, I would have thought they'd continue on the PS3 though (at least they better!). As for my favourite I gotta say its 7 by a mile, just because I think the story is better IMO than the others I've played (6-X plus X-2) the fact it was the first one I played and also changed the way I thought about games at the time probably has something to do with it too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Eurasian
    i actually heard ffxii is going to be the last ff.
    Squenix has the rights to the name up to FFXV so far, wether or not they elect to go that far... who can say. I kinda hope they don't.. I'd like to see them branch out into other series. Squenix's capital might be better spent elsewhere.

  18. #18
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    i heard ffxii was going to be the last ff and star ocean will be the next ff, in terms of creating 10 games under the same name. this is what i heard...just a rumor.

    I tried my best...

  19. #19

    Final Fantasy

    I think final fantasy 12 is going to be the last one for PS2, not the last actual game. By the time they come out with final fantasy 13, I'm quite sure it will be on the PS3 (or w/e).

    edit: cause every system that square developed for had 3 final fantasy games in it. eg: PS- ff7, ff8, ff9.

    edit2: yeah i read this somewhere. i think it was from the old forums actually.

  20. #20
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Originally posted by: Mr.X
    i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

    ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.
    Thank you for saying that, b/c thats exactly how I feel, I've said this before here but I'm only getting the Advent children thing b/c of the graphics, I care about the actual story as much as I care about a spec of dust. and plus ffx had a much more enjoyable atmosphere


    Wow. You're an Idiot. God, dont even post if your gonna make such a dumb fuck comment.

    Edit: Just to make it clear. Its your reason to watch ff7 advent children that makes me say this.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

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