i dont see why a ton of people thought ff7 was the greatest. the battle system was weak, every character could summon, use magic etc. the only thing that differed them was the limit breaks.

ffX had THE best battle system, where as every character had their own unique ability.

umm i saw this posted earlier and didnt even bother to read the rest ill get back to that in a second but ummm..... guy/girl your a dumbass your pointing out something wrong with the others and holding up the same thing in another as great.... the only differencees in 10 were the summons for yuna and the overdrives basically..... you can theoreticly if you have a lot of spare time get every godamn move in the game other then those i think..... at least my auron knows evertyhting tidus and wakka do and vice versa.... i just thought that was really really fucking dumb.... oh and yeah it might just be me because iv been known to miss the very obvious.... stepping off the soapbox now....

alright went through the rest and yes the main character in 12 looks incredibly gay the pic i saw of him was him in like a bondage outfit or some shit..... maybe if they get him some cool clothes and auron was imo the sweetest char. yes ff10 got really easy cause all my chars except that dipshit usesless kimahri who was a failure as a blue mage or maybe i just didnt make him right but i hate him.... they made it incredibly easy to max chars in the late game but early on i had trouble like with that bitch yunalesca because i was still really new to the games and had no idea what the fuck i was doing.... and for those wondering why ihad no idea what i was doing its cause i started at 10 then went to 7 then 8 then 10-2 then 11 and now im working on 1 and 2....