yahoooooo gta san andreas is comming 2 tha xbox soon yahooooooo don't know the exact release date .....
yahoooooo gta san andreas is comming 2 tha xbox soon yahooooooo don't know the exact release date .....
sometime in may or june
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
i don't need the xbox version, i got the ps2 version.
I'll probably get bashed for this, but I think that GTA sucks. I just never had any fun playing the game. The style just doesn't suit me, I guess.
i think the same, i liked the first one to ps2 gta3 it was big enough and you knew where you were, when i sat down and tried to play that pink 80's one(dont remember the name) i thought man this is to big, i couldnt find anything and it wasnt that fun to play. san andreas was even worse boring as hell i drove around in "tha hood" and got shot at by gangs.
Its fun for a while but after that is pretty much the same thing. Here what i do, play the game for a hour or 2 then turn it off, then play another hour or 2 again and again. This way you feel less tire and less bore.
doesnt work for me i sat like 10 minutes and almost fell asleep would have if the jackass character you are wouldnt have done something to every black guy in the game the all shoot at you.
gta never interested me that much. they tell me that after awhile you get bored and just go and pick up hookers all the time and kill them
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
my friend beat the game in 2 week
do i need to show you guys the punctuation lesson pic again?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
gta isn't really that fun nor is it that good of a game.
lol not a good game it's the best of its kind o.k. maybe u all find rpg's bether BUT true crime , driver3 and getaway sucked real time.....
bad good
true crime driv3r getaway gta3 gta vc gta sa
GTA 3 wasn't too bad, but it didn't interest me so much that I would want to play it much. Now these last two just look horrible.
damn wtf the spaces are gone..
bad __________________________________________________ _______________________________________ good
...................true crime driv3r getaway .................................................. .....gta3 ..............................gta vc ..........gta sa
i hope u get it...
The only thing I liked about GTA is how big the place is. Other than that, I'm not interested in running around in a stolen car crashing things and mugging everybody.
I was going to say I lack the equipment to enjoy it (a penis), but it seems quite some males here don't like it that much either... I'm kinda surprised at that.
me too. I thaught this game was one of the top best-seller.
Considering how many people I know don't like GTA, how can it be so damn popular? It's just not right.
I like first person point of view games better anyway
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
I've never really liked any of the GTA games from 3 onwards, I find them boring and repetitive. 1 and 2 were pretty fun multiplayer though.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
the second i'am able to move my guy, i cheat. then i get busted or killed, then i quit.