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Thread: Chapter 241 Discussion

  1. #61

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    If Obito unlocked the secrets of the Sharingan (brought it out to it's fullest...his eyes were a bit different if that was him at the end) he would be a force. I was impressed in this chapter with his Fireball Jutsu...

    Visiting the memorial is just intentional misdirection on Kishimoto's part. It's not like Obito's body is there. Kakashi probably just thinks that he's dead.

    I don't think it's a coincidence that he showed the leader of Akatsuki's eyes, and is now telling Kakashi's past. Everything happens for a reason.

    Oh and the thing with Kakashi's connection being to the Sharingan through Obito at this point...uh no. Obito doesn't even have it yet. He's not going to get it and it will fully go to three pupils right away.

    The only way that he got it from Obito is if they survive this mission and grow up some more and Obito gets killed by Orochimaru (as some say was shown via flashback in Kakashi's mind in the anime..the same shot where they say it looks like the guy was wearing goggles and had the Uchiha symbol on his back..)

    Oh and Orochimaru didn't go after Itachi, he's too strong! That's why he chose to go after Sasuke because he is weak. Obito could be even stronger than Itachi, so why go after him then? Get my point?

    I'm not saying my theory is def. going to happen, but who's to say it isn't?

  2. #62
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 241 Discussion

    what happened to you? i used to think you were sensical and thought logically, but now you're just making stuff up. WHEN did we see the akatsuki leader? HOW do you even know that the person you saw was the leader? and i think you are talking about the very last panel (lower left hand corner) of chap 238... but did you ever think that it's a coincidence that guy's eyes were zoomed in to indicate that he was the one talking? i mean, isn't that a more logical way of thinking since focusing in on to any other part of the body to indicate who is talking is completely stupid?

    and when i said kakashi's only ties to sharingan is with obito, i meant in general, not just this point. don't make up words.

    and forget the anime. in the manga, that part where we see the blurred out person is just kakashi. it's almost absolutely clear it's kakashi. it can't be obito since, no black hair, no goggles, and especially no uchiha symbol. it's to show that orochimaru's presence can have that kind of killing vibe. nothing else.

    everything you've written is a mess...

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #63

    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    I agree with kakashi as he said there will be more casualties if he goes after Rin. But since this is manga who is about friendship and stuff he wil go after Rin and more people will die because of that. Or he will be smart and do both things.
    yes, because only a smart person would think to continue the mission after saving rin
    Or i was thinking about him doing the mission first and then going after Rin and if he finds her dead her dead wouldnt be wasted if he did completed the mission.

    Kids like Obito annoys me,they are ninjas and should act like one like Kakashi is!!

  4. #64

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    the akatsuki are not UBER powerful, there powerful, but they are around the level of jiraiya not overly more,
    take kisame for instance, gai and kakashi can fight this guy,
    kisame and itachi both ran away from jiraiya WITHOUT taking naruto, they arn't all powerful.
    if they were all powerful how easy would it have been to take out jiraiya and take naruto, he still had quite a bit of chakra left as he used amaterasu (sp?)

    don't get all confused with this kakashi get owned by itachi, it was a sharingan contest of course kakashi will lose.
    orochimaru is just a scardy cat, (no he is) he is so afraid of the sharingan he wont get it off itachi, but i think he could fight him, he mistakes jutsu for power. he is afraid of his jutsu being taken away from him,

    oh and i forgot: chapter 238 - page 18-19:
    "There's no need to be impatient...yeah. someday, orochimaru will be killed...yeah. but more importantly we only have three years. if we all do it together, our seccess rate will be high...yeah?"

  5. #65

    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    Yeah if they were as powerfull as people think they wouldnt talk about success rate,they would just do what they want.

  6. #66
    Missing Nin
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    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    Hatake Kakashi: first off your talking nonsense.

    Second the three people who can use the Sharingan are Kakashi, Sasuke and Itachi. Obito is DEAD!

    It has been stated everyone important to Kakashi is dead meaning Obito is just flat out dead he is not the leader at all. The fact Kakashi doesn't have the sharingan yet and that this is suppose to be his story would mean to me that this is where he gets it expecially as we know he requires it for the chidori(which the 4th CLEARLY made refernce to already).

    As far as how the sharingan awakens thats really unstated were simply going by sasuke in general it would seem to me if it was life or death situation there is no reason it couldn't awaken much faster then in sasuke each person gets a differn't level of the sharingan. There is also no reason that it couldn't have further awakened after Kakashi got it based on the power he has being he's already a jounin if it was to depend on Chakra supply atleast in part it could simply be further devoloped in a better shinobi.

    As far as the leader being Obito thats increadably unlikely if it was there would be no uniqueness to Itachi the only way it would serve any purpose is if he somehow convinced Itachi to join him. Either way I'm fairly positive Kakashi got his eye from obito as it came from a friend and after this mission I highly doubt Kakashi will feel he has any friends left.

  7. #67

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Yes everybody is posting their theory these days and they are absolutely sure they are the only person on this forum that is right and reasonable. Yes, Righteous rightness for everybody ....

    Offtopic: Yes, admin are asshole, no doubt about that. I'm going to be banned now right? XD Seriously though, Mut@t@ you could tell any other person that he is flat out wrong but do you have to be so ... er .. hmm ... what's the word? bossy/annoying (ok not the word I'm looking for but let see you try better during the finals -_-|||) about it?

    Edit: Yes I'm stupid, Yes I'm mess but I back Hatake Kakashi's theory all the way, don't ask me to explain myself tho.

  8. #68

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    You are my new friend. Yeah that's the main problem I have with the mods. It's not bad that they delete stuff or close stuff, but just their attitudes (except Raven, he's the only one with any level of maturity). If those improved this place would be back to the good old days.

    Oh and about my theories..I've been reading comics and manga ever since I could read. A lot of stories are told over and over, comics/manga are open to a lot of forumulamatic writing.

    Look at the Shonen Manga's. The basic plot is all the same. Young boy wants to become ____ .

    I'll stand by my theories about Naruto and the 4ths lineage until it is def. proven wrong. Then I'll say I'm wrong.

    The dates just match up too well in my mind. I dunno though, again if I'm wrong I'll eat cake.

    Oh and about Itachi and Obit...were do you think Itachi learned about how to get the Mange Sharingan? I'm sure the 3rd didn't tell him! I'd put my money on the rogue Obito.

    There is an excellent chance though that Kakashi gets his eye soon, so that could debunk my theory about him, I'm aware of that. That theory has been around as long as these boards have and is nothing new. I'm just offering an alternate one.

    If you don't like it, well you don't have to read it.

  9. #69
    Missing Nin
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    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi
    You are my new friend. Yeah that's the main problem I have with the mods. It's not bad that they delete stuff or close stuff, but just their attitudes (except Raven, he's the only one with any level of maturity). If those improved this place would be back to the good old days.

    Oh and about my theories..I've been reading comics and manga ever since I could read. A lot of stories are told over and over, comics/manga are open to a lot of forumulamatic writing.

    Look at the Shonen Manga's. The basic plot is all the same. Young boy wants to become ____ .

    I'll stand by my theories about Naruto and the 4ths lineage until it is def. proven wrong. Then I'll say I'm wrong.

    The dates just match up too well in my mind. I dunno though, again if I'm wrong I'll eat cake.

    Oh and about Itachi and Obit...were do you think Itachi learned about how to get the Mange Sharingan? I'm sure the 3rd didn't tell him! I'd put my money on the rogue Obito.

    There is an excellent chance though that Kakashi gets his eye soon, so that could debunk my theory about him, I'm aware of that. That theory has been around as long as these boards have and is nothing new. I'm just offering an alternate one.

    If you don't like it, well you don't have to read it.
    Well for starters you can stop knocking the mods having personally been one here for quite a while I can say that a lot of times what you see as arrogance of any sort is infact just getting tired of the same problem done a billion times. As far as I can see most threads have been locked not deleted and done so with a valid and stated reason we don't need 3 topics on the same thing when there is only 1 page of threads to begin with.

    That said I have said nothing about Naruto being the 4ths kid and considering we know that I believe Kakashi became a Jounin at 13 and he is now 26 with Naruto being 13 at this point in the manga that this story could very well show us who's Naruto's parents are which the 4th is a very probable father. My arguments only lie in your analysis of Obito still being alive.

  10. #70

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Alright Ben, how about another angle.

    Obito is too cool of a character to throw away so quick. Mangaka do this all the time. Obito already had a mini fan following, as there was mystery surrounding him, now that he has been introduced and gave that kick ass speech, he's going to rank high in the fan polls. Often times, the mangaka will keep those characters around to use later. Having him show up as an adult would be great, he's a cool character. And let's face it...Kishimoto hasn't killed a kid since Haku...

    Also, in comics/manga deaths are reversed all the time. Some characters are just too good and have too many fans to keep dead.

    Just because someone is believed to be dead in a comic/manga doesn't mean shit. Look how long people thought that Raidou and Gemma were dead (the first time they got owned..).

    We'll see what happens.

    As for the mod stuff, I'll put it behind me. There is one that sticks out like a sore thumb, but I won't get into it.

  11. #71
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Kimimaro was too cool a character to throw away so quickly... he fuckin dead now though.

    Obito is dead... and if he ain't, he's minus an eye.

  12. #72
    Missing Nin
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    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi
    Alright Ben, how about another angle.

    Obito is too cool of a character to throw away so quick. Mangaka do this all the time. Obito already had a mini fan following, as there was mystery surrounding him, now that he has been introduced and gave that kick ass speech, he's going to rank high in the fan polls. Often times, the mangaka will keep those characters around to use later. Having him show up as an adult would be great, he's a cool character. And let's face it...Kishimoto hasn't killed a kid since Haku...
    I'll take it directly from that angle. The only person Kakashi could get that eye from is Obito there is not even a question about that. As far as the speach goes those likeable aspects of Obito have already been transfered to and become part of Kakashi. Then you have the fact that not only is Kakashi sure Obito is dead but he also has one of his eye's and the image your talking about while I'm not looking at it right now how many eye's does the guy have?

    I'm not disagreeing with the basic concepts your mentioning just that in this case there is a timeline. Yes they could leave his death open ended and bring him back however the fact he's a leaf shinobi just doesn't leave enough room for a reasoning of why he would go against his own village. I'm going simply by what we already know and I'll be checking up on the exact image your talking about in a moment.

    edit: Well just reviewed the pictures only Itachi speaks with a sharingan and only the guy hanging upside down could have 1 eye and thats VERY unlikely to be obito so I have no idea where your comming from.

  13. #73

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Obito is too cool to throw away so early? Obito is just Naruto, and we don't need another one of those, now do we? So yeah, he dies.

  14. #74
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 241 Discussion

    enough off topic talk. if you anything to say about the mods, don't bother posting it in any thread in any forum. thanks.

    EDIT: i was reading paradise in winter website and i saw this:

    Oh, by the way about Kakashis dad. The Fourth (or soon-to-be-Fourth) said Kakashis dad was a genius Ninja. And, he did say that compared to his (kakashis dad) name, the name Sannin wasnt as good.
    I know that Sannins are very strong and powerful ones. But they werent genius. Kakashis dad was the natural-born Ninja. Sannins were not, maybe except for Orochimaru.
    Anyway, Kakashis dad was a genius with a very good human heart. I hope Neji will be a genius with good heart

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  15. #75

    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Has that site proven to be a better translation in the past? I believe Inane said that he preceded the Sannin, didn't mention anything about him being stronger.

    I doubt we'll see much more of him, at least not until Kakashi dies...


    "I live for myself and I answer to nobody." -Steve McQueen

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chapter 241 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hatake Kakashi

    Obito is too cool of a character to throw away so quick. Mangaka do this all the time. Obito already had a mini fan following, as there was mystery surrounding him, now that he has been introduced and gave that kick ass speech, he's going to rank high in the fan polls. Often times, the mangaka will keep those characters around to use later. Having him show up as an adult would be great, he's a cool character. And let's face it...Kishimoto hasn't killed a kid since Haku...[/i]
    Maybe Obito had some mystery about him and the theories then were that he was the origin of Kakashi's Sharingan (obviously true), but that was then. Now that he shows up and turns out to be some whiny ninja that has a photocopied Naruto personality but happens to be even more useless than Naruto was at the beginning of the whole series, I'd have to say any fanbase he might have had has been reduced considerably.

    Like Nara Tonymaru said, "Obito is just Naruto, and we don't need another one of those, now do we?"

    I was kinda hoping Obito would be somewhat cool, but everything he's said can relate to something Naruto said earlier. He reminds me of Kiba, only with almost kunoichi uselessness. I wasn't looking forward to this diversion of the story line, but its clear that Kakashi outshines anyone by far. Obito is just more of the same, and I have a pretty good idea that many people see him as annoying as I do.

    Edit: why was my entire post in Italics?

  17. #77

    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    It's doubtful to me that Obito is the leader of Akatsuki. We've barely been introduced to the other Akatsuki members, and it's been hinted that there's another surviving Uchiha. These two facts do not mean that Obito is alive, nor that he's the leader of Akatsuki, especially after all the references to Obito being dead, and the strong hints that Obito's eye is in Kakashi's skull. And unless Obito created NEW EYE NO JUTSU, he's not the person being zoomed in on in the Akatsuki teaser.

    Although the theory is fun, it's a 1 out of 1000. Much more likely to have Sakura be the hidden head of Akatsuki.


  18. #78
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    if obito ends up being the leader of akatsuki, i'ma get rid of everything naruto related i have.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #79
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    Maybe Kakashi's father is actually an Uchiha, and that's how Kakashi got his Sharingan (but his mother wasn't an Uchiha so that's why Kakashi only has one)! Obito might have died like the little bitch he seems to be.

    And maybe his father is actually not dead, and he's secretly the leader of Akatsuki, wanting to get Naruto so he can harness the Kyubi powers to take revenge on Kohoha for disowning him! And that's why Itachi isn't the leader, because he's weaker than Hatake, who makes the Sannin title seem mediocre. That would make it Hatake's face that we saw at the end of 238, being an Uchiha and all.

    Btw I'm just having a laugh, I'm not trying to poke fun at anyone's theories. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] I might have to go on a killing spree if I'm somehow right though.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  20. #80

    RE: Chapter 241 Discussion

    You know what, Kakashi. I'm gonna go out on a whim and say that your theory could be correct. We don't know if Obito is really dead or not. That memorial, which he visits normally, might not be HIS memorial.

    Even in the end of the chase arc, where the Akatsuki suddenly appear in the cave, somebody mentions "That Orochimaru has gotttten a Sharingan..." THAT could have been Obito, since he makes such a fuss out of getting the Uchiha blood to kick in.

    Everybody is jumping to the most obvious conclusion. Try to look past that, people.

    I hope Obito is alive (leader of Aka or not). It would make Kishimoto an unpredictable writer again, which is good for a shounen manga.

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