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Thread: why ppl hate sakura??

  1. #21
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    why ppl hate sakura??

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Sakura has no reason to love Sasuke. She's just a little bitch who can't control her hormones, falling for a guy who never showed any signs of being interested in her. Around these parts we call that stupid, not admirable.
    Can you honestly say that you've never fallen for someone who would never return your feelings? Can anyone make that claim? Sakura is a well written and very human character. From a literary point of view, she's very interesting. Kishimoto should be commended for creating such an emotional character in a genre that shows no respect for such characters.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  2. #22

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    I have to agree with everyone else Sakura sucks. The only useful purpose she serves is to provide an emotional cataylist for naruto and sasuke. She's a main character but she is still not pulling her weight.

    Think about. Remember in the Chunnin exam where she was supposed to get her big moment. The music was all pumped and getting us excited for us to see her do something. But what happened? She bit a guy and got punched in the face repeatedly.

    Can you say Anti-Climactic.

    Despite everything naruto has done for her she's still a bitch towards him and Rock Lee(well she's starting to get a little better).

    They don't even use her for comedic purposes anymore. Inner Sakura completly disappeared after her fight with Ino. There is a hint of promise in the future but honestly compared to naruto and sasuke's advancement she's still got a hell of alot to catch up to.

  3. #23

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    sometimes character developpment is more imoportant than ninja abilities and power growth.

    She's an excellent character, one of my top 5 no doubt. I'd try explaining it to 98% of the forum, but it's like talking to a brick wall. They want their jutsus and explosions... Enjoy.

    I'll stick with understanding Sakura's purpose on my own, and hope for others to see her importance.


  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I freely admit I skimmed your opening post, because your formatting is horrible, as is your grammar.

    Frankly, I dislike Sakura because she is a one-note character whose only development moment was spent 60 episodes ago.
    i believe you meant to say 80 eps ago
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #25

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    I definitely agree with the majority...Sakura seems to do nothing but occupy space on the screen...oh and water the ground with her tears. I think that if you have to rationalize a characters purpose in a show (ie Sakura being a plot device to fuel Naruto/Sasuke situations) then for the most part, that character is essentially useless.

    But we all have to keep in mind that some people love (for lack of a better word) useless characters, just look at how popular Azumanga is and it's got nothing but useless characters in it.

  6. #26

    why ppl hate sakura??

    sorry for the double post...slow comp.

  7. #27

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    i think Sakura is a cute character, and i don't hate her or anything, but y the hell did she picked Sakuke who doesn't even like her, while Naruto who's trying his hardest justs to get closed to her. She just wasting her times loving someone who's gay.

  8. #28
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    There was the time in the Forest of Death where she stopped Sasuke from destroying the 3 sound nin. Yeah, it woulda been cool to see him go maniacal for a good while, but had he not been stopped, he probably would have went after Oro then and not learned the Chidori. Just my opinion though...

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  9. #29

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    I get it why some of you hate Sakura... you are just identifying yourselves with Naruto and inability to get women... and since Sakura has been turning Naruto down, you guys are relating it to when you guys get turned down because she likes someone better than you

  10. #30
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    I don't really hate Sakura as much as everyone else but the only thing that I don't like about her is her obsessesion with Sasuke. The one thing I like about her is her trying to give it 100% to help the team, just like how Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi give it their all.

    Like DeathScythe said, she's just to obsessed with Sasuke. From the beginning of the anime to now, all she's ever cared about is getting Sasuke to fall in love with her. Sasuke has told her countless times that the only thing he cares about is getting revenge on Itachi. Trying to get Sasuke to like her seems like a waste of time.

    The other thing I used to hate but now I don't was the way she treated Naruto. Again as DeathScythe said, Naruto saved her yet she never even expressed any gratitude towards him (though in her mind, she did seem surprised at the fact). I don't hate this fact anymore though because now she knows that Naruto understands how she feels and has been trying to help her out more than hurting her chances with Sasuke.

    Btw, her special jutsu's in Narutimet Hero 2 suck [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    actually the blind one is sakura not us. i mean why does she still like a guy who obviously doesnt like her back

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  12. #32

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    As a ninja, Sakura sucks. As a character, she is very important, however, in the fact that she is needed to be saved. What is the point of Naruto's character, who has pledged to protect his friends and his village, if there was no one weak to protect? With out the weak, there can't be the strong.

  13. #33

    why ppl hate sakura??

    I get it why some of you hate Sakura... you are just identifying yourselves with Naruto and inability to get women... and since Sakura has been turning Naruto down, you guys are relating it to when you guys get turned down because she likes someone better than you
    And i get why you concocted this little theory of yours up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] because you are unable to counter the points that everyone has offered about sakura thus far.

    Also, some of us didn't say we hated sakura... now did we? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Btw, naruto having trouble getting women? Pllleease [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  14. #34

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    everyone keeps saying "She's 13 she has no idea what love is"

    basically she feels she's in love with Sasake for the same reason RL 13 girls are in love with whoever the latest boy band craze is, honestly from my point of view it looks like she really cares more for Naruto then for Sasake, but as you all keep saying she's 13, she doesn't know how to deal with those feelings so she ignores Naruto and pines after something unatainable

  15. #35

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    Originally posted by: Lammasu
    I definitely agree with the majority...Sakura seems to do nothing but occupy space on the screen...oh and water the ground with her tears. I think that if you have to rationalize a characters purpose in a show (ie Sakura being a plot device to fuel Naruto/Sasuke situations) then for the most part, that character is essentially useless.

    But we all have to keep in mind that some people love (for lack of a better word) useless characters, just look at how popular Azumanga is and it's got nothing but useless characters in it.

    Even if Sakura's only purpose was to fuel/affect Naruto and Sasuke (which it isn't), how is it rationalizing to deem her important? Without Sakura, Naruto would never have defeated Gaara. Also, Sasuke, like Alhuin said, might have killed the three sound if it were not for Sakura. These things are astronomical in importance.



  16. #36

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    Sakura is useful in 2 ocassions...

    Filler eps when sakura used tsunade type strength
    and another filler episode where she was in a towel and the animators drew her of being more than a 13 year old.

    yup yup Lol.. other than that... NAW.... ahahahhaa The least she can do is make medicine like hinata or learn to throw stuff like ten ten(or was it ton ton or tin tin?) or have a special family skill. but noooooo.

  17. #37

    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    Well, Sakura can form a proper sentence, which is more than I can say for 75% of this forum.

    @Jusdaman, do you remember which episode she used the strength in? Go figure you'd call it filler. I remember a cool battle, a strange turn of events, and an exciting finish. But, I could be wrong.


  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: why ppl hate sakura??

    kagari, a filler is something that wasnt in the manga
    so no matter how cool that tea country arc may have been (which wasnt really), its still technically filler
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #39

    why ppl hate sakura??

    In 112 episodes, I've seen only 2 episodes that I can consider 'filler'. (Which to me, does barely anything to advance the story, and contains redundant and useless information.)

    Episodes 59 and 101. 59 was ok, since it had a LITTLE bit of character developpment (hinata & naruto), some plot developpment (though quite unecessary, we saw naruto take a whole episode to get to the stadium) and it even had some action. (Bullriding was pretty exciting...but i mreaching here).

    101 was horrid.

    Other than that, I challenge anyone to name me one episode of filler. (Don't say Tea Country arc, as it still advanced the story and provided us with some cool battles. I, of course, am fully biased, as I welcomed the return of my beloved mist nins. Lucky.)

    If you can, then I will admit defeat, and also, while I'm at it, admit that sakura sucks. But i still think she's awesome.

    edit: mis-spelled a word or two. :/


  20. #40

    why ppl hate sakura??

    boring and filler really arn't the same thing though, filler is any episode that strays from the manga for the perpose of giving the manga some time to get farther ahead so they continue to have more material to work with, to fill time if you will to my knowledge there have been 2 full filler arcs, acording to this definition and then some more random episodes here and there

    sounds to me like your definition of a filler episode is any episode that can't keep your interest due to lack of action

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