yet you're still loved. because you're so pretty, terra. *jealous*Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I'm female.
yet you're still loved. because you're so pretty, terra. *jealous*Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I'm female.
I tried my best...
Heh, still haven't been around long enough to judge people in these forums, so I can't really say anything [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] but I'll take your word for it Eurasian about Terracosmo.
Anyways, Sakura should've stopped going after Sasuke a LONG time ago since he always rejected her. It's her own fault for having her heart broken in the end.
Well he did say thank you and that touched Sakura. Sasuke has lived a very troubled life and lived his whole life based on wanting to kill Itachi , he hasn't really thought about much else i guess. I think he does in fact love Sakura just he never shows it. This arc is really good, i really hope Sasuke can survive all of this and return to the village alive, that way he can be with Sakura.
if sasuke and sakura ever do get together (god forbid), i imagine it'll be something like this....
sakura: oh i love you sasuke-kun
sasuke: shutup and keep sucking bitch
*10 minutes later*
sakura: so, same time next week sasuke-kun?
sasuke: ya, whatever
you all know its true....sasuke not the lover boy type.
ps: terra, ur so sexy, i want you to bear my children
i think that sasuke does somewhat care for sakura, but not as a lover. He's a 12/13 year old w/ only one thing on his mind - power.
I tried my best...
NopeOriginally posted by: kaoru Dono
wow.. im really suprised nobody brought up the whole thing between sasuke and sakura.. they had it for 2 eps straight.. hehe.. im guessin this place is full of guys.. yea and hopefully u guys will learn a lesson or two on not breaking girls hearts.. how devastating.. sakura wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.. but he totally turned her down.. din even say that he had the littlest feeling for her... geez.. wat a bum..
does nobody care??
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
and why should we care about Sakura and her feeling about Sasuke? There was nothing there to feel sorry for her or her feeling, she's just an idiot character and always will be. Sasuke NEVER showed any interest in sakura in any way and in the ep she said she knew (or something similar) all that is is Sakura being why have pity for a selfish baka girl who can't get it through her thick head that Sasuke dosn't care about her. And besides, what she said was so idiotic. Telling him revenge is not the way to go but then contradics herself saying she would do anything for him even revenge, and saying she'll make him happy. She dosne't really know nothing about Sasuke, so how could she. All she was, was being desparite at the moment, which made her look worse. And to add to that, she pretty much knew Sasuke was leaving, and instead of getting someone who could stop him, i.e. Kakashi, Naruto, she pretty much used that time to confess her feeling. -_-.. and Sasuke is not a bum for caring about Sakura the way she wants him too, why should he have to force himself to like someone he dosne't like that way? There is no point, and besides it's been obvious from the beginning that Sasuke has one goal in mind and nothing else matter besides that. As "smart" as Sakura is supposed to be, she can't even realize anything.
Sasuke's gay, thats why he doesnt care about Sakura [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Yeah, if Sakura were worth anything at all as a ninja, she would have been able to forcibly stop Sasuke, or at least know when he was going to attack and evade it. She knew he was going to leave, and she should have come up with a better plan than crying and begging. In all the time she was pleading, she didn't really have the interests of the village in mind, only her own personal interests. The fact that she was willing to go with Sasuke....well, I'm glad she didn't pass the chuunin exam and I hope she never gets any important missions if she thinks so little of the village.
Sasuke was just being himself, like how he always is. Sakura shouldn't have expected anything different.
You keep saying that, yet you never come here. I am so lonely.Originally posted by: Assassin
ps: terra, ur so sexy, i want you to bear my children
hmm, I think thats an invitation Assassin [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Originally posted by: Terracosmo
You keep saying that, yet you never come here. I am so lonely.Originally posted by: Assassin
ps: terra, ur so sexy, i want you to bear my children
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Haha, go for it Assassin [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
This thread is pointless.