Wed, 12-01-2004, 03:34 AM
RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion
just a quick guess on the techniques
shika will learn that shadow thing that strangles you.(daddy used it in fight against sand)
chouji will probably learn the make myself bigger thing.(same as shika)
neji will have something to do with his byuukan and its sight...remember when he says there were like 7 birds and he only counted 6.
naruto will be useless because he wont fight till its either the strongest guy or sasuke(it is jump after all)
and kiba will butt hump his dog and use it as a rocket for all i care.
and thats my 2cents people. btw i doubt any1 will die unless its like to save some1's life. and if they do they will somehow come back to life. damn you jump for having anime with the same storyline.
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