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Thread: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    actually shino's would be as good a spy as kiba....and maybe even better, cuz he could send his bugs ahead and no one would notice, whereas every one would notice a dog.
    bugs dont travel as fast as a dog would.

    if this was an infiltration mission then i could see the advantages, but since they're in a chase, then kiba would be more practical
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #42

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Shino would get owned by those sound ninjas.

  3. #43

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    well considering they took out 2 jounins, id say everyone would get owned by those sound ninja's, with the exception of like kakashi/gai/anko etc...

    assertn: ya, but i meant like now, when they need to spy on them without being seen. otherwise in a normal chase situation kiba is better

  4. #44
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    if it was 2v2 instead of 2v4, those jounin wouldve torn them up
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #45

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    i agree (well genma and the chick...i dunno how good the other 2 were)

    my point was the other genins wouldn't really doo that much better against them either

  6. #46
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Such a good episode! I'm looking forward to seeing this new team fight. Hopefully we'll see some teamwork and combination attacks rather than Naruto just doing kage bunshin. Here were some of the highlights for me:
    -Sakura wanting to go, and getting DENIED by Shikamaru......hehe, he practically told her she was useless
    -Shikamaru in general....yay, he's so cool! I like how he very quickly took command and got all of the others to accept his authority
    -the use of falling leaves as a symbol of foreboding...I thought that was pretty creative, and added some atmosphere
    -the toothpick attack....that was awesome

    In regard to the whole Lee bit, I don't feel bad for him not getting to go on the mission. After all, he'll be in the village with Sakura and both Naruto and Sasuke are out of the way for the moment. Sounds like he has a perfect opportunity [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  7. #47

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Still, despite it not being in the manga, I think there should've been more hype with Lee getting better. I mean... he did heal from a life-changing event, one which had a high chance of failing, and taking his life. Yet no one seems to care, at all.

    I'd expect some massive party, or something.

  8. #48

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    i dont think everyone else knows about the operation yet....we've only seen neji mention it, and we know its pretty recent....whose to say that he hasn't seen anyone else since it happened, and when he did, they were busy getting ready to rescue sasuke.

    i have a feeling that lee will get better, and then go out after teh genin team....he finds them in danger, opens a few gates, rapes everyone around, and then ends up back in the hospital with tsunade yelling at him.......

    ok, so maybe it wont happen exactly like that, but i do think lee will somehow end up with the rest of them....anyone else agree?

  9. #49

    Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Lee will go after them but gets himself messed up due to his physical condition. Then Naruto saves him, then we get a scene of Lee staring at Naruto for a while, then some flashbacks, then they win and go back to the village.

    Somehow I just know this is gonna happen.

  10. #50

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    humm let me see how i can reply to the above post in the intelligent manner...

    ehhhhh..... not gonna happen

  11. #51
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Lee just got out of an operation people. He's still in crutches. There's no way he'll miraculously be better and rush to their aid. That's just crazy talk. Maybe we'll get to see him in action again in a story arc after this one.

  12. #52

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    this ep was great.

    From the way those 4 sound nin talked, I get the impression that they're only chuunin. Otherwise why would it be so risky to take on 2 jounin? Then again, if they're Orochimaru's elite guard, that doesn't speak well for the Sound village's ninjas.

    It's a real pity that we didn't get to see the battle. I'm always interested to see what kind of jutsus high-level ninjas use in their fights.

    As for the genin "dream team", the only person I have a problem with is Chouji. The guy is useless except as a meat shield. Shino would have been a much better choice.

    Also, I like Neji's new attitude. He seems much less uptight now. Probably has to do with the thrashing that Naruto gave him/

  13. #53

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    hmm im sure chouji is there for a specific reason lol.

  14. #54

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Chouji, the fat guy's. What can he do? all he can do is eats and made himself bigger, and let not forgot his attacking tactic, rolling his body likes a idiot and made himself dizzy. I must agree with Wirm that's he a meat shield.

  15. #55
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    It makes sense though for Chouji to be on this team. Remember that he was Shikamaru's first choice, since Shika knows him so well. Chouji is reliable and predictable, and Shika knows all of his capabilities and limitations. In a one-on-one battle, I agree that Chouji really sucks. But in a team, with everyone working together, I think we can expect more from him. And, he can be counted on not to do something stupid, unlike Naruto who is kind of a loose cannon (heh, this just reminded me of the part with the wire traps....Naruto came so close to disaster).
    Anyways, if Shino had gone instead of Chouji, I think the team would have been less efficient because no one really knows anything about Shino and that would be detrimental to teamwork and group strategy.

  16. #56

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Nobody in that team really understands Neji, Naruto, or Kiba either. The only two who've been together is Chouji and Shika.

    If Shino was on the team, then at least Kiba would know what to expect from him.

    In any case, I've never been too much of a Shino fan. He always wins by being sneaky. Being smart is all well and good, but if you rely completely on your bugs to win every fight, then you're in trouble if you ever run into a guy with a can of Raid.

  17. #57
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    but Shino and Kiba aren't that really close wirm

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  18. #58

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Shino isn't going. Get over it.

  19. #59

    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    lol, shino for sure isnt going

    but if shino were to go, chouji would still be shikas second choice (well first choice because tsunade recommended naruto), so maybe there would be more people to the team because they werent limited to a 5-man team anyway

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Special: 110-111 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Gods_Son
    Shino isn't going. Get over it.
    hey God_Son, theres no need to be so harsh man. hes just saying his opinion

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