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Thread: Game: World of Warcraft

  1. #161
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    What boss is your guild on? If they're blaming just you, your whole guild is failing at something.

    That is unless you're disc for some heavy aoe fights, but it shouldn't matter as much if you're primarily a 25 man guild.
    Yogg-saron, but last night we didn`t had enough members and decided to do sarth to give some newbies some gears, i am dual speced for holy and disc and mostly play as holy. But for sarth since i heal the main tank i was Disc, apparentelly i don`t know the fight even though i`ve done Sarth countless of times as the ONLY disc priest in guild.

    Anyway, i left the guild last night.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  2. #162
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Sold UChess at 500$, people were offering more but i couldn`t wait to get rid of him.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  3. #163
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Jesus christ >_>

    I have an acc with an 80 mage, an 80 Dk and a 75 priest ( my friend trained the other 2 but the acc is mine so... )

    How much would i get for that?

  4. #164
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Depends on the gear you have, mine was mostly epic stuff from ulduar gear and high level pvp weapons (mostly furious), epic flyer helps too
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  5. #165

  6. #166
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    ... wait, that wasn't a rumor???

    Oh great, i finally get epic gear just to find that it will be useless again soon enough.

  7. #167
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    I just saw this by accident when i went over to browse Gametrailers and nearly freaked out when i watched the trailer, this is going to be so much more awesome than the previous two expansions combined its ridiculous!

    I havent played this game in 8 month and now im so psyched about this its crazy.
    And this will be the first time i'll play as Alliance, all thanks to FUCKING WORGEN AWESOMECAKE!

    I need to go cool down abit now..

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  8. #168
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    >_> It's not that awesome...

    But i guess being able to fly everywhere will be a nice plus, and i couldn't help but lol at heroic deadmines

  9. #169
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Heroic Deadmines is gonna be awesome. Deadmines is still my favorite instance in the game, next to SM Cath, Arm, & Library. Graveyard sucks.

    Edit: I like the new class combos as well, like Human Hunters and Night Elf Mage. Goblins have race cars as mounts


    The Cataclysm in question is caused by the reappearance of the dragon Deathwing.

    One of the two new races, the Worgen, is described as "the Wolverine of the Alliance" by Blizzard. Classes available will be everything but Paladins and Priests.

    The other race, Goblins, are forced into service for the Horde and use a spiky racecar as their mount. Goblins also have rocket belts and can be, among other things, Rogues.

    The level cap will be raised to 85, with Blizzard promising that the new five levels will be hard to get through.

    The expansion offers seven new zones including The Lost Isles, Twilight Highlands and a sunken city that is, naturally, set entirely underwater.

    All of the game's zones will be revamped with new items and new art. The map has changed, with the Barrens split in half and the Alliance losing control of Southshore. As with Wrath of the Lich King, there will be "phased terrain" that changes during the course of quests. There will also be two new starting zones and a zone for people level 78-85. Rising up through the classic levels has been revamped as well and is being promised to be an entirely new experience.

    There will be 20 Guild levels, a guild talent tree and perks, such as slower durability loss, cheaper repairs, and mass resurrection. Also added will be a "Paths of the Titans" that will allow class-independent talent progressions. And there's a Mastery System, which offers players more power, the more points they spend in their talent tree.

    The expansion offers new race class combos, including Tauren and Gnome priests as well as Dwarf shamans.

    Players will now be able to fly anywhere and everywhere in Azeroth. And they'll be able to use underwater mounts.

    There will be new Arena maps, rated Battlegrounds and a daily quest hub.
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 08-21-2009 at 05:09 PM.

  10. #170
    This is gonna be shit. They're just trying to throw all this shit out, so they can either 1) Bring out a new MMO or 2) Just milk it as much as they can. Instead of adding a new continent, they're just changing the textures in Azeroth, and allowing flying. It's pretty obnoxious. The 85 cap seems nice to some, since it means less levels to get up, but it shows how much a lack of content there is. Just a week ago they announced a redone Onyxia. Come on, Blizzard.

    And the new races? Their textures were already littered over the game. Atleast for BC, the Draenei and Blood Elf (I guess a different remodelled Night Elf) were new races they built from scratch.

    The game is already way too easy, it's ridiculous. You can get atleast 4 pieces of 8.5 if you're lucky with VoA drops, or the conquest vendor.

    Though saying all that, I might end up playing it regardless. That is, if Aion turns out to be shit. I already pre-purchased it off Steam, and played like an hour or two of it (got to level 8). Assuming it's terrible, I get a free month to decide.
    Last edited by animus; Fri, 08-21-2009 at 05:28 PM.

  11. #171
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    A friend of mine on the game told me that night elf mages don't make any sense because they're supposed to hate magic

    Is this true?

  12. #172
    Probably, don't know much about the alliance lore since I play horde. I actually don't know much Horde lore either.

    But apparently, Blood Elves are descendants of Night Elves who've used arcane magic whereas Night Elves stood with nature and druidism and stuff I guess.

  13. #173
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    There will be 20 Guild levels, a guild talent tree and perks, such as slower durability loss, cheaper repairs, and mass resurrection. Also added will be a "Paths of the Titans" that will allow class-independent talent progressions. And there's a Mastery System, which offers players more power, the more points they spend in their talent tree.
    I honestly don't mean to sound trollish, but this sounds like yet another feature Blizzard is stealing from Warhammer Online.

    Does someone who has tried both games mind explaining how this is any different from the guild progression and various perks that came from that in WAR?
    (I played WAR and only watch my friends play WoW)

  14. #174
    Ragnarok Online has a guild leveling system, which comes with various perks like being able to recall members and buff people... maybe it's just a general MMO feature.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #175
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    A friend of mine on the game told me that night elf mages don't make any sense because they're supposed to hate magic

    Is this true?
    Night Elves abandoned Arcane Magic while the Highborne kept using it. The Highborne were exiled from the rest of the Night Elves on Kalimdor. I'm guessing that the Night Elf Mages in this expansion are gonna be Highborne. If you run Dire Maul, you'll see a lot of Highborne Exiles there.


    More in-depth info from Blizzard staff.

    • Level cap will be 85 because developers wanted to focus on the right things: redoing Azeroth and providing more end-game content.
    • A new guild advancement system will let you earn guild perks and level a guild through 20 levels with points to spend in a talent tree. You will access abilities such as cheaper repairs, less durability loss on wipes, or mass resurection.
    • Phasing can now add and remove terrain based on your progress. Coasts will be progressively more flooded depending on how far you are in a storyline for example.
    Path of the Titans
    • Talent trees won't be extended, you will just get 5 more talent points.
    • The Path of the Titans will let players follow a path (not restricted to classes), this is a new talent system with new skills and passive abilities.
    • A mastery system is being added as well, a lot of talents will be reworked to be more fun. The point is to get rid of a lot of the talent skills and not make you spend all your points in a talent tree just because it gives you more damage or higher crit chance.
    • Archeology is a new secondary profession, not many details about this one but we'll probably hear more about it in future panels.
    • Deathwing, the leader of the Black Dragonflight will be the main vilain of the expansion.
    • Deathwing heard the whispers of the Old Gods after the arrival of the Burning Legion, he eventually grew very powerful and also became very very crazy.
    • His plan was to catch the Alliance and Horde unaware with something so massive that it would bring up the Elemental Planes.
    • The Elemental Planes were created by titans to contain the elementals, they weren't happy with this decision and some of them like Ragnaros got really angry.
    New races - Worgens
    • Other races were discussed for the alliance, but the developers really felt that the alliance needed a monstrous race and horde needed something fun and tiny.
    • Genn Greymane closed the Greymane Wall to block the Scourge's plague. Gilneas got nervous as the Scourge progressed to the south.
    • Arugal was a patriot, he called the Worgens to battle for Gilneas but eventually was surprised by how dangerous what he called down was.
    • Worgens are from somewhere else ... or even someWHEN else. They have a wolverine temperament and spent a lot of time trying to contain the beast within.
    • One of the Worgen racial will be Dark Flight, a short duration sprint
    New Races - Goblins
    • Goblins are a technological race from Kezan, their society is broken up into trade cartels run by trade princes. They are new factions and not the ones you can already see in game.
    • The Cataclysm hit Kezan really hard and it's possibly destroyed. The goblins are now refugees on the Lost Isles.
    • As a goblin you start as a neutral cartel and eventually join the horde as you progress through the questlines.
    • Racial - Rocket Belt will have multiple functionnalities, you can use it to launch yourself forward or launch rockets at targets.
    Old World
    • We all left a little part of ourselves in Northrend and the old world will be much darker than it was to make heroism and brotherhood more meaningful like Warcraft should be.
    • Every zones will be revamped with new quests, items, and art. The old world will be a brand new experience and you won't have to deal with the annoying agility/spirit quest rewards anymore.
    • Azeroth is now flyable. Pretty much all the zones will be changed to some extent, some of them like Elwynn Forest won't change too much but others like The Barrens will be sundered in two by Deathwing.
    • The Wailing Caverns are now a lush and verdant Area.
    • Desolace now has a lot more waters and a lot of plants can be seen in the screenshots.
    • The Horde finally conquered Southshore.
    • Auberdine was destroyed and the night elves have set up a new camp north of it. Garrosh wants to expand the horde and has built a fortified camp at the south of the zone.
    • Stonetalon has been cleaned by the Goblins, Azshara will be the new Goblin zone, and are using quarries in the mountains of Azshara to build their town.
    • Apparently Orgrimmar will be rebuilt and reinforced with steel, it now looks a lot like Garrosh strongholds...
    • Undercity has been redesigned to be flyable, it now looks much more impressive from the outside.
    New Zones
    • 7 new zones will be added : Twilight Highlands, Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, Gilneas, The Lost Isles, Sunken City of Vash'jir.
    Starting Areas
    • The Worgens and Goblins starting zone level goes from 1 to 15.
    • Sunken City of Vashj'ir will be an underwater zone and was the home city of Lady Vashj before the original sundering, this is a gateway to the Abyssal Maw. Going through the Abyssal Maw will take you to the Elemental Plane of Water, even if the zone will be underwater you will be walking on the sea floor here, new underwater mounts will be available and should have the same speed as normal flying mounts.
    • Deepholm will be the new hub of the expansion, you will have portals here to let you teleport to Hyjal, Uldum, etc ... The Twilight's Hammer now serves Deathwing and have brought him back to full health in the Temple of Earth at the center of the map.
    • Deepholm isn't really connected to Azeroth, the connection is where Deathwing emerged from the ground.
    • Uldum will have at least two dungeons and is heavily inspired from Egypt. The sea at the west of Tanaris was just an illusion created by the Titan and Uldum is actually a brand new zone. It is rumored to hold a super weapon. Uldum is also the home of the Tolvir, a race of stone-like cats created by the titans.
    Plane of Fire
    • Ragnaros used the cataclysm to come back from the Plane of Fire where we sent him and is now sieging the World Tree in Mount Hyjal to burn it down. Malfurion is back from the Emerald Dream. The whole zone (Hyjal) will make extensive use of phasing.
    Twilight Highlands
    • The Twilight Highlands will feature Grim Batol, Deathwing literally broke open Grim Batol as he emerged from the ground. This is the new Twilight's Hammer base in Azeroth and both Horde and Alliance will have a new port town with boats here. The Red Dragonflight is still here but has been pushed back to the west of the zone near the Wetlands.
    Dungeons and Raids
    • The Firelands will be a new raid dungeon, it will let you go to the Elemental Plane of fire and visit Sulfuron's Keep, Ragnaros will be here and he's really pissed.
    • Uldum will feature two new dungeons, the Lost City of Tol'vir and the Halls of Origination (a titan city)
    • Grim Batol will have a level-up dungeon and a raid instance.
    • Skywall (Air Elemental Plane) will have a level-up dungeon and a raid instance.
    • The Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep will be back in a brand new level 85 heroic version.
    • Blackrock Caverns will be a new level-up dungeon located in Blackrock Spire. This is an entirely new dungeon, new art, new creatures, new everything.
    Player vs. Player
    • Battle of Gilneas will be a new battleground where the objective is to control the city by controlling as many districts as possible.
    • Tol'barad will be a new PvP zone and will also be the most important daily quest hub. Just like Wintergrasp a battle will happen every few hours and the winning side will get access to the Tol'barad Prison and extra daily quests, the really profitable ones.
    • Rated battlegrounds will be added to the game and should get you the same rewards as Arenas.
    • New arena maps will be added.
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 08-21-2009 at 07:14 PM.

  16. #176
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I can see why some people would have a problem with this expansion, but it's not like bliz is totally being lazy.

    Old World content is something people have been asking for ages on the forum, some even suggested vanilla wow on server.

    A revamp of the old world to make it fit for flying is a lot more work than simply adding a new continent due to the sheer amount of zones they'll have to work with. Most of those area will look quite different from the original version from what i saw in the trailer. They are also adding 7 new zones on top of the revamp, so it's not like this will be renew old content. In fact there's only 9 zones in Wotlk if you don't count wintergrasp. They are also adding underwater zones and underwater mounts.

    A revamp old world also give a chance for some people with multiple max level char to try out leveling again with the new quests and environment rather than doing the old grind. It's unknown at the moment how much exp it will take per level for those 5 new level so chances are they might be as long as 70-80 so i'd wait until more info surface before making assumption.

    About the only thing i agree with you is how easy the game as become and that's a matter of preference.

    For people like me who started after the BC expansion, a chance to do old style raid is very welcome. I know that not everyone feel this way, but the bottom line is wait until more info than a trailer and a few notes come out before you start bitching about how much it's going to suck. If you end up not liking the final product then you always have the option to just quit.


    I'm positive that bliz took the idea from WAR, they aren't exactly known for being original. Blizzard is infamous for taking ideas that work and implementing them into their own stuff while trying to perfect the formula. WoW itself is a testament to that, most of that game lack any sort of originality, but it's so well crafted that it manages to attract a large amount of players.

  17. #177
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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  18. #178
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Phasing will be even a bigger part of the game? If this keeps up the game will turn to Guild Wars soon enough

    Estimated Racial traits
    Rocket Jump - instant - 2 min cooldown
    Activate your rocket belt to jump up to 20 yards.
    Rocket Barrage - instant - 2 min cooldown ((shared with Rocket Jump))
    Fire your belt rockets at an enemy within 30 yards.
    Time is money - passive
    Cash in on a 1% increase to attack and casting speed.

    Best Deals Anywhere - passive
    Best possible gold discount, regardless of reputation.
    Pack Hobgoblin - instant - 30 min cooldown
    Calls in your personal servant, allowing you bank access every 30 min.
    Better Living Through Chemistry - passive
    Alchemy skill +15, your potions give more health/mana.

    Is anyone else expecting 10000 gold rogues on the battlegrounds fucking everything up?

  19. #179
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Since Archangel did the Goblin ones.

    Worgen Details
    • Racials aren't currently implemented, but-
      • Viciousness
        • +1% damage
      • Dark Flight
        • +70% run speed for 10 seconds. 3 minute cooldown
      • Abberation
        • Length of Curses and Diseases reduced by 15%.
      • Flayer
        • Skinning skill increased by 15 and allows you to skin faster
      • Two Forms
        • Switch to your currently inactive form. 1.5 sec cooldown. (seems purely cosmetic but has an absolutely awesome transformation from human to worgen)
    • In the starting area your goal is to find a cure for the worgen effect
    • As you progress through the quests, phasing takes place; you're fighting off a forsaken assault on Gilneas
    • The land is sundered as you quest through it and battle the forsaken. The starting area becomes more and more flooded due to the destruction. Some quests require you to swim into the water and bring drowning watchmen back to shore.
    General Details
    • The water system has been upgraded with a better look
    • New Gilneas Mastiff model (possible worgen mount?)
    • Number of macros you can have has been increased by 150%
    • You'll level faster than other races early on as the quests are themed around a story like the Death Knight starting area.
    Northern Eastern Kingdoms - Zone Level Range Changes
    • Tirisfal Glades: 1-10
    • Gilneas: 1-10
    • Silverpine Forest: 10-20
    • Alterac Mountains: 20-25 (25-30)
    • Hillsbrad Foothills: 20-25
    • Arathi Highlands: 25-30
    • The Hinterlands: 30-35
    • Western Plaguelands: 35-40
    • Eastern Plaguelands: 40-45 & 45-50
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 08-22-2009 at 09:59 AM.

  20. #180
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Is anyone else expecting 10000 gold rogues on the battlegrounds fucking everything up?
    There's probably some limitation for that, all OP racial usually get nerf to the ground.

    I hope they do an appropriate health increase to stop dps domination from happening since pvp balance is dead and buried at the moment. Blizzard already admits to tripling the dps this expansion while only doubling the hp.

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