I don't remember if I posted in this thread, so I shall now.
I play on two servers, Crushridge (horde) and Ner'Zhul (alliance).
My Crush characters: Lakebodom
My Ner'Zhul characters: Warheart and Plogan.
Hooray for internet!
I don't remember if I posted in this thread, so I shall now.
I play on two servers, Crushridge (horde) and Ner'Zhul (alliance).
My Crush characters: Lakebodom
My Ner'Zhul characters: Warheart and Plogan.
Hooray for internet!
Sorta decided to go try PVP after getting my pally to lvl 49. I am in dire need of some tips from the pvp, battle hardened vets here. Can someone please give me a bit of info on different classes about their weakness and strengths?
Going to try either Blackrock or Dark Iron server. Blackrock for the mentioned speed of BG and Dark Iron cause of certain guilds affilliated to The Rapscallions. Since that Guild must be full already, im going to try and find others allied to them.
For a PVP server, I've found a hunter to be very useful, because while you're out questing in contested territory you can track humanoids and always know if someone's coming up to kill you. It's possible to get the jump on them that way, unless they're ?? lvl, then you'll most likely be a smear on the pavement.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
Thanks...Too bad I cant have two tracking at the same time. A rouge might hurt me bad. Hmm how about BG wise?
BG wise, Shadow Priests are always fun - but, you might possibly run into pressure to be a healer, which wouldn't be your main desire.
I have such a strong urge to respec my lvl 60 priest to Shadow, but my guild needs me as a healer too much. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Maybe I'll make another priest purely for PVP, that could be fun.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
Well it depends on what BG you want to do.
In WSG the Rogue's and Warrior's are the kings. Shaman's are also pretty good. Casters are in a pretty bad position since there is to few people to protect them and Rogue's love targeting a poor caster (i know, since i always target the casters, specialy Mage's since you can kill them off before they even know what hit them).
In AB it's mixed but Hunter's seem to be one of the best here. The mix of strong range offence as well as being able to quickly get out of close combat. They are excellent caster killers. Other then that it's pretty random depending on the game. If the enemy is sticking togheter you are better of as a caster that keeps in the back, and if there is mostly small fights all over Warrior's and Rogue's usually owns.
In AV casters are the big winners. Mage's and Warlock's are insanely good. Warrior's can kill of alot of people if they have a few healers in the back, but if they get no heal they usually only get the target (if even that).
Well that's the impression i have gotten.
I wanted to create a guild so i got the guild charter and got all the signatures to create it. When i went the the embassy thing, I clicked on the Register Guild Charter, but nothing happened. I kept clicking and made sure that I had all my signatures, but my guild wasnt created. I GMed a GM, but after waiting for 2 hrs i gave up on that. Does anyone know the problem? Am I suppose to do something else.
I play on the server Frostmane so if anyone wants to do anything hola at me my name is Sevyfez an Undead Rouge (screw the allaince youre all either hunters or warriors).
yea. most annoying is night elf hunter!!!!!! but my tauren warrior and stomp them flat!
ty psj for this sig
lmao zabuza, not you wont, youll just get kited. then walking into a trap and get aim shot for a bijillion damage
heh either youve got a very nice weapon or you havent versed mages in pvp gear, they aint so squishy when they have that much hp i know a few mages who can 1 hit ya, so look outi know, since i always target the casters, specialy Mage's since you can kill them off before they even know what hit them
i cant remember what the move is but it crits for about 4500 damage, crits pretty often, and is rather easy to do when youve been polyed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The move is Pyroblast, but it only crits for that much when the mage burns their cooldowns such as Arcane Power or whatever its called.
Play a 60 rogue (rolaliel) and 40 paladin (paragon) on Bloodhoof
In an end game MC/BWL/ZG raiding guild. If you havent picked up wow you should!
I'm a wow veteran, my main's a level 60 hunter in EU-Magtheridon. there's a lot of guilds that have played since beta in there, we've raided everything in the game and the AQ gates are just about to open.
I've just about had enough though, the people in my server are just too hardcore. Can't be bothered to attend raids, farming, etc. to stay in a guild anymore. It's like, people who don't have full epic gear with the best enchants are laughed at. All the people are level 60 and don't even do non-raid instances that much, so playing an alt there really sucks.
So, what I did was roll a mage in an RP server, it's level 50+ now and I've loved most of it. It's not like people RP everywhere or have epic characters with fourty pages of background, but we do play in ways that make the world more credible. And the playing is more casual, i'm just fine with outdated gear. And there's always people to be found to run lowbie instances.
this game is great but , $15 month? c'mon
Well, I just recently started a new guy on Kel'Thuzad. That's right folks, fear my untargetable lvl 17 pink haired gnome rogue: Shnuckums
98% of teens uses or has tried MySpace. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, copy and paste this in your signature
Im playing on EU-Ravencrest been playing with a rogue from the start and been raiding MC/BWL since i got to 60, AQ open on friday here !
Also have 60 warrior on the same server, but currently playing with a paladin on Darksorrow with some friends, only lvl 26 though but that's because i cant stop doing wsg with him :<
whats the difference in rp servers? i never tried one.
ty psj for this sig
rp servers are for people who want to role play as their characters, eg. someone playing a troll would put "mon" at the end of every sentance.
<3 gnome rogues, if gnome were on the horde side i probably wouldve chosen it instead of undead, which i also love
Well undead is the best race for rogues with Will of the Forsaken. Will of the Forsaken + PvP Trinket = pawnage
Yeah I hated fighting undead rogues and tauren warriors.