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Thread: Game: World of Warcraft

  1. #41

    RE: World of Warcraft

    hey raven ill play with ya till we have to leave the start area, cos my game crashes then
    :/ ur not online atm, damn, what lvl are ya

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Shoppingcart in sweden

    World of Warcraft

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I'd play WoW if I had any faith in the MMO genre anymore.

    And some money.


    For all the geniuses comparing GW's cost to WoW: GW doesn't require buying expansions, they're optional. Paying for WoW monthly isn't an option. New content will be added even if you only own the original. You will be able to access expansion areas even if you don't own it as long as one of your guild members does, so no "omg I was left behind in expansionless territory".
    I dont know if i got that right, but you CAN buy only 1 month in WoW..

  3. #43
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    World of Warcraft

    Originally posted by: TwisT
    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I'd play WoW if I had any faith in the MMO genre anymore.

    And some money.


    For all the geniuses comparing GW's cost to WoW: GW doesn't require buying expansions, they're optional. Paying for WoW monthly isn't an option. New content will be added even if you only own the original. You will be able to access expansion areas even if you don't own it as long as one of your guild members does, so no "omg I was left behind in expansionless territory".
    I dont know if i got that right, but you CAN buy only 1 month in WoW..
    Yeah, and then you stop playing it. That'd be like me saying GW is cheaper if you only play it for a month and then sell your account and CD on eBay.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    World of Warcraft

    Well that will never happen [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    I have had Diablo II for 3 years now and played it.. And now that it has come a better game along, i have a feeling i'm going to play that for at least 1 year and probably more then that.. I dont mind paying for it, if it's really good..

    EDIT: and even if i do get tired of it i would never sell it, because i want to be able to pick it up and play it someday if i feel for it.. Get a little nostalgic (sp?).. I had such an episode a few days ago when i just had to pick out Diablo1 out of the bookshell and play it.. What memorys..

  5. #45

    World of Warcraft

    hehe i did the same thing with diablo 2 a little while ago, got nostalgic
    i played almost non stop for a week, someone invited me into their clan, they gave me heaps of items, then i got bored of the game again and stopped, i felt a little bad though for taking heaps of that clans items :/

  6. #46
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    i really want to get world of warcraft now since my best friend just got it and wants me to play now, and my uncle got it. im still not sure if i want pay the monthly bill though, it would have to be real good, like dark age and ultima were.

  7. #47

    RE: World of Warcraft

    u can justify the bill by saying to urself thats how much ud spend going out on one nite, and now its gonna last u a whole month, just go out 1 night less a month and ur fine

  8. #48
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    This is my lvl 40 Paladin on the server called Suramar. I haven't bought any plate mail yet so she looks a bit under-tanked so far.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  9. #49

    RE: World of Warcraft

    bah, foolish alliance female. thar is no meat on ye bones, we needs a good feed
    for the horde

  10. #50

    World of Warcraft

    The dangers of RP servers.....

    Anyway, I found this to be cute. I'd post it in the flash thread, but only the people here would get it.

  11. #51

    World of Warcraft

    lol now that u mentioned RP i cant believe i just did it
    ive never done it before, its not normal
    only the freaks are on the RP servers
    if i ever do it again someone please slap me

  12. #52
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    LOL basey, you meant to, admit it.

    LMAO Mae, that image is so true. And it's so irritating. I hate when that happens.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  13. #53
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    They really should get rid of that glitch already.
    Or whatever the cause of it is.

  14. #54

    RE: World of Warcraft

    I got the game a few days ago.
    I'm a level 14 Paladin on the PVP server, Boulderfist.

  15. #55

    RE: World of Warcraft

    Tohan at Al'Akir ENPVP EU

  16. #56
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    We had a raid today! It was very fun though we got owned badly. The best part was when I was given the assignment to localize a lvl 20 guy who did spells from somewhere, nobody could see him. I found him behind a tent eventually, ran there and killed him. That was great. However the highlight of the day was afterwards when me and my warmate Antonia went to the pub in Ironforge to get drunk. Unfortunately they only had milk so we got drunk on that. And while talking in swedish, we were joined by another swede. And eventually, it ended up like this... (I will let the screenshots do the rest)

  17. #57
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    lol that movie is good but iv seen a better one that uses a naruto clip what happens is this high lvl person (hunter i assume) fires a bow and then it switches to a scene from naruto where a huge arrow is going through the forest and then some it ends up hitting a bunny rabbit its so so funny.... oh and those screens were funny terra.... but by far the worst glitch is when we mages blink and end up falling through the world and dieing because we cant get our corpses so we have to sit through res sickness

  18. #58

    RE: World of Warcraft

    Not only alliance, but a GNOME? Bleh... And why am I not surprised Terra chose a night elf?

    Earlier today I tried turning off the music and turning the sound way up while walking around the throne room in Lordaeron. Nice touch. It's little details like this that make this game so fun.

  19. #59
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: World of Warcraft

    Originally posted by: Mae
    Not only alliance, but a GNOME? Bleh... And why am I not surprised Terra chose a night elf?

    Earlier today I tried turning off the music and turning the sound way up while walking around the throne room in Lordaeron. Nice touch. It's little details like this that make this game so fun.
    I've always loved elves. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Hehe, I've done things like those too... the ambient effects of this game are really cool.

    Anyway, I've picked up WoW again after 3 months hiatus... I have the same character as before (Jono, Night Elf - Hunter) and he has now reached level 45. I spend most of the time on the battlegrounds right now, I want rank 2 and that awesome trinket [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  20. #60
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    World of Warcraft

    Originally posted by: basey44
    lol now that u mentioned RP i cant believe i just did it
    ive never done it before, its not normal
    only the freaks are on the RP servers
    if i ever do it again someone please slap me
    lol what's wrong with RP servers? There aren't as many annoying kids on them.

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