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Thread: Naruto 107 Discussion

  1. #21
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kn1ves
    waste of my time, i hate filler episodes like this.
    I think you're looking for the 106 discussion thread.

  2. #22
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    I actually like the "breakdancing" the first part where he slid his feet across the floor in a circular motion was pretty cool, and the handstand was too. to we cant see sakura die, that would of been nice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #23
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    That was so fucking good. Character development in the beginning, I LOVE THAT. Those pleasant chill-out moments. It makes the show feel so much more real. And the tension and fight during the later half was awesome aswell. Bring on the hot stuff!

  4. #24

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    Great episode. Loved it.

    Now, I have an idea. Let's just forget this whole filler ever happened and never speak of it again.

  5. #25

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion


  6. #26

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    Shikamaru's a chuunin.
    Ino got called skinny.
    Lee's getting his surgery.
    Sasuke getting even more emo.
    Naruto getting hit in the head with a plate.
    Sakura getting sad about her apple.

    Great episode. As previously stated, I liked how they made positive use of the fillers.

  7. #27

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    Really good episode, that Katen(I think thats what its called ... the fire storm tech anyway) was really cool and unexpected. The break dancing was sweet, looked alot like Sasuke had been planing ways to counter Kege Bushins and Bushins in general. It was a really cool episode. One of my favorite parts was when Naruto yells out Naruto Combo (last time we saw it was in the Chuunin Exams) and then it just getting beaten with an easy block followed up with Sasuke seal. Really cool fight to watch.

    The whole think with Shikamaru was really good aswell, I like how they bring in those small (or sometimes long) parts in the episode where they just sit back and it shows life in general for them. Really well done, can't wait to see the next episode. Though by the look of it, Naruto probably dosen't have rasengen powerful enough to kill, where chidori is a assassin and killing move ... either way its going to be cool. (secretly wonders if Sakura is going to grab the ground with her freakish strength and tear apart the roof screaming hulk smash hulk bash!)

  8. #28

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    I love all of the stuff already mentioned about this episode but one thing I really like is the fact that the genins, and Shikamaru, really look like they have grown up a bit.
    They just look bigger somehow.
    If you want a good comparasin watch episode 55 where Chouji, Asuma, and Shika are at the BBQ place when Sakura and Ino walk by and then watch this ep.
    Don't they just look a bit more mature now?
    I think so.

  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 107 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Well, you figure that a kage bunshin is only 1/3 the strength of the original if it uses the same laws as a water clone (mizu bunshin)
    I don't believe it does, I think it's been stated that using Kage Bunshin splits your chakra evenly amongst your clones. So the more you make, the weaker they are.
    weaker only in terms of performing jutsus though. Granted this may also affect stamina.....thus they cant fight at naruto's full potential for very long, but i think the idea behind naruto's bunshins being useless against sasuke is cause sasuke is simply a better taijutsu user than naruto is. Naruto mostly focuses only on ninjutsu.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 107 Discussion

    Though by the look of it, Naruto probably dosen't have rasengen powerful enough to kill, where chidori is a assassin and killing move
    The way I see it is this. Chidori is like a knife. And rasengan is like a baseball bat. The baseball bat is alot "stronger" and will win if it goes head to head with the knife, but the knife can kill you alot easier than the bat.

  11. #31

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    istn the rasengan more like multiple powered circular saws, i mean didnt it pretty much chew through the trees leaving a big hole, and also when naruto was training it, it left scratch marks all over the place

  12. #32
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 107 Discussion

    It's a metaphore....

    If you want to get technical, then I suppose Chidori is like a power drill, and Rasengan is like a flaming blender.

    A comparison that really fucks up the whole metaphore!

  13. #33

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    Good episode.

    Shikamaru kicks so much ass. He looks awesome in that vest thing.

    And naruto's essentially got schooled by sasuke. Though I don't like it how they're equally tired when sasuke obviously landed about twice the hits. I guess naruto has a fuckload more stamina.

  14. #34

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    *sets up defenses all around him*

    *wears flame-preventive gear*

    *looks around*

    I miss the filler arc!

    In all seriousness, though, I thought this episode was good. I kinda figured they'd work the straws that continued to break the proverbial camel's back from the filler arc into Sasuke's flashbacking, and they did a good job of that, too.

  15. #35

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    it was really cool when sasuke did the seals then blocked naruto rendan with his elbow, turned around and did his fire blast in mid air. that was cool. sasuke is getting more evil with his facial expressions, soo sweet, cant wait for the next few episodes.

  16. #36

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    I can see the tons of Chidori v Rasengan threads that will pop up as they did in the manga forum.

    Anyway this was a great episode, and most likely the last time we flashback to the filler arc, so i agree we pretend it never happened.

  17. #37

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    __________________________________________________ ___________________
    btw it looked really gay when Sasuke was breakdancing all over the place.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    according to my superhuman ability to sniff out faults I would say that
    it's just normal for Sasuke to do gay things...gah he is just a fucked up
    version of the cast of "The Bold and the Beautifull"
    as you can see I really hate Sas-gay.

  18. #38

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    Good episode. Next week will be awesome

  19. #39

    Naruto 107 Discussion

    I'm pretty sure rasengan is way more powerful than chidori in every way. Didn't Jiraiya say chidori is a waste of time compared to rasengan?

    We'll see how it turns out later.

  20. #40

    RE: Naruto 107 Discussion

    ... shit didn't mean to start up a debate on Resegen and Chidori. They both have there ups and downsides. I was just getting to the point that Rasengen has alot more abilities (throwing people like in the filler ... bashing people, cutting down trees) where Chidori has one specilized purpose. Thus when I saw the chidori and rasengen I was like ... Naruto wasn't going in for a kill, just a quick win (well in a sense) and Sasuke just freaken lost it and decided to move in with chidori which is made to kill ... does that make any sense?

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