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Thread: Chapter 238 Discussion

  1. #101
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    the guy in the front cover looks to me like its the 4th or jiraiya when he was young

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  2. #102

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Meh, it's Yondaime. Only Yondaime wore the coat. Please don't pretend it's Naruto or anyone else, because it isn't. Jiraiya always looked like a goofy kabuki kid

    (;image=111) Kid Jiraiya
    (;image=158) Again
    (;image=160) Middle age Jiraiya w/ young Yondaime.
    (;image=177) Yondaime in one of his coat-things.

    Sorry for the links, but meh. Taken directly from an episode.. so none of thar "Narutofan is bull$#%#" ^_~

  3. #103

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    my guess is that it is the 4th maybe jiraiya took the 4th out trainning for couple of years and it is kinda dejavu

  4. #104

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    u cant really say that all possibility that it can be naruto is gone. Maybe after training jiraiya has the 4th coat and the 4th said give this to my son to jiraiya or somthing and maybe jiraiya held on to all of the 4th stuff and gave the coat to naruto cuss he knew the 4th would want to. Also it isnt proven that naruto is his son just a speculation

  5. #105

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    There are no kitty whiskers on the face! Even at birth Naruto had those whisker-things. Stop fooling yourself.

    Maybr one day Naruto will be as cool as Yondaime... but right now his coolness level is like non-existant. I don't even think he should get cool, just be a better fighter with the occasional serious mode. Best thing I can compare it to is.. Inuyasha? (Not too familiar with that series.. so maybe he continues to wildly swing his sword at stuff.) (Whisker-baby Naruto)

    The ONLY way I could see it happening.. is if Naruto bought a coat to "surprise Sakura-chan" with a new look as he returns back on his journey with Jiraiya, but suddenly vomits up Kyuubi on the way home and loses his whisker-feature.. or something equally unlikely.

  6. #106
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    if anyone thinks that the character on the cover page is anyone but the yondaime, he or she should kill themselves immediately because you guys are completely retarded. just because yondaime is smiling like how naruto does (squinting eyes) that doesn't mean it's naruto. it's CLEAR the whiskers are not there and the hair difference is too freaking great to be even to be a slight possibility of being naruto.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #107

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Everybody in Naruto smiles like that.

    Shit, everybody in any anime smiles like that.

  8. #108

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Hey guy the person holding naruto in this picture and the pic of the 4th in this;image=165. They shirts are exactly alike and dont say they made more than one shirt. Who could of held naruto jiraiya no. the 3rd no the hands in the pic r to young so 4th hokage is left!@! w00t. ok back on topic maybe naruto waxed his face?

  9. #109
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Um, you realise you posted the same picture twice? And it's the 3rd holding Naruto in that picture. It's his Hokage cloak/outfit.
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  10. #110
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    who says that the hokage of the village can only hold his own baby?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #111

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    the front cover is not naruto, face the fking fact peeps. damn, so many peeps want it to be naruto that the stupidity is overflowing the fking forum.

  12. #112
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Guys I hope you realize that in 10 years people will think of Naruto part 2 as DBZ and they will all go "yeah try and find Naruto part 1 because back then there was more comedy and it was greaaat and blah blah then Kishimoto sold out" and everybody will be like yeaaah whatever and the fans will worship part 2 and now everybody are super saiyan and...

    If above turns out to be true, I'm eating my hat. Or I would if I had one.

  13. #113
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    After the first couple arcs, there wasn't too much humor in Naruto. There were a few funny parts from time to time, like Naruto and Tsunade, but after those, the series has basically been serious the whole time. If what I'm gonna start calling Naruto Z (chapters 239+), doesn't have a lot of funny moments, I won't take it too bad, the series lost the humorous parts a LONG time ago. Kishimoto didn't sell out, and you know you all watched DBZ, I know I did. The fights in Naruto Z should be more impressive, after all, they will all have been training for three years.

    I'm just looking forward to more character development with some of the other genin.

  14. #114

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion
    A few thing i like to question an point out in this picture it is the 4th and his genin team one looks to be mabey from the same clan kibas in but who are the other to guy in the team.

    !!!! If you look at the 4ths right arm(right above the girls head) you'll see what seems to be mabey a red swirl much like narutos mabey!!!!

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  15. #115
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    One of the genin is obviously Kakashi, the other two don't seem to be important at all, though perhaps one might be Obito (but who knows?).

    I'm not suprised to see anything of the fourth that resembles something on Naruto, the parallels now are so obvious that if Naruto came back three years later wearing a Yondaime cloak, I'd just laugh.

  16. #116

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    U can hardly see the red thingee. it has a yellow line im sure narutos swirlly thing doesnt have a yellow line. and yes it is the 4th. kakashi is on the far right. the other two prolly fucked off somewhere

  17. #117
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    People have said that the guy might be Asuma, but it's really hard to say and frankly it doesn't really matter.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  18. #118
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    sucks that there's no 239 release to discuss this week

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  19. #119
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Wooooo So i guess there was 10 before orochimaru left.... and now that he left theres 9! not 8 like we originally though. MAD CHILLZ!

    Venus fly trap guy, - far right
    itachi, - below upside down guy
    kasaime,- next to tall guy
    upside down "yeah" guy, - above itachi
    tall guy, the tallest guy
    chicken head, all the way in the back
    freaky kurenai eye guy, - MY GUESS is hes either next to kasaime or next to venus fly trap guy

    hmmm wat can we name the other 2...
    We can name them:
    guy next to kisame: Pony tail guy
    and guy in the middle on the right: Spiky haired guy

    And I think Pony tailed guy is the person they show at the end b/c in the back itachi is on the right side

    R.I.P Captain America.

  20. #120

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Originally posted by: NaruGuy11
    A few thing i like to question an point out in this picture it is the 4th and his genin team one looks to be mabey from the same clan kibas in but who are the other to guy in the team.

    !!!! If you look at the 4ths right arm(right above the girls head) you'll see what seems to be mabey a red swirl much like narutos mabey!!!!
    i would also like you to look at nearly every single chuunin, jounin vest there is, and you will see the red spiral on it. either on the back or on an arm.

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