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Thread: Chapter 238 Discussion

  1. #41

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    simply put sasukes chakra is different know that he has the 3rd doujutsu, he is somewhat more powerful, and in 3 years will prolly be on the same lvl as itachi, pffft doubt it. but he will prolly kill kabuto or something and gain the mangekyou sharingan.

    uh as for sakura it was just a matter of ACTUALLY DOIN SOMETHIN FOR ONC, finally but this plot was kinda predictable, i hope after the kakashi saga there will be some scense of naruto and them training,and growing.

    but i just want to see LOTS more kisame wanna see him kill a few ninja's. just totall massacure, akatsuki go out and just kill a bunch of random peoples.

  2. #42

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    yeah well its to be expected that sakura is actually going to learn something,
    well being under tsunade. at least she is doing something.
    i just want naruto to leave already...
    and wtf Tsunade is doing nothin and before she was swamped with work. what the hell happened!?

    wow, big kisame fan, yeah it would be cool, to see the akatsuki just ripping into people. hope we should be able to see some..

  3. #43

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Can anyone tell me who the guy in the bottom of the last page was? his eye seem like a sharingan, but not sharingan, i don't see any dot at all, and his hair is too different to be itachi.

  4. #44

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    because of the qaulity of the raw the image isn't very clear, but it is itachi, and his sharingan you just can't see his doujutsu's...

  5. #45
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Chapter 238 RAW

    Originally posted by: dragon608608
    Can anyone tell me who the guy in the bottom of the last page was? his eye seem like a sharingan, but not sharingan, i don't see any dot at all, and his hair is too different to be itachi.
    His name is Okama. He uses his special genjutsu eyeballs, the okamagan, to seduce young boys. He's an uber-powerful member of Akatsuki and the founding father of the Naruto-world equivalent of NAMBLA.

    edit: Soon you'll see fanclubs to him on all the "major" Naruto forums. He'll be bigger than ANBU-Girl.

  6. #46

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Haha Souryusen, I haven't laughed that hard from a forum post in a long time.

    Awesome chapter, and thanks to the NarutoFan guy and Winged Dancer for translation and clarification, in that order. While I'm still -_- about the time jump shit, hopefully it'll be pulled off as smoothly as this utterly obvious chapter. While we all knew 99% of the subplots were gonna happen, it still tickled everyone's fancy. So... *fingers crossed*


  7. #47

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Are you gonna translate 238 sometimes, Winged? I hope you do. I can't really trust a translator that uses the word "yup" after each sentence for a certain character.

    And, I hope there is a kunoichi in the Akatsuki. And that she is ultra fine.

  8. #48
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Originally posted by: dragon608608
    yahoo, in your face, those who thing the front page is the fourth. i told you that Naruto. Thank Delux
    sorry but.. that is the fourth. and in my opinion that just strengthens the theory that 4th is narutos father he got the exact same smile but his own hairdue and clothes. anyway does that translation say that next week will be a no naruto week? if so then that sucks....

  9. #49
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Why do badguys always have to walk around in the dark? stupid.

  10. #50
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Chapter 238 RAW

    I have the translation, and in some parts it disagrees from the other one... should I post it or should we just wait for Inane's?

    Anyway, I'm not too sure about the Kakashi thing. On one hand, we finally might get to know his past!! That'd be great. On the other hand, I really want the NARUTO storyline to continue. I want to see Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura's growth (both physically and in ability-level) and more regarding the Akatsuki.

    The question to ask right now is, "How long will the Kakashi Gaiden last?". A few weeks? Two months? Half a year? I'm hoping for it to last a month or two, not more, truth to be told. And I'm hoping it'll really be his past, not just him doing random missions...

    On the other hand, I guess this is kind of a way to say "Goodbye, Kakashi, we'll miss you!" now that everyone has their personal teacher.

    Edit: I checked, and upside-down does end all of his sentences with "Yes". But I wont translate it as "yup", but as "yes" instead... shall we call him Gollum from now on?

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  11. #51

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    yeah im leaning more to the side that it would be more about his past.
    im thinking it will last for about 4-6 chapters i hope 1-2 months.

    badguy's dont wanna walk around in the day, they roam the streets at night, so its easier for there activity,
    who wants to wake up early?

  12. #52

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Originally posted by: mage
    Why do badguys always have to walk around in the dark? stupid.
    Must of been one of the off-moments when the lightbulb suddenly went out.

  13. #53
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Such an awesome chapter. People who said Sasuke wouldn't go to Orochimaru have now been proved wrong, but that was a pretty dumb theory anyway.

    I wonder if we'll ever see the Sand trio again, or if they were only brought back temporarily for that small part.

    I'm hoping that since last chapter Kakashi was shown visiting Obito's grave and actually mentioning his name, then this side-story might explain the past between the two of them. It would be dumb if all of a sudden we hear the word Obito then he's not mentioned in a Kakashi-specific story.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  14. #54
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Chapter 238 Discussion

    Here's my translation. There are some different things, but anyway, I guess Inane's the one to decide things...

    Page 1
    That incomparable strength. That careless smile. Aiming for the increasing heights, everybody starts a journey.

    Page 2
    Orochimaru Ku ku ku... Sasuke-kun... you are my chosen human...

    Sasuke if I cared. Just hurry it up and give me power.

    Page 3

    Kabuto Even if the shape looks different... the one in front of your eyes is Orochimaru-sama.
    If you don't want to die, you should refrain your mouth a little.
    (Sasuke glares)
    Wh-what's this? This chakra's level is...

    Orochimaru Aaah... my future exists... within this boy...

    Page 4

    Sakura Ha-!!

    Page 5

    Sakura Uwa-!!
    (Fish sfx: Bish, bish, its alive!)

    Tsunade Even though her apprenticeship has started just three months ago, to come this far...
    ...this girl... I havent seen such outstanding talent since Shizune...

    Lets end it here today.

    Sakura Y-yes!!

    Page 6

    Akamaru Woof! Woof!!

    Kiba Its weird, eh? For you to actually call someone to take a walk with...
    After this, why don't we meet with Kurenai-sensei at her place...?

    Shino Every once in a while I like to have a good talk& this is also a matter of team work.
    What happened at that mission... I'd like to hear about it.

    Kiba &it was fantastic!! ...but ya wont get it just by listening, y'know...

    I wont allow something like that to happen to Akamaru again... Ill be training my jutsu way more from now on...

    Page 7

    Shino No... I really want to hear completely about it. As to why, its because this is team work.

    Kiba ... you... you are mad 'cause you got left here alone, ain't you?

    Neji Ha-! Hai-!! Ha-!!
    There must be a level above this...
    ...until I can see that...!

    Page 8

    Hinata Ah... Er, would you like some tea&?

    Hiashi Neji... lets take some rest.

    Neji Hinata-sama...

    Page 9

    Neji I heard that today Naruto is leaving the village on an apprenticeship trip. Are you fine with not seeing him off?

    Hinata Y... yes...

    Kiba Whaaaat, y'didn't know?
    This Hinata, she went to visit Naruto at the hospital. Just seeing that guy all wrapped in bandages, she went and almost fainted... she's so embarrassed by that, she's got no face to meet him now! Hahahahahaahaha!!

    Hinata Ki-kiba-kun...

    Page 10

    Ino Even though you looked pretty well with that weigh loss when you checked out of the hospital... you got quite a magnificent rebound, eh?

    Asuma If you have this much appetite, I guess theres no use worrying about your body.

    Chouji Once I'm done eating this, lets hurry up and go training, Asuma-sensei!

    Page 11

    Ino WAIT A MINUTE!! Are you stupid?? Don't forget you are still convalescent, idiot!!

    Lee Hoacha--!! Too! Toeryaaa-!! (Lee makes the weirdest fighting noises, ever)

    Gai Lee... lets take a little rest...

    Lee Whats the matter, Gai-sensei?!
    Youth will not wait for us!!
    Hai-!! Haiya!!

    Gai ...soon enough, "youth" will be a few years under me...

    Page 12

    Shikamaru Well.. take care on your journey back...

    Temari If anything else happens, well come to save you... at that time, just say so, cry-baby-kun.
    (Temari actually says "Nakimushi-kun", which means "Crying-beetle-kun", heheh)

    Shikamaru Still talk too much... that's just women for you...

    Page 13

    Tsunade You all must have realized... this land called the Hidden Village of the Leaf, which was entrusted to you... whichever crisis befalls this village, the task of protecting and nurturing these little leafs in now my occupation...

    ...really, Hokage is just the problem, eh...

    Page 14

    Iruka I see... so it seems you'll be away for quite some time, eh...?

    Naruto Yep!!

    Jiraiya Naruto, we'll be leaving soon.

    Naruto Yes!!
    Then, Im leaving Iruka-sensei! We'll make counts on the ramen once I come back, fine?

    Iruka ..jeez...

    Page 15

    Iruka Do your best... Naruto...

    Naruto Just see me...!

    Page 16 Nothing to translate here!

    Page 17

    Jiraiya What are you doin'? Lets go already, Naruto!

    Hinata I, too... I have to do my best...

    Page 18 Advise: It seems the Akatsuki members think its fun to speak in funny ways and with even funnier letters, so I'm not completely sure about the translation here.

    ???1 Fufu... it seems that with these, the reunion is all complete.

    ???2 Seven years... since Orochimaru left this organization... it has been that long, it seems.

    Page 18
    Big letters: "Orochimaru's Ambitions" and "Akatsuki's Goals"!

    ???3 That Orochimaru has just gotten a Sharingan...

    ???2 Itachi... would that be your brother?

    Itachi ...

    ???4 There's no worries... yes, if needed, Orochimaru will be killed... yes, and before that, we have three years... if we work together, we'll achieve it... yes?

    (Ok, this guy does end up his sentences with "yes". I'll call him Gollum from now on.)

    Page 19
    Big letters: In three more years, everything starts to move...!!

    Letters at the bottom: First Division

    Itachi (??) Yes... our organization's goal is to obtain the Kyuubi... afterwards, everything can be obtained!!

    Next Number: Starting from number 52, Kakashi Gaiden starts!!

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  15. #55

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    great translation wing. i liked it a bit more.

    ass for the chapter really good im hopin that the kakashi saga is good. but maybe 3 or 4 chapters no more thne that.

  16. #56

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    ooo nice joB! wingdancer, im more comfortable in reading yours.

  17. #57

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    Thanks, WD. Your translations are a lot easier to read.

    Anyways, I still don't believe it would take a group effort to kill Oro. When that anonymous Akatsuki guy says "If we work together," I get the impression of them talking about their goal. Not killing Oro.

  18. #58

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    whether or not your translation is better, it's always appreciated wing.. i just enjoy being awed at your level of japanese, at the very least.

    and as for "Gollum".. "un" is yes, but it's also.. not the same "yes" as in english.. it's kind of like.. internal agreement with what's been said

  19. #59
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Chapter 238 Discussion

    "Un" is just another way to say yes... its rather informal and commonly used by women, but men use it a lot too. In this guy's case it was mostly a speaking style, such as er, Orochimaru using "kun" for little boys and Naruto saying "dattebayo" a lot.

    I have some doubts regarding (Itachi's) the last line. It could be read as I wrote it;

    "Yes... our organization's goal is to obtain the Kyuubi... afterwards, everything can be obtained!!"

    But the kanji used are two in particular... "Rei" and "Fukumu"; if I translated literally, I think it'd be like:

    "Yes... our organization's goal is to obtain, for example, the Kyuubi..."


    " obtain, as in the example, the Kyuubi..."
    "...setting an example, to obtain the Kyuubi..."

    And so forth. The point is, the Akatsuki might be trying to get other demons besides the Kyuubi, and they plan on making it their first attempt only....
    I wonder why the Akatsuki has chosen to wait for three years, though? I still think its stupid.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  20. #60

    RE: Chapter 238 Discussion

    wow that was a sweet assed chapter, and so much akatsuki, yay. any speculation on who the leader is or is it group run or something, itachi seems to command power in the group, maybe he has a higher akatsuki rank than the other? if they are ranked that is

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