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Thread: Chapter 238 Discussion

  1. #1

    Chapter 238 Discussion

    have fun people


    yahoo look naruto is gonna get the fourth hokage's kind of hair cut, everyone is training and yay more akatsuki[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    SPOILERS END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2

    Chapter 238 RAW

    omfg that chapter looks amazing, I can't wait for a translation

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Kudos for the raw.

    Yeesh. Lot going on in this chapter. The Genin keep getting better. But god damnit, Chouji is fat again.

  4. #4
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Wow, whats with having these thing earlier lately? I don't complain, but...


    Anyway, it seems that three months have gone by since last chapter. Everybody is out of the hospital and doing well, Sakura is working hard and seemingly is now able to bring a dead fish back to life, Shino seems to be very interested in the mission that the others went to, and Neji talks way more respectfully and nicely to Hinata... it also seems that Neji is being trained by Hiashi (or Hizashi, can't remember) and Hinata went to see Naruto at the hospital.

    Lee is doing better and scold Gai when he wanted to rest, saying that "Youth is waiting for us!!", Gai replies that soon, he might not have such youth anymore.

    Oh yeah, Akatsuki seems a little worried that Orochimaru has obtained a sharingan, but Itachi seems to think there's no problem and that they can just kill him if it becomes bad enough.
    Sasuke has joined Orochimaru but is in a bad mood, Kabuto scolds him for being disrespectful to Orochimaru but Sasuke glares at him and Kabuto realizes that there's some different chakra around him.

    So Naruto's leaving, and according to the little letters at the end of the chapter, the "Kakashi Gaiden" is about to start, "Gaiden" meaning "side-story", or "other story"... so maybe we'll have a few Kakashi-based chapters before the tiiiiime jump, hopefully they'll explain his past.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  5. #5

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    yes it would so rock if they showed some of kakashi's past, i love this chapter kishimoto is gonna take this manga to great heigths i'm sure of it

  6. #6

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    i wonder if the person on the cover was naruto or the 4th?
    i want new chapter everyday dammit

  7. #7

    Chapter 238 RAW

    BRILLAINT!! this chapter is great, thnx for the little sypnosis (is that even right) there WD.
    hmmm cant wait for a full translation. see all the dialogue.
    hmmm akatsuki afraid of orochimaru having a sharingan, heh. well itachi is the best sharingan user anyway.

    a kakashi side story, this could be great we should get to see kakashi's past, which is what i want to know.

    damn why cant it be 2 chapters a week. and this is nice and early also.

    and thnx to DeluxSkillz for the link.

    i would say its yondaime there is no whisker marks.

  8. #8

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    i looked again and the front page person is the 4th not naruto he doesn't have the whisker he does look like naruto a hell of a lot he just has to be related to naruto

  9. #9
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 238 RAW


    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #10

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    lol mut. well too bad

    anyway how many akatsuki members can you guys spot. i got 5.including itachi and kisame, but i dunno if that other member we saw is there though.

  11. #11

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    damn i don't think you should be drunk at work.


    anyways great chapter, im suprised though i figured kishimoto was releasing more chapters to get ahead of the anime series wasn't that what hte hole filler saga was...

    but i dunno maybe the kakashi story is just a few chapters i wouldn't mind.

    can't wait to see every one grown up in 3 years...

    and how come naruto is just leavin now didn't winged dancer say its been three months.

  12. #12

    Chapter 238 RAW

    well they were prob just getting everything organised, well he is leaving now anyway.he might have been taining and such, as all of them are out of hospital now, and the sand trio are leaving also. and temari and shikamaru....

    yeah a few chapters of kakashi i dont really care as long as we get to know more about him. yeah three years away is going to be cool. seeing every one a little more grown up, then when naruto gets back, and they see him then....oooooh cant wait!!

    and i also like how orochimaru gives the eye!

    EDIT FOR BELOW: there is no way orochimaru would kill sasuke he wants his body. not him dead

  13. #13

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    yah 5 akatsuki members

    i saw kisame, itachi. some big dude,two other dude i ain't seen before, venus fly trap guy wasn't there so we have kinda seen 6 members of the akatsuki...

    uh as for sasuke bein rude you can already tell that orochimaru is gonna kill him or sasuke will kill orochimaru..

    i doubt oro will train him but dunno, as long as sasuke gets stronger i don't mind.

  14. #14

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    who was the last guy in the last page? and what does he say? he had cool eyes.. great chapter... will we get new chapter this friday or do we have to wait 1 whole week?

  15. #15

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    i believe that is itachi, its just the quality of the image isn't that great, so its hard to see if it is, but it prolly itachi.

  16. #16
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    Originally posted by: fremeer
    i wonder if the person on the cover was naruto or the 4th?
    i want new chapter everyday dammit
    thouhgt it was clear that it was 4th.....

    oh well seems awesome everyone training and it seems like theres something gong on between shikamaru and temari [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] sakura actually being able to do something and a bunch of akatsuki ppl. this is going to be awesome i cant wait for the kakashi gaiden thing. btw why did the chapter get released this quickly? will he do 2 chapters a week? that would be kickass.

  17. #17

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    no they won't do two chapters,

    he is simply releasing chapters sooner, i don't know why but there most definatly won't be a chapter on friday, i hope im wrong.

  18. #18

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    nope i guess some people get the shonen jump earlier then it is supposed to be released, it''s obvious kishimoto doesn't do a chapter a week that's just how they release i think he prolly is 10 chapters ahead already

  19. #19

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    i don't know. but to me, it more like Naruto at the front page. Why? if i remember correctly, The fourth 's uniform is little bit different than the uniforn in the front. plus, i kinda wonder his smile is little bit Naruto-ism. i mean it look so happy compare to the serious-business like expression at the fourth. i not sure. maybe i am a morron.

  20. #20

    RE: Chapter 238 RAW

    ok its obviously THE FOURTH, its NOT naruto, the whisker marks arn't there.

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