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Thread: Dragonball Gt!

  1. #1

    Dragonball Gt!

    So, my question is how many episode does dragonball Gt have?...i know that on it have 32 episode and i saw the 30 first one...but what i'm sur of it i'ts that it won't finish in 2 does anybody know if there going to shoot some other episodes or they are finished?...taking a break maybe?...

    Dragonball z suck so muuuuch compared of dragonball gt!
    I'ts good that i saw all of drangoball in manga (not Z by the way)
    and Gt is really great except maybe when there fighting idiot robot in the beganning of the serie lol

    oh and how do you like that?....Imo, i'ts better than i tho but it will never surpass Fma,naruto and bleach(even if it only have 4 episodes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

    For those who don't know what dragonball Gt is...well it is the continuation of dragonball after that Goku go train whit oob right in the middle of the worlds martial art tounament. You'll see Baby in this serie a powerful ennemie and some other badass ennemies. The only probleme in this serie is the stupidest beginning lol[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]... i'ts funny but not really cool [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] the wish of ancien parteners of piccolo in dragonball (when he saw really old, before that he wish to regain is youthfulness) goku return into is kid form [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]...he still have the same power that he has but whit a younger..REALLY younger body lol.
    Oh and in this serie you'll see SS4 too! ..pretty cool imo!

  2. #2

    Dragonball Gt!

    Eh....didn't really like DG GT compared to the previous series, especially since it went off from Toriyama's story. Thought it was o.k.

  3. #3

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    64 episodes.

    The first series were a lot better though.
    Personally I think DBGT isn't that good. They just wanted to make some easy money. It isn't even made by Akira Toriyama like DB and DBZ.

  4. #4

    Dragonball Gt!

    Well even if db Z is done by akira toriyama it suck real hard...

    Even if akira didnt do Gt i thinks its good imo.

    IT'S SUR THAT DRAGONBALL IS LIKE 100 TIME BETTER THAN GT...It is the original dragonball...did you ever see a sequel better than the original?...i never saw one..

  5. #5

    Dragonball Gt!

    X-Men 2 was better than X-Men, sure it's not anime, but it's a sequel better than the original.

  6. #6
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    i watched 13 eps of GT and then gave up, it was too much for me, even though i read it as a DBZombie.
    anyway, GT is 64 eps, it was finished in 1996, it's american release is quite weired, they first released 17-64 as Dragon Ball GT(grand tour, if you've ever wondered) and then 1-16 as 'the lost episodes'.

    oh, by the way, can we nominate Saruto to GW noob survivor 3? reccomanding someone to watch DBZ\GT is probably as noobish as to reccomend someone in the forums to watch naruto...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  7. #7

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    Acatually, I believe in the beginning DBZ was quite interesting. However, where they should have stopped (and this was Akira Toriyama's first intentions) was when the Freiza saga ended. That was supposed to be it, Goku became the legendary Super Saiyin and defeated the monster who killed his whole race. What got ridiculous (and this happens a lot) is that Toriyama started to have to listen to the fan base more and leaned towards what they wanted. For example, the story was going to focus more on Gohan and leave Goku to rest (which would have been kind of interesting), however the fanbase did not like this. So Toriyama in all his greatness made Goku come back and save the day again since people liked him the best out of all the characters. That's a reason why DBZ continued and started collapsing with it's "we defeated the strongest guy in the world, however there is someone even stronger than him to replace him!" theory. It was quite sad actually, even though some things made sense, the overall picture did not come together. Also, as said before, DBGT was not created by Toriyama which is why it didn't do as well. People just wanted to use the "Dragonball name" to create a profit and gain money. That is when the world of Dragonball stopped and was finally put to rest.

  8. #8

    Dragonball Gt!

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    i watched 13 eps of GT and then gave up, it was too much for me, even though i read it as a DBZombie.
    anyway, GT is 64 eps, it was finished in 1996, it's american release is quite weired, they first released 17-64 as Dragon Ball GT(grand tour, if you've ever wondered) and then 1-16 as 'the lost episodes'.

    oh, by the way, can we nominate Saruto to GW noob survivor 3? reccomanding someone to watch DBZ\GT is probably as noobish as to reccomend someone in the forums to watch naruto...
    Wow shut the hell up dude..i never recommended to watch db Z..

    ..your damn stupid

    oh and by the way, i stoped to dll gt after 30...

  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    dbz was good right up to the point after the freiza saga, you know toriyama wanted to stop afterthat but his assitants and the guys at shounen jump pushed him to continue i guess he didnt do the reats as passionate as he did the first part.... and im talking about the manga there is no way around that the anime sucks donkey balls.

  10. #10

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    i used to like dbz quite a lot, so naturally i thought id give dbgt a go. IMO it was the biggest piece of crap ever, there was no emotion and the fight scenes were painfully disconnected with too much talk and crappy puns, like "get the point?" then stab with something.

    the new funimation version which is the version i downloaded had 49 eps, they got rid of some stupids eps i think like when trunks gets married or something, anywawy a lot of the first eps that had nothing to do with the story.

  11. #11

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    Originally Posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    dbz was good right up to the point after the freiza saga, you know toriyama wanted to stop afterthat but his assitants and the guys at shounen jump pushed him to continue
    I may be wrong (and I don't intend to be rude) but didn't I just say that? If you look at my post that I had before I quote:

    "However, where they should have stopped (and this was Akira Toriyama's first intentions) was when the Freiza saga ended. That was supposed to be it, Goku became the legendary Super Saiyin and defeated the monster who killed his whole race. What got ridiculous (and this happens a lot) is that Toriyama started to have to listen to the fan base more and leaned towards what they wanted."

    I'm sorry if I am offending you in anyway, but I just had to point this out because it happens to me a lot on the forums. I say something or give a link somewhere, and then a few posts later, the exact same opinion is used (without someone even agreeing with me) or the same link is given, which really doesn't make any sense. For future reference (and maybe this is partially my fault because I don't spread out my messages as such), please read the posts before yours before you make an opinion of your own, you could have the exact same one, which basically just wastes space. Thank you.

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    I thought DragonBall was probably the best out of them all. DragonBall Z was good up to the Frieza Saga. I thought the animation for the Super Saiyan looked cool but when Vegeta, Gohan, and all the other Saiyans went Super, it kinda became repititive (so in a way, I agree with Stos and PSJ).
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  13. #13

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    Originally posted by: stos289
    I'm sorry if I am offending you in anyway, but I just had to point this out because it happens to me a lot on the forums. I say something or give a link somewhere, and then a few posts later, the exact same opinion is used (without someone even agreeing with me) or the same link is given, which really doesn't make any sense. For future reference (and maybe this is partially my fault because I don't spread out my messages as such), please read the posts before yours before you make an opinion of your own, you could have the exact same one, which basically just wastes space. Thank you.
    the reason is this forum is pretty much people who wacth naruto.(they are stupid)

  14. #14

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    Originally posted by: g0at
    Originally posted by: stos289
    I'm sorry if I am offending you in anyway, but I just had to point this out because it happens to me a lot on the forums. I say something or give a link somewhere, and then a few posts later, the exact same opinion is used (without someone even agreeing with me) or the same link is given, which really doesn't make any sense. For future reference (and maybe this is partially my fault because I don't spread out my messages as such), please read the posts before yours before you make an opinion of your own, you could have the exact same one, which basically just wastes space. Thank you.
    the reason is this forum is pretty much people who wacth naruto.(they are stupid)

  15. #15

    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    stos... i just think that your paragraph looked too long and unattractive to read... he probably skipped it before answering and PSJ just likes to spam so no harm done

  16. #16

    Dragonball Gt!

    Originally posted by: theblakeman
    Originally posted by: g0at
    Originally posted by: stos289
    I'm sorry if I am offending you in anyway, but I just had to point this out because it happens to me a lot on the forums. I say something or give a link somewhere, and then a few posts later, the exact same opinion is used (without someone even agreeing with me) or the same link is given, which really doesn't make any sense. For future reference (and maybe this is partially my fault because I don't spread out my messages as such), please read the posts before yours before you make an opinion of your own, you could have the exact same one, which basically just wastes space. Thank you.
    the reason is this forum is pretty much people who wacth naruto.(they are stupid)
    and you just nominated for the most stupid one of all. dont post just "lolz" it isnt chat its a forum.

    and with db/z i dont really mind them. thought they was ok.
    but gt didnt work out well.

  17. #17

    Dragonball Gt!

    The thing i hated about the whole Dragonball serie is that u didn't really know how strong someone really was...
    Every time their strength increased after they got punched or kicked with a flashy colored setup added
    It just didn't end..

    It was the stupidest thing

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Dragonball Gt!

    GT was nothing more than a greedy exploit on a huge fad in japan

    geez....i thought EVERYBODY knew about GT...its so.....90s
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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