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Thread: Naruto 106 Discussion

  1. #21

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    rasengan specialness was raped. i want to make a comment here but its a spoiler. so teach me how to do spoiler tages
    the thing that pissed me off most was the stupid sword. if this sword is so cool and has alot of historical importance to konoha u think they could have wasted that no-name jounin along time ago, i doubt anyone beaten in such a pathetic way is a match for the ANBU or any genin-squad leader.

    cant wait till 107 they better not make it a two parter

  2. #22

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    The last 8 minutes or so if this episode was worthless!

    Who the heck was that fat guy who interrupted at the end and disbanded the other clan? It was such a completely unecessary twist ... and so pointless too.

    "Hey... you guys broke the rules."
    Fat guy: "Those rules don't exist. I disband you."

  3. #23

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    This filler arc was not that good, but it could have been like 10 episodes of Konohamaru searching for the diamond-encrusted leaprechaun from the Clover village to win over some 2-year-old girl's heart...

    For people who complain about the over-use of Rasengan, look at this:

    List of jutsu worth mentioning that Naruto knows:

    1. Kage Bunshin
    2. Summoning
    3. Rasengan

    As you can see, there really wasn't much he could do... and he's still a Genin for a reason XD
    Granted Sasuke should have known better, but... it was a filler arc, who cares.

    If anyone expected some Shakespearian work of art, they should be slapped.


    (Oh, the animation kinda sucked too)

  4. #24

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    The best part about this episode was the previews for the next one. We finally get to see a showdown between naruto and sasuke. Sasukes facial expression at the end of 106 was priceless. I'm pissed how naruto took about 4 shocks from the saber and sasuke took 2 and was finished for the whole fight. Another good part was when sakura and naruto used their chakra to hold on to the cliff. At the end idate showed some impressive foot work thou.

  5. #25

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    gay. even that aoi guy never even did much... was he really a jounin???? waste of time, waste of eps. thats all i got to say. but im really looking forward to the next episode even though i already know whats the result.

  6. #26

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    it was pretty good episode. cant wait to see sasuke vs naruto, thats gonna be good.

  7. #27
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Who the heck was that fat guy who interrupted at the end and disbanded the other clan? It was such a completely unecessary twist ... and so pointless too.
    I'm guessing he was the daimyo or one of the feudal lords of the country they were in.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  8. #28

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Shity as usual, this has got to be lowest a Naruto arc can ever go filler or otherwise (that I can remember). The only thing that was worth the download was the get that last few seconds of whats going to happen in 107 ... can't wait to see those two fight. About damn time (though when Saskue was surrounded by that mass kage no bushin (sp) I kinda got the impression he was screwed.)

  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    It was really dumb how in the filler story he just instantly goes back to being his old self and he even goes back to wearing his old costume. I'm surprised no one noticed that.
    if you think that sasuke is always supposed to wear that newer outfit he had in the chuunin exam, i suggest you look back at some of the manga chapters that take place after tsunade returns to konoha.

    i dont get how that picture the diamyo had was incriminating....unless maybe the hitler guy was supposed to be some unbiased leader or any case, wtf? can you say pointless details?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Next episode looks good... Sasuke seems to have lost his mind slightly... with those mad sharingan eyes....

    Finally we get to see a chidori vs rasengan match up!

  11. #31
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    id says the biggest insult in this whole shitfest was that Idate didn't take off his leg weights to finish the race... It just plain became obvious that they weren't trying and didn't care anymore.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  12. #32

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Considering how important this race was, he probably took those weights off at the beginning. No point in holding back.

    I'm glad the filler is over, but it could have been a LOT worse. They might have made a filler arc devoted to the Konohamaru corps. Or they could go back to doing D rank missions for another 10 episodes.

    Also, ilabb has a very good point. What did you expect Naruto to do besides rasengan?

    I got the impression that Aoi got barely nicked by the weakened rasengan, and that's why he went flying.

  13. #33

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    It pissed me off to see Sasuke being held up by some stranger villager guy during the Idate winning ceremony.
    Wtf sasuke should have too much pride to be held by a stranger, atleast sakura or naruto should hold him.

    Animation blowed, but its always nice to give other animation teams a chance to get better.

    What the hell was that picture that the fat fuedal lord showed him? Was it him farting or something?
    And he told him he should quit and become a buddhist and he agrees to it right away? Wtf was that.

    And how does Naruto do so many rasengans and then do some crazy spectacular chakra molding move and flip like a monkey just the right way to save the day. Kind of lame.

  14. #34

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    It was really dumb how in the filler story he just instantly goes back to being his old self and he even goes back to wearing his old costume. I'm surprised no one noticed that.
    if you think that sasuke is always supposed to wear that newer outfit he had in the chuunin exam, i suggest you look back at some of the manga chapters that take place after tsunade returns to konoha.

    i dont get how that picture the diamyo had was incriminating....unless maybe the hitler guy was supposed to be some unbiased leader or any case, wtf? can you say pointless details?
    The picture the diamyo had showed the leader of the clan accepting a bribe.

  15. #35

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Originally posted by: CUE

    And how could he use rasengen so many times? They're making it look like a really cheap move. And how come when he hit Aoi he just flew away? What the fuck?

    All he's doing is molding and controlling chakra, and we all know how much of that he has. Rasengan doesn't take alot of chakra to use, it's relatively easy to create (now that he has the hang of it) and it's effective.

    Like the others said, he also doesn't have alot of other options. He didn't even hane kunais or shirukens to use. The cool part is how he uses the technique in different ways (The water typhoon, the different sided attacks, etc.).


  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    the point is that using rasengan alot makes it seem like some lame carnival trick rather than some all powerful finishing move
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #37

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    What is this new outfit you're all talking about? Isn't this the same outfit Sasuke's been wearing the whole series?

  18. #38

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    Okay, all you people that are complaining about filler need to hear this...
    This ENTIRE ARC is just a means of which to increase tension and build up for the next arc.

    And on the Rasengan note, remember what Jiraiya did to the thug at the carnival? Spun him right round.....

  19. #39
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    And thats another thing, why would the Rasengan spin him like that, when before it always rotated.

    I dunno, I just compare the Rasengan that hit Aoi to the one that hit Kabuto and it seems damn inconsistant.

  20. #40

    RE: Naruto 106 Discussion

    finally, it ended
    most of this ep was so stupid
    that part where sakura grabbed on to the cliff with her chakra then fell onto a ledge just a couple feet below - scene used too much
    that one part where naruto and idate climbed onto the rope was

    im guessing that when naruto hit Aoi, naruto thrusted it quickly and did not really contact him fully - but it still looked inconsistent and fugly

    best part was when sasuke looked at midget naruto and got pissed, and i do agree that this filler arc was somewhat of a setup for the sasuke/naruto fight

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