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Thread: Mass production Vs. Commander unit

  1. #21
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Mass production Vs. Commander unit

    Edit: Nevermind, I see whats going on, I was confused. >.< I didn't realize that it was displaying both "GUNDAM" screens one right after the other for the same gundam.

  2. #22

    RE: Mass production Vs. Commander unit

    Its showing that they use Zafts latest OS from SEED but its slightly tweaked to use something other than nuclear power. I am almost wondering if Impulse gets its power from not only a battery but another way. Network Drive? Sounds like it might be getting its power remotely. Maybe hints from the name Impulse. Maybe we'll get a better explanation as time passes.

  3. #23

    RE: Mass production Vs. Commander unit

    im not sure but didnt they say in the first two episodes somewhere that impulse got it's power from the ship?

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