i am in search of a ninja nime serie that owns ass .. need something to cool myself down with while waiting for naruto
i am in search of a ninja nime serie that owns ass .. need something to cool myself down with while waiting for naruto
lol yeah it will be great another ninga show!...there so much samurai animes but we don't see lots of animes ningas lol.
actually i would like a REALLY good samurai anime serie too , im desperate
Ninja Scroll it's a movie lots of violence it's good, Flame of Recca also about ninjas but this is a 43 ep series, Ninja Scroll TV also a ninja series, Wrath of the Ninja also a movie, Ninja Ressurection a 2 part OVA
samurai animes: Kenshin somehting like 90 episodes or something a lot of OVA's and movies, Samurai 7 still running on TV in japan will be 26 eps, Samurai Champloo also a TV series still running, Samurai Deepr Kyo a TV series of 24 or 26 eps don't remember
Nice deluxskillz...but can you give me a place to dll episode of the ninja animes please?...mirkx dont have wrath of the ninja, flame of recca. And if you have a good site for ninja scroll to it will be great! and maybe for ninja ressurection because for ninja scroll on mirkx they only have the batch 1 to 13 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
Ninja Scroll it's a movie lots of violence it's good, Flame of Recca also about ninjas but this is a 43 ep series, Ninja Scroll TV also a ninja series, Wrath of the Ninja also a movie, Ninja Ressurection a 2 part OVA
samurai animes: Kenshin somehting like 90 episodes or something a lot of OVA's and movies, Samurai 7 still running on TV in japan will be 26 eps, Samurai Champloo also a TV series still running, Samurai Deepr Kyo a TV series of 24 or 26 eps don't remember
thx in advance if you can
ty for that ty very much
*chuckles evilly*
A ninja show, eh? Try 2 x 2 Shinobuden. It's fun and has ninjas. Not quite the same as Naruto but oh well.
Ninja Ressurection, now that movie is crazy. You seem ninja bloods shatter all over the places. You will see jubei swinging his sword around and seeing ninja got chop off, is not really as good as naruto. Try out ninja scroll, i think is alots better than ninja ressurection. But, don't take my words for it, you possibly think is good, not for me though.