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Thread: Naruto 105 Discussion

  1. #41

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I'm hoping this ends next week so we can move onto the manga storyline already.
    So this is just a pure filler story arc, in order to buy time for the manga to get farther ahead? As in, absolutely no relevance at all, not in the manga? Sweet ass.

    To stay on-topic:
    I thought this was a mediocre episode, nothing to be hated, nothing to be loved. If the answer to my first question is yes, I hope this arc at least stays consistent with the rest of the Naruto storyline. I also hate how The 2nd Hokage's sword seems pretty pansy, but maybe we'll get to see something more of it later (wishful thinking, I know. =p)

  2. #42

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Wow. Suck suck suck. Everytime I thought it was gonna be okay, it just sucked again.

    1) This is nowhere in the manga (Edit: I could care less about this specifically, I was answering the above poster).

    2) The manga timeline is already screwed up, but for now it's only slightly. As in, they can still fix it if they change the location of a certain major event to come, but it'll make considerably less sense (Edit: I could care less about this, specifically, I just prefer the flow of the manga).

    3) The sword can cut through anything, except the kunai that were thrown at it, the kunai Sasuke used, and the several people it hit?

    4) I am not the first, nor will I be the last to say this story sucks!

    5) A sword that materializes out of nothing can develop a crack, and for some reason sounds like metal when it does?

    6) Why can't they just let the show pause, or air reruns? Did they really need to throw in a suck-tacular filler story? No, they didn't.

    7) SUCKY!

    That is all. Thank you.

  3. #43

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    ok ur a dumb ass thx....u wanna watch reruns lal the way back from zabuza arc? ..... enjoy at least they are going forward and filling in some of the mysteries like ibiki or however u spell his name and to ur #1 - Its called a filler for a reason...

  4. #44

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Let's see . . . would I rather they butcher the continuity of a story that's already written, or just have people say "Guess what? There aren't any new episodes for a couple weeks, sorry guys!"

    It's not like they're going to re-sub a rerun episode. And I have watched the show all the way from episode 1 to current repeatedly, so I wouldn't mind watching the Zabuza fight.

    And hey, if you'd rather watch this crap, be my guest. Heck, I'll even give you permission to like it, if you so desire. ^_~

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    ep. was ok. i wasn't expecting a lot from it so i'm not bothered.
    on another note that light sabe...i mean sword of raijin was kinda cool.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  6. #46

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I thought the episode was alright, it was way better than the ones from 101 till now. I think now the good episodes have come back, and will lead nicely into the next arc

  7. #47
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Yeah, I meant Rasengan, not Chidori.

    And I though the episode was great too. Most of the stuff people think "don't make sense" make perfect sense to anyone that thinks about it for a minute, or has been paying close attention to the series.

  8. #48

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    All people who know the manga should stop bitching about it not being in the manga and completely screwing up the story continuity, if you used half a brain cell you would see all the points at which they are making it fit. This story has been decent, maybe not omg gift from the heavens, but I hardly see it as being complete trash.

  9. #49

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    i havent seen the manga and i think this ep and the last were POS

  10. #50

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I'm not trying to debate Manga vs. Anime.

    The one thing that did confuse me is how a sword that cuts through anything was blocked by a kunai? I'm sorry, but it doesn't make sense to me, and if that means I only have half a brain, then I guess that must be true. That being said, can you please explain it to me?

  11. #51

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Personally, I agree with what Mgslee suggested about the sword not being in constant insta-death mode. He was using it to torture Ibiki, and Aoi definately seemed to be playing with the Naruto and co.

    As for the why start throwing around chidoris and rasengans and this fight sucks compared to the Zabuza fight complaints I think that they understand they are genin and Aoi is a jounin, they probably feel they need to match power with power and the latest power they've learned is chidori and rasengan. And so far that strategy has worked for them. Oh here is a crazy sand demon entrenched in an impregnable sphere, chidori. Sand demon morphing, chidori. Shit i'm not doing anything to Kabuto, rasengan. Shit i missed, rasengan again. I actually like that for once we bring these genin down a notch. I'm not saying they absolutely must suck, they are definately exceptional, but within the constraints of relativity.

    It will be interesting to see how they this fight ends. It would suck if they somehow pull something out of their ass and oh Naruto saves the day. My preference would be that Idate somehow gets by Aoi while the fight goes on, eventually wining and then Aoi would just stop fighting and leave, his job being over, or maybe something else.

  12. #52

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Hope it ends next ep, at least the show is getting some good filler time in.
    At least they don't have like recap episodes every season. So far I have only seen 1 recap episode at the beginning of season 2.

  13. #53

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Poor poor anime watchers. They don't know what there missing. Let me put it this way once the story gets back on track you'll notice a signifigant increase in quality of the storyline.

    Reason why I manga readers are bitching so much about the fillers deviating from the manga is because the fillers are most likely not written by Kishimoto the creator of the naruto. Kishimoto is the god and ruler of all things in the naruto world. What he has drawn/written is very compelling I personally love the flow of his stories and naunced characters. When you create content that has nothing to do with the creator you stray from his original vision.

    These filler episodes seem like they were contructed from a set of bullet points about the characters. There is no progress. Naruto may have all the qualities we like in these episodes but still there is someting missing.

    The best example I can provide is dragonball GT. Even the hardest of hardcore dragon ball fans despize it immensly. Why is that you may ask? Quite simply the original creator Akira Toriyama had nothing to do with that series. Despite how far flung the storylines in dragonball are GT went down the deep end with all kinds of stupid ideas. It didn't even run nearly as long as the other dragon ball series.

    Do not despair my friends for there is light at the end of this long dark tunnel. Trust me you have alot to look forward in the next story arc especially if the new opening is any indication. Rejoice one to two more weeks and we can finally get some real meat.

  14. #54
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    thanks captain obvious. you've managed to solve the mystery!

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  15. #55

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Yes DBGT did suck, hard, but I think not for the reason that "Akira Toriyama had nothing to do with" it. Rather and bunch of greedy TV producers hired a shitty team to make another series that the creator did not want to on the hopes that they could continue reaping in the cash crop. If you hire good people, who know what they're doing, there is a much better chance that it will turn out decent with or without the original creator. Yes it would definitely help that the original creator was there, after all the creator would have the greatest insight into the characters and story and such. The James Bond movies have different actors and directors and crews, does every single one after the first suck because the original team didn't work on it?

    And Mut@t@, if that comment was directed at me, stop being an ass. So far your contribution to this thread has been, "105 is a pretty gay episode", "you can't be this stupid" and "thanks captain obvious". Hey, you don't agree with my proposition (read: proposition - A plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal, not my imposing my will onto though measly humans) feel free to argue it with some evidence, or infrences or assertions, something aside from sarcasm and "is ... gay". And if it wasn't, my bad, but still, say something semi meaningful man.

  16. #56
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    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Well about this arc..

    It dont follow any logic from the Naruto-world..

    1. Sakura got superstong when she have been uterly usless thoughout the whole series..

    2. At the beach when the encountered Aoi first Naruto and Sasuke did not do anything.. I mean the just jumped in and try to hit him with regular hits.. We know that can do stuff and they face of an enemy-ninja and there client that they are supposed to protect, is lying on the ground badly hurt and they just try to hurt with regular blows?? what kind of ninja are they.. And i mean what happend to Sasuke's speed from the Chunnin-exam against Gaara?? It was totaly gone.. He moved like a snail.. My grandmother could have avoided there hits..

    3. When the meet up with Aoi again for the second time they just start with there finnishing move.. Naruto dont do Kage Bunshin that have become his trademark.. Oh he those it but its only to do the rasengan.. Not for the purpose of fighting with them like he always do.. Even if it would have been useless it's what he always those.. Sasuke dont do Kayton(sp?) like he always do how useless it now can be.. That's his trademark.. But no..

    They dont follow the way Naruto is supposed to be at all.. Dont get me wrong.. I dont have any problems with filler arcs if they are good and dont fuck up the manga storyline and at least make it NARUTO.. Then it can be pretty entertaining.. But this was not Naruto that we all know and love.. I think even you non-manga readers can tell the diffrence between this and the regular naruto-stile..

    Also something that's not go against Naruto so much but more against common sence.. The sword.. It's pure lightning.. Energy.. Energy dont have a mass.. Sure i think to that you should be able to cut it with chidori.. It's energy vs energy.. But if successfull the enery should scatter or something.. But now.. not here.. The lightning actually cracked.. like it was made of steal or something.. And i can bet that the crack will be there the next episode to and its thx to that crack, that Naruto will be able to destoy the sword and hit with his Rasengan.. Witch will be really gay.. But i really hope they will see to it that there is no crack, and i will honestly be supprised if it's not..

    *EDIT* Nightstorm: It dont matter if it's useless or not.. It's there Trademark-moves.. The will always use them.. In present and future fights.. No matter how stong they are.. And it's not useless.. Kage Bunshin is a great way to test the enemy and find out about the persons stile and strenght and by analysing the enemy you have a chans to find a weakness.. And you are better prepered for what the enemy will do to you.. Same with Kayton.. It's a medium range jutsu that will make your enemy move around.. That way you can se how the enemy moves and what speed he has.. And thats useful for Sasuke because he he a taijutsu-fighter and that info will be really good to know..

  17. #57

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I'd say I have to agree with Shippou-sama. I do not read the manga, but this story arc does suck. The characters are...out of character. And what if later on something in this little crap arc clashes with something Kishimoto wants/wanted to write. "Oh look, the Yellow Light saber of death, doom and destrucion is back...for some reason", or some crap like that (I don't know, I'm not a doctor. =p). Also, concerning Shippou-sama's other point, I would not mind rerun's for awhile, at least it saves us from this crap. Anyway, there's some people on here who sound like they've never watched some of the earlier episodes, either that or they are just extremely stupid (If you take offense to that, screw you. =p). Reruns would buy a lot of time for the manga to get ahead of the anime, without creating any rifts in the storyline.

    One last thing: I love how everyone always gets so worked up over Mut@t@. =p

  18. #58
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    3. When the meet up with Aoi again for the second time they just start with there finnishing move.. Naruto dont do Kage Bunshin that have become his trademark.. Oh he those it but its only to do the rasengan.. Not for the purpose of fighting with them like he always do.. Even if it would have been useless it's what he always those.. Sasuke dont do Kayton(sp?) like he always do how useless it now can be.. That's his trademark.. But no..
    He did use them to fight, they just didnt last long just like they didnt last long against Kabuto.Jaraiya even told him against a Jounin Kage Bunshin isnt even a distraction. And to the people talking about showing reruns if you wanna watch reruns redownload them. You talk as if you're being forced to download this arc.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  19. #59

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    damn, im late for teh discussion....

    my thoughts: decent ep....the fighting was a nice break from teh corny "believe in urself" crap, but the whole raijin >> chidori & rasengan thing was fucked up. also, if aoi was any good at being a jounin he would've killed them 5 times over by now. what kind of fucking stupid jounin leaves the enemy with a poison needle in his knee....its called medicine u dumb fuck.

    anyway, since i didn't bother reading all 3 pages this has probably been answered, but still...the 10th question imo was to see what was more important to the genins....thier teamates' lives or the completion of a mission....if u can redo a mission then theres no point in having a team mate die. thats probably y everyone failed. and the ones who left probably just thought they failed but were actually passed later on. thats just what i think.

    can't wait till they get this arc over with....its gone on way too long. the only thing they managed to do in this ep was run up a bunch of stairs and catch up to the other guy only to meet aoi. thats like, what, 30 min in terms of "naruto time". stupid bullshit arc

  20. #60
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Well reruns is a terrible idé.. I would like for a filler arc thats consentrate on someone else.. I would like that they do some kind of flashback arc (not really like flashback but show something that have happend in the past).. And i think it would be a great idé to make a arc of some mission that Neji, Rock Lee, TenTen and Gai have done.. The have at least 6 month, maybe 12 month more of mission time then Naruto.. They have to have done some mission where they have fought of ninjas..

    I mean an Arc like that would be filled with comedy because of Rock Lee and Gai.. Damn, i can se me laughing my ass off.. And when the action starts.. I mean comeone.. Neji and Rock Lee.. And if it's like Zabuza arc, Gai can fight a jounin to so we can see more of him and what he can do..

    And then we can see the rivalry between Neji and Rock Lee on a mission..

    That way we stop the timeline at where the manga is and get depper insight of other chars.. Because all we have seen so far is flashbacks on how much Rock Lee have trained and his determination..

    Or it could be about some other team.. Would be cool to se what Kurenai and Asuma can do.. Because the little the did against Itachi was not much and Asumas fight with sound-ninjas was just regular taijutsu that was pretty basic..

    But it would be so great to see Neji's arrogans when he pawns someone really good and Rock Lee stugles with someone that have a bloodline limit and is considerd a guenius.. Then he can feel real good about him self and say that hard work will overcome geunius(sp?), and then Neji will smerk and make a little laugh and Rock Lee will be upset and get fire in his eyes with his determination and I will laugh like hell again.. Damn i must contact the anime-makers and tell to do this if the ever going to make a filler arc again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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