I dont want to seem like a know it all (or something, im bad with words sometimes) but Naruto cant use Chidori [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I dont want to seem like a know it all (or something, im bad with words sometimes) but Naruto cant use Chidori [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Argh. Another retarded episode. Thank God It's just a side quest, and not part of the main show, or doesn't effect the main show.
It's really gay fight scene. I expected more from Sasuke. Naruto's dumb enough to throw the rasengan and jump right at the enemy. Sasuke's fighting was dissapointing.
They're fighting a Jounnin. Which they most likely have no chance winning. Both of them. Unless Naruto summons out the kyuubi or some rubbish. The thing they should have done was fight together. And maybe let the runner boy continue his journey, while stalling the jounnin.
Anyway, The question Idate gave is even more stupid.
The idea that friends and companions are above the mission. If you think that way, then nobody wants to go on missions. Because there would always be casualties or death, either on your side, or the enemies side. You can't predict who's going to die or not in a battle. But what you can do is 'never leave anyone behind'.
I hope the ending scenes where Naruto says "I'll keep on trying again and again". I hope he doesn't keep on using the rasengan until he finally breaks the sword. That would be gay. At least fight more intelligently for Gawd's SAKE!
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
Sasuke has too much pride, he doesn't want to fight Naruto. The anime people are trying to show Sasuke getting more and more frustrated with his "weakness", which will probably have results later on.
omg another episode, I thought it would end this time round. *sigh*. Yea, everyones out of character and it is cliche. Grrr, I don't mind these fillers but I REALLY want to go back on track with the manga now!!!!!
I don't care who I have to fight!
If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death!
If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death!
If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death!
And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from beyond the grave!
Please don't tell me there's going to be another eps of this...
ah man that was poor
1. why the hell does idate not recognize naruto or sasuke? sure its understandable that they not recognize him as hes is just your average ninja, but idate would know who both sasuke and naruto were. this is because sasuke is the last of his clan in the village and i imagine it would be pretty common knowledge that a slaughter took place and as the clan is so revered idate woudl recognize the symbol on his back. naruto woudl be known to almost all the villigers surley?
2. why the hell did chidori (a thrusting assasination technique) fare better against that sword than rasengan (wich for all the ties weve seen it seems to be more of a physical push)??? and why the hell does the genius ninja sasuke use the same technique TWICE? and WHY THE HELL doesnt his sharingan allow him to predict that..........HES NOT GOING TO MOVE AT ALL he just runs right into it.
I hate the way Chidori and Rasengan are just getting used ALL the time.
it is the sucks.
All these points made so far explain why this is a bad episode. I particularly HATE the fact how Chidori and Rasengan were used so often and so early.
The only thing that doesn't completely ruin this series is that this filler arc is gonna end soon. The other episodes for this arc have been okay, but this episode just put the arc into a hole.
this ep rocked [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I dont know about you guys but this episode seems fairly consistent with naruto canon
1 ) Naruto and Sasuke throwing out there "trump" cards so fast is expected. why? cause they are Genin and as a Genin (ie less experienced Ninja) you'll always want to use your "biggest toy". Whats even funnier is that if they didnt use them some of you would whine "why didnt he just Chidori his ass to start with" or something like that instead of wasting Chakra doing all the other jutsu's.
2) I think what makes the sword special is that it can serve multiple purposes. Generally its not always on the "kill" setting so to speak. There fore it can be used for torture / capture and Aoi really seems to just want to toy with the Genin and idate.
I actually liked this episode, Naruto's and Sasuke's inexperience shows when they tried to fight Aoi on there own, which makes sense since they are Genin. The one thing thats been bugging me this whole filler is where the heck did Sasukes speed go... seems like hes forgotten all the training Kakashi did with him minus the Chidori. I understand that Sasuke doesnt have as much stamina as Naruto but when he waws insulted buy Aoi and started his 2nd Chidori he should've been so mad that he'd use everything he had left to get around Aoi and hit him.... oh well...
I'm actually hoping Sakura did something good like toss illusions down the cliff/bridge ...
tell me this was on purpose. you can't be this stupid.Originally posted by: DarthEnder
No, Sasuke wasn't there yet when Naruto used the Chidori, and by the time Sasuke arrived Naruto was on the ground with legs o' needles.
In fact, it seems like everytime Naruto needs to use Chidori, Sasuke is conveniently out of sight. So I expect Naruto WILL be using it again since Sasuke just happened to fall off a bridge.
I think he really meant it -_-"
While the content wasn't very consistent, the animation is awesome. It's almost on par with season one, which makes me want to watch it again.
...He did a error...what's the problem?..use your logic and it will be fine...maybe you dont have enough??Originally posted by: Mut@t@
tell me this was on purpose. you can't be this stupid.Originally posted by: DarthEnder
No, Sasuke wasn't there yet when Naruto used the Chidori, and by the time Sasuke arrived Naruto was on the ground with legs o' needles.
In fact, it seems like everytime Naruto needs to use Chidori, Sasuke is conveniently out of sight. So I expect Naruto WILL be using it again since Sasuke just happened to fall off a bridge.
i'll clarify this for you...when he said that naruto was using the chidori he meant rasengan...wow that was really difficult huh?...now shut the hell up when you try to flame a guy that does some errors...your the biggest error ever done here so if i were you i would just shut the fuck up...oh and even if your a mod i dont care i'm just telling my point of view of you.
I don't know if this was pointed out, but Sasuke did Chidori twice without using hand seals... Damn fillers suck.
ya, the fighting was pathetic. They put a lot more thought in the fight vs Zabuza. This fight vs Aoi coulda been really good and like cmon, using the rasengan and chidori, theyre special moves like that to attack the sword? woulda u think they woulda tried something so they could get their move past the sword to hit Aoi. They cant go one on one with a jounin, they gotta use teamwork.
Oh give him a break do you know everyone in your town? Idate is 3yrs older then them so there is no reason why he should know about his under class, heck even Neji didn't know who Sasuke was and he is only a yr older.1. why the hell does idate not recognize naruto or sasuke? sure its understandable that they not recognize him as hes is just your average ninja, but idate would know who both sasuke and naruto were. this is because sasuke is the last of his clan in the village and i imagine it would be pretty common knowledge that a slaughter took place and as the clan is so revered idate woudl recognize the symbol on his back. naruto woudl be known to almost all the villigers surley?
It's called Lightning Edge for a reason, like Gai said it cut through a lightning bolt so a sword made of lighting should have the same effect. Plus the sword isnt even that strong it'd melt butter before it cut it.2. why the hell did chidori (a thrusting assasination technique) fare better against that sword than rasengan (wich for all the ties weve seen it seems to be more of a physical push)??? and why the hell does the genius ninja sasuke use the same technique TWICE? and WHY THE HELL doesnt his sharingan allow him to predict that..........HES NOT GOING TO MOVE AT ALL he just runs right into it.
On to the ep, I actually liked it.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Ok, I was really really doing my best to like this things. Up until 103, I liked them. 104 was stupid, but not that bad. This is just bad. Bad.
I can't even start to say where, but the people above me have already explained it. Sure, I agree that Naruto is simple enough to use the rasengan at every possible chance, but Sasuke should now better - he's a genius and better at strategy than Naruto is.
Why is he throwing Chidoris around like they're nothing? He can only use two, too.
Also, Aoi just pisses me off. He's just stupid and way too gay. WAY. He's all "hur hur I've got my parasol and the Hokage's katana which doesn't look like a katana HUR HUR LOLZ!!1!"
I'm hoping this ends next week so we can move onto the manga storyline already.
Calm down hater.Originally posted by: Saruto
...He did a error...what's the problem?..use your logic and it will be fine...maybe you dont have enough??Originally posted by: Mut@t@
tell me this was on purpose. you can't be this stupid.Originally posted by: DarthEnder
No, Sasuke wasn't there yet when Naruto used the Chidori, and by the time Sasuke arrived Naruto was on the ground with legs o' needles.
In fact, it seems like everytime Naruto needs to use Chidori, Sasuke is conveniently out of sight. So I expect Naruto WILL be using it again since Sasuke just happened to fall off a bridge.
i'll clarify this for you...when he said that naruto was using the chidori he meant rasengan...wow that was really difficult huh?...now shut the hell up when you try to flame a guy that does some errors...your the biggest error ever done here so if i were you i would just shut the fuck up...oh and even if your a mod i dont care i'm just telling my point of view of you.
personally.....i like the ibiki background stuff.....
they tied it together pretty well
10/4/04 - 8/20/07