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Thread: Naruto 105 Discussion

  1. #1
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 105 Discussion

    What's new this week in the land of stupid ninjas with tight clothes?

  2. #2

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    ^^ lol another 10 mins and im done dling mwhahaha


    decent episode...learn about idate and his brother and can naruto get any stupider....jeez

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Okay saw it, some thoughts...

    - Rasengan & Chidori were thrown out like they were some simple moves being used for the hell of it.
    - Wouldn't you reckon that the almighty second hokage had a better sword than that worthless lightsaber rip-off which doesn't seem to be able to kill stuff?
    - What the hell was Ibiki's question all about? Are there mistranslations about? I don't understand shit.
    - It was funny to see Ibiki with hair underneath his cap.
    - The whole thing feels sort of like a plothole. It's hard to explain.

    Despite this, and some other things, this was actually quite amusing. Aoi hasn't gone down yet, which is more than I expected from him.
    I like how he canceled out both rasengan & chidori. And while Idate's backstory felt cliche, it was still entertaining to see flashbacks with Ibiki in 'em and all that. I don't know, this feels like more than the average filler due to the fact that Idate is the brother of a main story character.

    Expect Naruto to go kyuubi on Aoi's ass next episode.

    BTW Ibiki looks more like Idate's father than brother, freakin' 30 years older or so.

  4. #4

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    lol gotta agree there with how these "brothers look"

    another thing is naruto just sits on his ass while sasuke charges in with chidori why didnt he go rasengan aoi's ass when aoi stunned sasuke....
    and what do u mean ibiki's question i missed that maybe?

    and wasnt aoi a jounin before he went off to hidden rain so he should have been able to read the scroll

  5. #5

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I understood it, but i don't like how they threw out the chidori and the rasengan like that.. gay fillers.. This isn't in the manga right?

  6. #6

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    No it isn't.

    I'm being annoyed by the fillers, not because they are fillers, but because everyone keeps seeming like they're acting out of character. Naruto leading the group, Sasuke standing around doing nothing alot, Sakura suddenly being a total badass. If they would at least keep true to the characters I would enjoy this arc alot more.

  7. #7

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Arog
    lol gotta agree there with how these "brothers look"

    another thing is naruto just sits on his ass while sasuke charges in with chidori why didnt he go rasengan aoi's ass when aoi stunned sasuke....
    and what do u mean ibiki's question i missed that maybe?

    and wasnt aoi a jounin before he went off to hidden rain so he should have been able to read the scroll

    Maybe because he has like 40 fucking sharp pin stuck in his fucking leg and when sakura and sasuke fell i thought naruto would of summon gamabunta and he could of saved him.

  8. #8

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    This series is so cliche its sickening. Anyone with half a brain knows whats going to happen and knew what was going to happen from the first episode of this "arc". It seems every fight is about the exact same as the last one, do something different. Uh oh, they get outclassed, then suddenly they surprise the enemy by getting pissed off and suddenly gaining more strength and naruto just takes a beating till the other moron tires out. Then after all that, surprise they miraculously beat an opponent who should have had them dead with the first hit.

    How does the second hokage have that sword? If it cuts through anything then why wasnt that kunai sliced in half and the sword half way through sasuke's skull. They should at least stick to the story they are feeding us. I mean seriously, dont tell us the sword is unstoppable and cuts through anything then in the next scene its just a tazer that cant cut a kunai. Oh yeah, shouldnt that kunai at least have cunducted the electricity and shocked the hell out of sasuke.

    Naruto is getting annoying and crappy.

  9. #9
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    105 is a pretty gay episode. sasuke got beaten like a step child. naruto was stupid as usual and sakura did nothing. pathetic.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #10
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    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Okay saw it, some thoughts...

    - Rasengan & Chidori were thrown out like they were some simple moves being used for the hell of it.
    - Wouldn't you reckon that the almighty second hokage had a better sword than that worthless lightsaber rip-off which doesn't seem to be able to kill stuff?
    - What the hell was Ibiki's question all about? Are there mistranslations about? I don't understand shit.
    - It was funny to see Ibiki with hair underneath his cap.
    - The whole thing feels sort of like a plothole. It's hard to explain.

    Despite this, and some other things, this was actually quite amusing. Aoi hasn't gone down yet, which is more than I expected from him.
    I like how he canceled out both rasengan & chidori. And while Idate's backstory felt cliche, it was still entertaining to see flashbacks with Ibiki in 'em and all that. I don't know, this feels like more than the average filler due to the fact that Idate is the brother of a main story character.

    Expect Naruto to go kyuubi on Aoi's ass next episode.

    BTW Ibiki looks more like Idate's father than brother, freakin' 30 years older or so.

    yes i agree.. using Rasengan and Chidori like that was just gay.. And that Sasuke got mad when Aoi said that about him being the weakest.. It was all true.. And Sasuke know it.. And if he dont he is the most ignorant charter in Naruto.. No actually most ignorant in all of anime-history.. It actually looked as he thought of Itachi and then thought, "I can beat Itach with one hand behind my back" or something.. Or else there was nothing to get pissed about.. Idiot

    And yes it is a completly worthless sword.. It could cut through the ropes like a hot knife through butter.. But he could do nothing against Naruto & Co.. It seems the only thing its good for is for blocking attacks.. And it did became a crack in the lightning (how that is even possible will forever be a mysteri).. But that means that Naruto is going to throw himself with an rasengan at Aoi and the crack is still going to be there and he is going to beat him.. Or maybe it will take Kyubi-power + rasengan but he will crack the sword..

    The question?? Do u refer to the one in the chunin-exam that Idate failed?? I think it was that you you take the 10th problem and 1 of the 3 in the team will fail and never be able to become an genin.. And unlike the one naruto got, you where supposed to quit to pass because its selfish.. it will cost someone there right to become a chunin if you stay.. And in real life it would be like desiding if you will do a mission when you know it will cost you one of your teammates.. Then you have to abort.. At least thats how i got the question..

    Or you can just read what \/ kooshi \/ wrote under me since he's much better with the words then me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    And yes, a cant see them as brothers.. He's way to old.. He must be at least 35-40..

    Well hopefully the next will be the last..

  11. #11
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I thought this episode was doing good right until the fighting started. From there, it just went downhill FAST. I agree with how Rasengan and Chidori were treated like mere child's play. It's supposed to be their trump card, yet they played it first, jeez. Do some fire techniques with kage bunshin first.

    Also, regarding Idate's Chuunin exam, I think the reason why Ibiki failed everyone was because of the whole teamwork thing. The Genins chose to take the question, even at the expense of one of their team members. I still find it stupid how Idate can't figure it out, even if my assumption is wrong. It's been three freaking years.

  12. #12

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    I don't get that final question... if I choose to leave I fail, in the other hand if I stay, I fail too... wtf is up with that??
    Now correct me if I'm wrong... but if I remember well Hibiki was a chuunin exam teacher for the first time when Naruto was around... right? 'cause I remember him saying something on the lines of "this year you are out of luck, im the rule" or something like that.

    And as far as the fight goes... what a dissapointment... that sword could cut thru anything but flesh... and the rasengan and chidori are been thrown left and right like if it was nothing, but that's not all... seems like Sakura all of the sudden will be useful for the next episode...

    I would make other observations but I would be spoiling, so to sum it up all I have to say... I hate fillers.

  13. #13
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Danik
    I don't get that final question... if I choose to leave I fail, in the other hand if I stay, I fail too... wtf is up with that??
    Now correct me if I'm wrong... but if I remember well Hibiki was a chuunin exam teacher for the first time when Naruto was around... right? 'cause I remember him saying something on the lines of "this year you are out of luck, im the rule" or something like that.
    First off, his name is IBIKI (not to insult you, but just to correct you). Second, I would think that those Genins who left the room were stopped by some other Chuunins to say that they actually passed and moved them to another room.

  14. #14

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    Since I have only seen the raw, I'll only comment on a few elements: where the fuck did Sakura's filler superstrength go? Apparently she can lift a ship's mast, but not Sasuke's body. Also, Sasuke cracked the 2nd Hokage's lightsaber? Why was Chidori, an attack which is based on lightning, even fucking effective against a lightsaber? That's like tossing a clod of dirt at Gaara and expecting him to get owned.

  15. #15

    RE: Naruto 105 Discussion

    because if they stayed, one of their team member will fail forever(eg die in a real mission)
    while if they left, then they can come back and do it again next time around (eg doing the mission at a better time)

  16. #16

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Wow haven't scene the episode yet but the more I hear about it the more I'm becomming discouraged(light saber WTF). Maybe naruto will attack the green haired guy with a super powerful rasengan. A rasengan so powerful it will knock naruto, sasuke, and sakura unconscious so they can forget about these events ever happening and the story can move back to it's proper course.

    Or better yet Naruto beats the evil Jounin guy and wakes up and realizes that it's all a dream. Anything to get rid of all these horrible character inconsistancies. Naruto using the rasegan in front of sasuke. Grrrrrr I think fellow manga readers know how that completly destroys some very important character development later.

  17. #17

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    haha u tell em lobster "dont blame me, blame the intro. the intro did it" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    these episodes seem to get worse and worse. i was shocked when i saw in the ep what lobster just discussed

  18. #18
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Why was Chidori, an attack which is based on lightning, even fucking effective against a lightsaber?
    This actually makes complete sense as Chidori's nickname is "Lightning Edge" because Kakashi supposedly cut through a lightning bolt with the move.

    So if Chidori can cut lightning, it makes sense it can effect a lightning sword. I thought that was actual good work on the writers keeping that in line with something stated previously on the show.

    And unlike the one naruto got, you where supposed to quit to pass because its selfish.. it will cost someone there right to become a chunin if you stay
    This is exactly right. Idate's questions was different than Naruto's. It wouldn't make sense for them to give the same question every exam, it would be too easy to find out what it was. The point of Idate's question is that, by choosing to stay you are choosing to sacrifice one of your teammates for you're own personal advancement. And that's obviously not what they want in a Chuunin.

    where the fuck did Sakura's filler superstrength go?
    Well, the last time she used it, it kinda looked like she was "channeling her inner Sakura", so likely, she's not that strong all the time. Only when she really concentrates.

    Naruto using the rasegan in front of sasuke.
    Naruto hasn't used the Rasengen in front of Sasuke. When he used it underwater, Naruto was way at the bottom while Sasuke was up at the top. And that wasn't even a full rasangen to boot.

    Wouldn't you reckon that the almighty second hokage had a better sword than that worthless lightsaber rip-off which doesn't seem to be able to kill stuff?
    I suppose it's still above the swords of Hokage's that didn't even HAVE a sword. Maybe the 2nd Hokage liked having a sword that incapacitated people instead of killing them.

  19. #19

    Naruto 105 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Naruto using the rasegan in front of sasuke.
    Naruto hasn't used the Rasengen in front of Sasuke. When he used it underwater, Naruto was way at the bottom while Sasuke was up at the top. And that wasn't even a full rasangen to boot.

    er i thought both sasuke and naruto used a chidori and rasengan on front of eachother just then fighting Aoi infront of the bridge

  20. #20
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 105 Discussion

    No, Sasuke wasn't there yet when Naruto used the Rasengan, and by the time Sasuke arrived Naruto was on the ground with legs o' needles.

    In fact, it seems like everytime Naruto needs to use Rasengan, Sasuke is conveniently out of sight. So I expect Naruto WILL be using it again since Sasuke just happened to fall off a bridge.

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